Globalization and cultural diversity

A.A. 2024/2025
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
Obiettivi formativi
The aim of the course is to analyse the intertwinement of globalization processes and cultural diversity from an epistemological, sociological and historical point of view. The course will take into account a diversified literature so as to provide students with a wide range of perspectives. The course also aims to offer an analysis of the cultural conceptualizations of globalization, as well as of their concrete consequences on cultural belongings, identities, opportunities and constraints in everyday life.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
By the end of the course, students will develop extensive knowledge and understanding of the processes of globalization in terms of complex belongings, identities, values and meanings, historical representations and processes of knowledge construction. students will acquire a good knowledge of the complexity of globalization processes and of their ambivalent impact on cultural diversities. At the same time, they will develop critical thinking and autonomy of judgement in terms of personal capacity to discuss and analyse the processes of cultural diversity in a globalized world.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Terzo trimestre

The program is based on 6 credits. The first part introduces the general topic of the intertwinement of globalization processes and cultural diversities, with a specific focus on the overcoming of a Eurocentric modernization theory. The second part analyses the intertwinement of globalization, cultural diversity and anthropocene condition, as well as globalization and cosmopolitanism.
After a general introduction, the course deals with the issue of globalization and cultural diversities by analysing two main topics:
a) (unit 1) The overcoming of a Eurocentric modernization theory with respect to the debate developed both in western and non-western countries. This first part will analyse how the idea of the 'global' has been articulated within sociology mainly through modernization theory, and how this vision has been criticized and broadened by traditions of social thought other than western ones.
b) (unit 2) The second part will deal with the connections between post-eurocentrism and post-anthropocentrism, with respect to the links between cultural diversity, technology and environmental crisis. Globalization presents deeply interconnected material and cultural challenges; consequently, addressing cultural diversities and social inequalities has to take into account the material issues of a diversified 'Anthropocene condition'.
Metodi didattici
The course is based on frontal lessons, with the support of slides and other interactive methods. The slides and other course materials will be uploaded in the Ariel website of the course. Students are supposed to participate actively to the course, with readings, comments, discussions, and analysis of more specific case studies.
Materiale di riferimento
Attending students: 1. G. Bhambra, Connected sociologies, London Blumsbury, 2015 (open access); 2. Reading selection to be confirmed at the beginning of the course, (the reading selection will include articles of D. Chakrabarty, J. Moore, G. Spivak, M. Lugones, J. Nederveen Pieterse, B. Latour, E. Wallerstein).
Not attending students: G. Bhambra, Connected sociologies, London Blumsbury, 2015 (open access). S. Benhabib et al., Another Cosmopolitanism: Hospitality, Sovereignty, and Democratic Iterations, Oxford University Press, 2006
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Assessment methods: the exam is written with open questions. This modality aims to verify knowledge and competences developed during the course, in line with the expected results. Attending students will be evaluated as well on the base of class discussions, thematic workshops and autonomous working papers. In this respect, working papers are part of the training with the aim to develop autonomous judgment, critical capacity, competences in selecting and further explore the topic of the course. For all students, the final written exam will evaluate the capacity to critically present concepts and theoretical perspectives. The final mark will take into consideration the accuracy of the answers, lexical precision and the capacity to explain one's arguments. The capacity to offer multi-disciplinary perspectives and the competences in applying knowledge gained during the course in specific situations will provide further elements of evaluation.
The first exam date will be set immediately after the end of the course.
Lezioni: 40 ore
Giovedì 14.00-17.00 con appuntamento