Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine

Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine
Scheda del corso
A.A. 2025/2026
Laurea magistrale
LM-9 R - Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche
Laurea magistrale
The Master's program in Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine aims to train professionals with a solid technical and theoretical background. Their expected career development will be to develop scientific methodologies and coordinate research projects in the fields of applied biotechnology and translational medicine. The Master's program will provide students with a solid background in the genetic and molecular bases of diseases and the physiopathological mechanisms occurring in human beings in disease states, in order to develop biotechnology-based diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. This knowledge will be complemented with specific training in the fields of computer science, biophysics, nanotechnology and pharmacology. The Master's program is organised in common and curricular learning activities focusing on neuroscience, oncology, molecular diagnostics, immunobiotechnology, modelling and bioinformatics. As part of the common course, students will learn the economic management of a scientific project, with a focus on the construction of a business plan and cost analysis. The Master's program devotes a long period of time, almost the entire second year, to laboratory activities in which the student, under the supervision of a tutor, will independently develop and apply different experimental approaches in the context of a larger research project. This activity will be aimed at preparing for the final examination of the degree course.
The objective of the course is to provide the scientific community with experts in the fields of medical biotechnology and molecular medicine able to develop new experimental models for the study of human diseases, to develop new diagnostic approaches, to identify new therapeutic molecules, to devise innovative drug delivery systems. All these possibilities arise from the competences of the Master's graduate who will have a strong translational educational background that will allow her/him to represent a fruitful interface with the clinics, building a bridge between the bench and the bedside. A deep knowledge of the pathogenetic mechanisms of diseases is required in order to apply basic disciplines to the management of medical problems.
Employment opportunities: public and private research structures, including Universities, CNR (National Research Council), Istituto Superiore di Sanità (National Institute for health); hospitals; private pharmaceutical, diagnostic and biotechnological companies; companies supporting scientific research (instruments, biotechnological reagents); companies involved in science communication and publishing.
Below a list of professional profiles:

Medical Science Liaison (MSL) within pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies
In the pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies, this new professional figure has the role of establishing scientific relationships with clinicians, supporting the appropriate use of the drugs of interest for the company. This professional has a strong medical and pharmacological background that enable her/him to talk with physicians in order to solve clinical problems related to the use of specific drugs.

Clinical Monitor within pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies; CRO (Clinical Research Organization) (upon completion of a specific training course)
Thanks to the strong background in pharmacology and statistics this expert will be able to coordinate clinical studies. Market Access Manager within pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies; consulting agencies, AIFA (Italian agency for drugs) (upon completion of a specific training course)
Thanks to the strong background in economy and pharmacology, and a knowledge of ethical issues related to commercialization of drugs, the graduate will be in the ideal position to establish stable relationships with the Regulatory Authorities and, in general, with the Institutions with the aim of promoting the approval and the access to the market of new pharmacological and biotechnological products.

Medical and scientific communication advisor within scientific and medical communication agencies and publishers Thanks to the multidisciplinary approaches to medical sciences acquired during the course, the Master Program graduate may evolve into a medical writer or a consultant for the development of distance learning modules for the Continuing Medical Education (CME) or other health professionals requiring continuing education or again as an advisor for pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies in the communication with patient organizations.

Research scientist, after having been enrolled in PhD programs, second level Master degrees, Specialization School in Medical Genetics, Medical Pharmacology, Clinical Biochemistry, Microbiology and Virology, Nutrition. After the State Board Examination, the graduates can enter into the Professional Register of Biologists (Senior Section).
The Master program in Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine supports international mobility with leading international universities, as well as the possibility for students to earn credits through exchange education and training programs with Partner organizations.
Available programs:
-Bilateral agreements in the framework of the Erasmus + program with: University of Leuven (Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium), Leids Universitair Medish Centrum (LUMC) of the University of Leiden (Netherland) and University of Cantabria (Universidad de Cantabria, Spain).
-Traineeship with: Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB - Bellinzona, Switzerland).
In recent years, a growing number of students have developed their professionalism and the European dimension of their training through residence periods abroad. Associated universities represent highly recognized European institutions, featuring reference schools (Master and PhD schools) in biomedical sciences and offer the possibility of carrying out research activities in a wide range of scientific fields covered by the Degree Program. The students will thus be offered exciting opportunities to enhance their CVs and evaluate their interests in extending their careers in the international setting. The Master course in Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine offers second year students the possibility to carry out the entire practical training for the preparation of their final thesis work in one of the aforementioned institutions or with other institutions with which an agreement has been established. The student will have to define a research project related to his/her course of studies and curricular training, with the joint agreement of both the Unimi and the foreign tutors. The period abroad amounts to 9 months equivalent to 32 credits. A positive evaluation of the period abroad is required. The latter should be defined by the tutor in the foreign university, the Unimi tutor and is subjected to the approval by the Unimi Didactic Council. Erasmus students who obtain outstanding results, proved by an official evaluation letter of the foreign tutor to the President of the Masters Commission, will be rewarded with 1-2 additional points in the final Laurea Grade. Besides general informative meetings organized by the University, the Degree course in Medical Biotechnology provides specific support to interested/selected students through the organization of specific informative session and/or meeting with the tutor for mobility.
The student is required to attend all the teaching activities, with a tolerance of no more than 25% of the hours.
Students are required to sign their attendance at each learning activities. Should the number of absences be higher than 25%, the Teaching Committee will take the necessary measures.
Enrollment to this Master Course is restricted to a limited number of students, in fact access to the program is capped locally. Italian and European students admitted to the Master Program are identified by a ranking list based on the scores of the admission test. This ranking list will be also used for the choice of the curriculum. To be eligible for enrolment and included in the ranking list, a minimum score of 20/50 obtained in the admission test is required. See below for extra European students* The date of the entrance test will be communicated later in the announcement of selection published on the website of UNIMI.

For Italian, European candidates the selection will be on the basis of a competitive written entrance exam. The admission test consists of a written test based on multiple-choice questions, it will be in English and will include 50 questions on topics such as biology, biochemistry, physics, pharmacology, immunology, pathology, genetics.
For non-EU students resident abroad (applicants for a student visa), selection and ranking will be based on the assessment of the personal and scholastic curriculum and on an interview evaluation.

B2 entrance level:
Proficiency in English at a B2 level or higher per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required for admission.
The B2-level requirement will be ascertained by the University Language Centre (SLAM) upon admission as follows:
- Language certificate of B2 or higher level issued no more than three years before the date of admission application. You will find the list of language certificates recognized by the University at: The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application;
- English level achieved during a University of Milan degree programme and certified by the University Language Centre (SLAM) no more than four years before the date of admission application, including levels based on language certificates submitted by the applicant during their Bachelor?s degree at the University of Milan. In this case the process is automatic, the applicant does not have to attach any certificates to the application;
- Entry test administrated by the University Language Centre (SLAM) according to the calendar published on the website: (
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate or do not meet the required proficiency level will be instructed during the admission procedure to take the Entry test.
Applicants who do not take or pass the Entry test will be required to obtain a language proficiency certificate recognized by the University (see and deliver it to the SLAM via the InformaStudenti service by the deadline fixed for the master?s programme (
Applicants who do not meet the requirement by said deadline will not be admitted to the master's degree programme and may not sit any further tests. To be admitted to the entrance test, candidates from Italian and EU universities have to possess 180 ects obtained in the Bachelor's degree. Specifically, 50 ects have to derive from the following areas: BIO/09 (Physiology), BIO/10 (Biochemistry), BIO/11 (Molecular biology), BIO/12 (Clinical biochemistry), BIO/13 (Biology), BIO/14 (Pharmacology), BIO/16 (Human anatomy), BIO/18 (Genetics), BIO/19 (General microbiology), MED/01 (Medical statistics), MED/03 (Human genetics), MED/04 (General pathology and immunology), MED/05 (Clinical pathology), MED/06 (Medical oncology), MED/07 (Microbiology), MED/08 (Pathology), MED/09 (Internal medicine), MED/25 (Mental health), MED/26 (Neurology), MED/46 (Laboratory medicine), INF/01 (Informatics), FIS/07 (Medical physics).
For non-EU students resident abroad (applicants for a student visa) the admission to the Master Program will be based on the assessment of the personal and scholastic curriculum and on an interview evaluation. As for italian and EU students, extra-EU applicant' scholastic curriculum has to include at least 50 ects in the scientific fields reported in the list as above. In order to profitably follow the learning activities, the candidate should have a good knowledge of spoken and written English. The B2 level is required and the certification has to be provided at the registration of the admission test.
Students waiting to obtain the Bachelor's Degree, can participate in the admission test "sub iudice". In case of success, they will be accepted only if they will obtain the Bachelor degree by December 31th, also possessing the prerequisite described above.
More details about the selection/admission procedure can be find below in the Admission Criteria paragraph.

Posti disponibili: 65 + 10 riservati a cittadini Extra UE

Bando di ammissione

Consulta il bando per scoprire le date e i contenuti del test e tutte le informazioni su come iscriverti.

Domanda di ammissione: dal 13/03/2025 al 22/08/2025

Domanda di immatricolazione: dal 17/09/2025 al 25/09/2025

Leggi il Bando

Manifesto ed elenco insegnamenti
Primo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Advanced microscopic techniques and nanotechnology 6 51 Inglese FIS/07
Applied pharmacology to biotechnology 7 67 Inglese BIO/14
Pathogenetic basis of diseases 12 84 Inglese MED/04 MED/09 MED/13
- General pathology and immunology6
- Internal medicine and endocrinology6
Secondo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Genetic and molecular bases of diseases 14 111.5 Inglese BIO/13 MED/03
- Biology8
- Medical genetics6
Human biochemistry 9 76.5 Inglese BIO/10
Molecular biology applied to biotechnology 7 67 Inglese BIO/11
Terzo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Molecular diagnostics and therapy 6 42 Inglese BIO/13 BIO/14 MED/26 MED/50
Neurobiology 6 42 Inglese BIO/09 BIO/10 BIO/13 MED/26
Pathogenetic bases of neurological and psychiatric disorders 6 42 Inglese BIO/11 MED/13 MED/25 MED/26
Regole di composizione
- In the first year, the student must gain 4 ects of further electives
sarà attivato dall'A.A. 2026/2027
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Further learning activities (linguistic, informatic, relational) 3 48 Inglese
Professionalizing training activities 4 100 Inglese
Primo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Social aspects of biotechnology 11 77 Inglese MED/02
- Bio-medicine5
- History of medicine6
Periodo non definito
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Degree program final exam 21 0 Inglese
Regole di composizione
- In the second year, the student must gain 4 ects of further electives
Before taking any curricular exams, the student must pass the six common exams of the courses, provided in the first two quarters. In order to begin the laboratory activity, the student has to pass the 6 common exams of the first two trimesters.
Primo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Advanced microscopic techniques and nanotechnology 6 51 Inglese FIS/07
Applied pharmacology to biotechnology 7 67 Inglese BIO/14
Pathogenetic basis of diseases 12 84 Inglese MED/04 MED/09 MED/13
- General pathology and immunology6
- Internal medicine and endocrinology6
Secondo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Genetic and molecular bases of diseases 14 111.5 Inglese BIO/13 MED/03
- Biology8
- Medical genetics6
Human biochemistry 9 76.5 Inglese BIO/10
Molecular biology applied to biotechnology 7 67 Inglese BIO/11
Terzo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Cancer epidemiology and pathogenesis 6 42 Inglese MED/01 MED/04 MED/06 MED/15
Cancer immunology and microenvironment 6 42 Inglese MED/04 MED/06 MED/15
Research and development of new diagnostic and therapeutic methodologies 6 42 Inglese BIO/11 MED/08 MED/15 MED/50
Regole di composizione
- In the first year, the student must gain 4 ects of further electives
sarà attivato dall'A.A. 2026/2027
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Further learning activities (linguistic, informatic, relational) 3 48 Inglese
Professionalizing training activities 4 100 Inglese
Primo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Social aspects of biotechnology 11 77 Inglese MED/02
- Bio-medicine5
- History of medicine6
Periodo non definito
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Degree program final exam 21 0 Inglese
Regole di composizione
- In the second year, the student must gain 4 ects of further electives
Before taking any curricular exams, the student must pass the six common exams of the courses, provided in the first two quarters. In order to begin the laboratory activity, the student has to pass the 6 common exams of the first two trimesters.
Primo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Advanced microscopic techniques and nanotechnology 6 51 Inglese FIS/07
Applied pharmacology to biotechnology 7 67 Inglese BIO/14
Pathogenetic basis of diseases 12 84 Inglese MED/04 MED/09 MED/13
- General pathology and immunology6
- Internal medicine and endocrinology6
Secondo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Genetic and molecular bases of diseases 14 111.5 Inglese BIO/13 MED/03
- Biology8
- Medical genetics6
Human biochemistry 9 76.5 Inglese BIO/10
Molecular biology applied to biotechnology 7 67 Inglese BIO/11
Terzo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Advanced techniques in medical biotechnology 6 42 Inglese BIO/10 BIO/11 BIO/13 MED/40
Data and laboratory management 6 42 Inglese MED/01 MED/43 MED/46
Molecular diagnostics 6 42 Inglese BIO/12 MED/03 MED/07
Regole di composizione
- In the first year, the student must gain 4 ects of further electives
sarà attivato dall'A.A. 2026/2027
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Further learning activities (linguistic, informatic, relational) 3 48 Inglese
Professionalizing training activities 4 100 Inglese
Primo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Social aspects of biotechnology 11 77 Inglese MED/02
- Bio-medicine5
- History of medicine6
Periodo non definito
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Degree program final exam 21 0 Inglese
Regole di composizione
- In the second year, the student must gain 4 ects of further electives
Before taking any curricular exams, the student must pass the six common exams of the courses, provided in the first two quarters. In order to begin the laboratory activity, the student has to pass the 6 common exams of the first two trimesters.
Primo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Advanced microscopic techniques and nanotechnology 6 51 Inglese FIS/07
Applied pharmacology to biotechnology 7 67 Inglese BIO/14
Pathogenetic basis of diseases 12 84 Inglese MED/04 MED/09 MED/13
- General pathology and immunology6
- Internal medicine and endocrinology6
Secondo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Genetic and molecular bases of diseases 14 111.5 Inglese BIO/13 MED/03
- Biology8
- Medical genetics6
Human biochemistry 9 76.5 Inglese BIO/10
Molecular biology applied to biotechnology 7 67 Inglese BIO/11
Terzo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Cancer immunology and microenvironment 6 42 Inglese MED/04 MED/06 MED/15
Experimental immunology and immunobiotechnology 6 42 Inglese MED/04 MED/16 MED/46 VET/05
Transplantation and tissue engineering 6 51 Inglese ING-IND/34 MED/15 MED/18 MED/43
Regole di composizione
- In the first year, the student must gain 4 ects of further electives
sarà attivato dall'A.A. 2026/2027
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Further learning activities (linguistic, informatic, relational) 3 48 Inglese
Professionalizing training activities 4 100 Inglese
Primo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Social aspects of biotechnology 11 77 Inglese MED/02
- Bio-medicine5
- History of medicine6
Periodo non definito
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Degree program final exam 21 0 Inglese
Regole di composizione
- In the second year, the student must gain 4 ects of further electives
Before taking any curricular exams, the student must pass the six common exams of the courses, provided in the first two quarters. In order to begin the laboratory activity, the student has to pass the 6 common exams of the first two trimesters.
Primo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Advanced microscopic techniques and nanotechnology 6 51 Inglese FIS/07
Applied pharmacology to biotechnology 7 67 Inglese BIO/14
Pathogenetic basis of diseases 12 84 Inglese MED/04 MED/09 MED/13
- General pathology and immunology6
- Internal medicine and endocrinology6
Secondo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Genetic and molecular bases of diseases 14 111.5 Inglese BIO/13 MED/03
- Biology8
- Medical genetics6
Human biochemistry 9 76.5 Inglese BIO/10
Molecular biology applied to biotechnology 7 67 Inglese BIO/11
Terzo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
In vitro and in vivo model systems for human diseases modeling 6 42 Inglese BIO/11 BIO/13 BIO/14 MED/04
Multilevel computational modelling of human diseases 6 42 Inglese BIO/11 CHIM/02 FIS/07
Spatial and molecular organization of cells in diseases 6 42 Inglese BIO/09 BIO/10 BIO/11 FIS/07
Regole di composizione
- In the first year, the student must gain 4 ects of further electives
sarà attivato dall'A.A. 2026/2027
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Further learning activities (linguistic, informatic, relational) 3 48 Inglese
Professionalizing training activities 4 100 Inglese
Primo trimestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Social aspects of biotechnology 11 77 Inglese MED/02
- Bio-medicine5
- History of medicine6
Periodo non definito
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Degree program final exam 21 0 Inglese
Regole di composizione
- In the second year, the student must gain 4 ects of further electives
Before taking any curricular exams, the student must pass the six common exams of the courses, provided in the first two quarters. In order to begin the laboratory activity, the student has to pass the 6 common exams of the first two trimesters.
Altre informazioni
Sedi didattiche
The common learning activities will be held at the Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale - Via Fratelli Cervi, 93 - 20054 Segrate.
Curricular learning activities will be held at Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale - Via Vanvitelli, 32 10129 Milano e Via F.lli Cervi, 93 - 20054 Segrate.
Presidente del Collegio didattico
Tutor per l'orientamento
Tutor per la mobilità internazionale e l'Erasmus
Tutor per stage e tirocini

Le tasse universitarie per gli studenti iscritti ai corsi di laurea, di laurea magistrale e a ciclo unico sono suddivise in due rate con modalità di calcolo e tempi di pagamento diversi:

  • l'importo della prima rata è uguale per tutti
  • l'importo della seconda rata varia in base al valore ISEE Università, al Corso di laurea di iscrizione e alla posizione (in corso/fuori corso da un anno oppure fuori corso da più di un anno).
  • per i corsi on line è prevista una rata suppletiva.

Sono previste:

  • agevolazioni per gli studenti con elevati requisiti di merito
  • importi diversificati in base al Paese di provenienza per gli studenti internazionali con reddito e patrimonio all'estero
  • agevolazioni per gli studenti internazionali con status di rifugiato

Altre agevolazioni 

L’Ateneo fornisce agevolazioni economiche a favore dei propri studenti con requisiti particolari (merito, condizioni economiche o personali, studenti internazionali)

Maggiori informazioni