Molecular biology applied to biotechnology
A.A. 2025/2026
Obiettivi formativi
The course is aimed at giving the proper knowledge for the comprehension of biomolecular processes that are fundamental for cells and organisms function in both physiological and pathological conditions.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
This course allows you to consolidate, deepen and broaden your knowledge of molecular biology with particular emphasis on RNA biology, genome organization and engineering.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
-prove understanding and knowledge of the central aspects of molecular biology and their relevance and application to biomedical and biotechnology fields.
-engage in critical weighing of recent biomedical applications of molecular biology and critically assess different methods of research.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
-prove understanding and knowledge of the central aspects of molecular biology and their relevance and application to biomedical and biotechnology fields.
-engage in critical weighing of recent biomedical applications of molecular biology and critically assess different methods of research.
Periodo: Secondo trimestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento non può essere seguito come corso singolo. Puoi trovare gli insegnamenti disponibili consultando il catalogo corsi singoli.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Secondo trimestre
Esercitazioni: 32 ore
Lezioni: 35 ore
Lezioni: 35 ore
Pagani Massimiliano
Pagani MassimilianoDocente/i