Law and Sustainable Development

Law and Sustainable Development
Scheda del corso
A.A. 2025/2026
Laurea magistrale
LM/SC-GIUR R - Scienze Giuridiche
Laurea magistrale
Libero con valutazione dei requisiti di accesso
The LL.M. (Magister Legum, Master of Laws) in Law and Sustainable Development, entirely taught in English, aims at educating professionals capable of using their advanced legal knowledge and skills, integrated with an understanding of the underlying socio-economic issues, to further the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the activities of public and private organizations, at the international, national, and local level.
The programme provides students with an advanced understanding of contemporary legal and socio-economic dynamics, characterised by interdependence, increasing complexity, rapid evolution, and integration between different fields of knowledge, as well as by a pluralist legal landscape, in which the traditional boundaries between levels (international, supranational, and domestic) and sources (public/private) of regulation are blurring.
In this context, students will develop an advanced understanding of the theoretical foundations of sustainability processes and the ethical implications of the choices made in this field by policy-makers and regulators, as well as by economic and social actors. They will also acquire an in-depth knowledge of the international and European legal framework applicable to the design and implementation of sustainability policies by international and supranational organisations, national and local public authorities, corporations (both in the domestic and transnational dimension), and organisations of the civil society (including NGOs).
Students will be educated and trained for the following professional profiles:
1)  Legal expert in SD for the public institutions (Public Administration, supranational and international institutions).

Job function:
The course aims at training professionals capable of developing and implementing public policies in the field of sustainable development, declined it in its threefold, economic, social and environmental, dimensions. Graduates are assigned functions of high responsibility and organisational, management and control tasks, with particular reference to legal profiles related to sustainability, within Public Administrations, independent authorities and national agencies, as well as within organizations and agencies supranational (such as those established within the European Union) and international.

Job skills:
The legal skills, also of a comparative and international nature, concerning the discipline of sustainability and the knowledge of the main tools of the social sciences, economics and management disciplines, provide the graduate with a holistic approach useful for identifying the most effective strategies for promote and implement sustainable development. As legal expert in sustainable development, graduates are able to develop, guide and evaluate the policies adopted by public, national, supranational and international institutions. In particular, he preparation offered by the course finds application, in the public procurement sector, where the jurist expert in sustainable development is able to manage the partnership between the public and private sectors. Furthermore, the course intends to create new expert, to be employed in regional and local administrations, which can contribute to the sustainable development of the urban environment and its improvement, proposing legal solutions to the phenomenon of growing global urbanization. The course prepares graduates to use the aforementioned skills in public institutions by using the English language fluently, in written and oral form.

Job opportunities:
The legal expert in SD for public institutions can find an adequate professional position, after passing any competition tests where applicable, within the territorial administrations (state, regional and local), public bodies, publicly-owned companies, as well as within the organizational structure of independent authorities and administrations operating, for example, in the sectors of the environment, cultural heritage and immigration. In addition to addressing the traditional actors operating in the panorama of international development cooperation, primarily international organizations, the course intends to respond to the request for new professional skills that can be employed in the public sector, able to grasp every relevant legal and economic aspect in the implementation of sustainable development.

2)  Legal expert in SD for business (sustainability managers in enterprises, national and multi-national corporations).

Job function:
Graduates of the course are able to carry out professional consultancy and research activities in private companies as an expert in sustainable development, with particular regard to the relevant legal issues in the field. It is not only a question of supporting the participation of private companies in development projects, but also of encouraging, improving and supporting company strategies which integrate social and ecological concerns in business operations of enterprises and in their relations with stakeholders.

Job skills:
Economic, sustainable and inclusive growth requires specific professional figures who know how to manage the legal aspects connected to sustainability in the corporate context, also in an international dimension, with particular reference to the issues of 'corporate social responsibility'. In companies, graduates are trained to cover the role of 'sustainability' area manager, a figure capable of working across the board with all the company sectors involved, interacting proactively with internal stakeholders and external to the company, interpreting and tackling the challenges associated with the social, environmental and economic sustainability of production.

Job opportunities:
The course contributes to the training of new business lawyers and sustainable development experts capable, with their behaviour, of overcoming the logic of mere profit maximisation. In addition to the legal, commercial, administrative and communication offices of companies, the expert in sustainable development can also find an adequate placement in trade union and professional organizations, including international ones.

3)  Legal expert in SD in consulting (consultancy-firms and law-firms).

Job function:
Graduates specializing in the legal aspects of sustainable development will find opportunities in the professional and consultancy sector. The course prepares graduates to perform consultancy or support functions for professionals, conducting research and preparing reports in relation to applicable legislation, in particular, in the field of human rights and the environment.

Job skills:
The course provides graduates with advanced legal skills in the field of contracts relating to economic, social and environmental standards that promote sustainable development, in the field of intellectual property, privacy protection, access to funds for research and innovation.

Job opportunities:
The skills imparted by the course allow graduates to carry out research and consultancy activities in law and consultancy firms, as a legal operator specialized in sustainability issues and legislation elaborated at a national level (also of foreign legal systems), European and international.

4)  Legal expert in SD for the third sector (non-profit organizations, NGOs, think-tanks, research institutes).

Job function:
The course aims to train jurists who can operate in non-profit organizations (including ONLUS, NGOs, associations and social cooperatives), established at local, national, European and international level, as well as in public and private research institutions, in particular, with development cooperation and environmental and human rights protection. Graduates will carry out legal consultancy functions, with particular reference to activities aimed at influencing public policies and strategies of large multinational companies and to undertake targeted legal actions. Graduates are also trained to carry out scientific research, fundraising activities (also as regards Euro-planning), as well as organizational, management and control tasks, such as the preparation and monitoring of projects, including development and cooperation established in Italy or abroad.

Job skills:
Thanks to the skills acquired in the path offered by the course, graduates are able to conduct legal research and prepare reports in relation to applicable legislation, among others, in the field of human rights and the environment. The skills imparted by the course allow graduates to participate in international negotiation activities, with particular regard to environmental and human rights issues, and to conduct advocacy and strategic litigation activities. Graduates also have the skills to interact with local communities by intercepting their needs, expectations and capabilities, in order to promote virtuous policies that aim to achieve sustainable development.

Job opportunities:
That legal expert can find his or her professional position within non-profit organizations, including ONLUS, NGOs established at local, national, European and international level, within associations and social cooperatives, as well as in public and private research institutes, in think-tanks, as well as in associations that carry out 'advocacy' and 'strategic litigation' activities.
The students of the LL.M. can benefit from the vast range of students' mobility opportunities offered by the Faculty of Law, especially in the context of Erasmus+.

However, learning agreements for students' mobility may be approved only if consistent with the programme's learning objectives and its focus on sustainable development. In order to ensure consistency, a list of suitable destinations will be published on the LL.M. website.

The LL.M. also offers two possibilities of double degrees
-      UNIVERSITY OF GALWAY: Following the successful completion of the first year of study in the LLM in Law and Sustainable Development, students may be granted admission to one of the Master's degree courses offered by the University of Galway, at a discounted fee. Admitted students will spend the whole second year in Galway. Upon successful completion of the two Master's programmes, students will be awarded both the UNIMI Master's Programme and the University of Galway law degree.
-  UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO: after attending the first year of the LL.M. in Law and Sustainable Development, students may be granted admission to the one-year International Master in Sociology of Law of Universidad Del País Vasco and be awarded the Double Degree.

More information on the double degrees are available on the LL.M. website.
Attendance of at least 70% of classes is compulsory for all taught courses. Motivated exceptions and waivers may be requested to the Didactic Board in exceptional circumstances.
Candidates applying for the LL.M. in Law and Sustainable Development must hold a first cycle (three years/bachelor = 180 ECTS) degree, be proficient in English, and have adequate personal knowledge and background.

In particular, candidates must :
1.  Hold, or obtain before the 30 October 2025, either:
a)   A first cycle degree obtained in Italy or abroad, in Law, Economics, Political Science, or International Relations. In accordance with national classification, italian first cycle degree must belong to one of the following classes of degrees: L- 14 (Scienze dei servizi giuridici), L-33 (Scienze economiche), L-36 (Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali), L-37 (Scienze sociali per la cooperazione, lo sviluppo e la pace), L-16 (Scienze dell'amministrazione e dell'organizzazione), L-18 (Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale),
b)  A first cycle degree (three years/bachelor = 180 ECTS), obtained in Italy or abroad, in other disciplines, provided that the candidate has obtained at least 18 ECTS in Law and 12 ECTS in Economics. In accordance with national classification, for student holding an Italian first cycle degree, the above-mentioned ECTS must have been obtained in one or more of the following scientific sectors (s.s.d.):
-    for LAW: IUS/01 diritto privato, IUS/02 diritto privato comparato, IUS/04 diritto commerciale, IUS/05 diritto dell'economia, IUS/07 diritto del lavoro, IUS/08 diritto costituzionale, IUS/09 istituzioni di diritto pubblico, IUS/10 diritto amministrativo, IUS/12 diritto tributario, IUS/13 diritto internazionale, IUS/14 diritto dell'unione europea, IUS/17 diritto penale, IUS/20 filosofia del diritto, IUS/21 diritto pubblico comparato;
-   for ECONOMICS: SECS-P/01 economia politica, SECS-P/02 politica economica, SECS-P/03 scienza delle finanze, SECS-P/04 storia del pensiero economico, SECS-P/07 economia aziendale, SECS-P/08 economia e gestione delle imprese, SECS-P/10 organizzazione aziendale, SECS-P/12 storia economica, SECS-S/04 demografia.
2.  Show proficiency in English (level C1 or higher) language by either
a)  Proving that they have previously completed an academic programme fully taught in English, or
b)  Providing, before the deadline for admission, an accepted English language certificate attesting the possession of the level C1 or higher in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
-  the required level must be attained for each component of the certificate provided (provided that the required level C1 is reached for each of the components tested (reading, writing, listening, and speaking)
-  the list of language certificates accepted by the University of Milan is available on the UNIMI portal (Home > Study > Language proficiency > Accepted language certificates)
3.  Have strong personal competencies in the fields of law and economics that are adequate for the Degree's programme attendance. The adequacy of the candidates' competencies is assessed by the Admissions' Board
-  based on the academic performance of the candidate and consistency of the programme with her/his previous studies, professional or other relevant experiences, and career plans through a personal interview to be hold exclusively from remote, when the Admission Board deems necessary to do so The Admissions' Board may, however, recommend that admitted students take preliminary readings indicated by the teachers of first-year courses and attend crash courses.
More info on admission criteria and procedures on the Degree course website: home>application - en/enrolment


Domanda di ammissione: dal 22/01/2025 al 31/05/2025

Domanda di immatricolazione: dal 02/04/2025 al 15/01/2026

Allegati e documenti

Avviso di ammissione

Per approfondire:
Manifesto ed elenco insegnamenti
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Global constitutional law 9 63 Inglese IUS/21
Primo semestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
International law and international law on sustainable development 9 63 Inglese IUS/13
Society, law, and development 9 63 Inglese SPS/12
- Society, law, and development6
- Workshop on: Social mobility and social inequality3
Statistical probability and scientific certainty 6 42 Inglese M-FIL/02 SECS-P/11
- Philosophy of Science3
- Statistics3
Secondo semestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Economic geography and history 6 42 Inglese M-GGR/02 SECS-P/12
- Economic geography3
- World economic history from growth to sustainable development3
Economics, economic policy, and social justice 9 63 Inglese SECS-P/02
Public administration for sustainable development 9 63 Inglese IUS/10
Periodo non definito
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Additional language skills: italian (3 ECTS) 3 0 Italiano
Regole di composizione
1 - Those who do not hold an Italian high school diploma or degree will have to obtain 3 ECTS in basic knowledge of Italian language (level A2)
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Additional language skills: italian (3 ECTS) 3 0 Italiano Periodo non definito
sarà attivato dall'A.A. 2026/2027
Primo semestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Economic ethics and corporate social responsibility 6 42 Inglese SECS-P/02
International commercial and investment arbitration 6 42 Inglese IUS/15
Law and economics of green transition and social justice 6 42 Inglese SECS-P/02
M and a: the contract 6 42 Inglese IUS/04
Smart cities, artificial intelligence and digital transformation law 6 42 Inglese IUS/20
Sustainable development in global trade (WTO) law 6 42 Inglese IUS/13
Theory and practice of international tax law 6 42 Inglese IUS/12
Trade liberalization and labour rights 6 42 Inglese IUS/07
Workshop on "human rights and the ombudsman" 3 21 Inglese IUS/20
Workshop on "space law" 3 21 Inglese IUS/13
Secondo semestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Antitrust law and sustainable development 6 42 Inglese IUS/04
Comparative contract law 6 42 Inglese IUS/02
Corporate governance and social responsibility 6 42 Inglese IUS/04
Eu law on business and human rights 6 42 Inglese IUS/13
International and european financial law and sustainable development 6 42 Inglese IUS/13
Legal clinic on "arctic studies" 3 21 Inglese M-GGR/02
Legal clinic on "rule of law and democracy" 3 21 Inglese IUS/21
Scientific innovation and legal challenges of food regulation 6 42 Inglese AGR/18 IUS/08
Workshop on "project management for sustainable development" 3 21 Inglese IUS/13
Attività conclusive
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Internship 6 0 Inglese
Final dissertation 18 0 Inglese
Regole di composizione
2.1 tutti - Optional courses: 9-12 ECTS
obtained by freely combining:
- courses (6 ECTS) offered within any of the curricula;
- the LL.M. additional courses, legal clinics and workshops (3 or 6 ECTS. The legal clinics and workshop must not coincide with the one chosen in the 3 compulsory ECTS in Other knowledge useful for job placement);
- the courses (6 or 9 ECTS) taught in English in the Faculty of Law of the University of Milan.

Those who do not have to obtain the 3 ECTS for Italian language A2 will have to obtain all 12 ECTS in 'Optional courses/activities'. On the contrary, those who will have to obtain basic knowledge of Italian language (level A2) will only have to obtain 9 ECTS in 'Optional courses/activities. (*)

(*) Please note that the choice of courses may be limited to those actually available in a given academic year.
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Workshop on "human rights and the ombudsman" 3 21 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/20
Workshop on "space law" 3 21 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/13
Legal clinic on "arctic studies" 3 21 Inglese Secondo semestre M-GGR/02
Legal clinic on "rule of law and democracy" 3 21 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/21
Scientific innovation and legal challenges of food regulation 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre AGR/18 IUS/08
Workshop on "project management for sustainable development" 3 21 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/13
2.2 tutti - 3 ECTS
Other knowledge useful for job placement (laboratories, legal clinics, project work, research or case analysis)
2.a - Elective courses that form part of curricula: 24 ECTS
Four elective courses, two of which (12 ECTS) must belong to the area of international, European, or comparative law (s.s.d. IUS/02, IUS/09, IUS/13, IUS/14, or IUS/21), to be chosen from among the following (*):

(*) Please note that:
-  the choice of courses may be limited to those actually available in a given academic year;
students may exceptionally apply to the Teaching Board to exchange up to two courses belonging this curriculum with courses from other curricula, provided that this is in line with the learning objectives of that curriculum and the requirement of 12 ECTS in the area of international, European and comparative law is met.
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Economic ethics and corporate social responsibility 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre SECS-P/02
International commercial and investment arbitration 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/15
Law and economics of green transition and social justice 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre SECS-P/02
M and a: the contract 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/04
Smart cities, artificial intelligence and digital transformation law 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/20
Sustainable development in global trade (WTO) law 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/13
Theory and practice of international tax law 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/12
Trade liberalization and labour rights 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/07
Antitrust law and sustainable development 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/04
Comparative contract law 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/02
Corporate governance and social responsibility 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/04
Eu law on business and human rights 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/13
International and european financial law and sustainable development 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/13
To take the exams of the 2nd year, students must have passed all the exams of the 1st year.
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Global constitutional law 9 63 Inglese IUS/21
Primo semestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
International law and international law on sustainable development 9 63 Inglese IUS/13
Society, law, and development 9 63 Inglese SPS/12
- Society, law, and development6
- Workshop on: Social mobility and social inequality3
Statistical probability and scientific certainty 6 42 Inglese M-FIL/02 SECS-P/11
- Philosophy of Science3
- Statistics3
Secondo semestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Economic geography and history 6 42 Inglese M-GGR/02 SECS-P/12
- Economic geography3
- World economic history from growth to sustainable development3
Economics, economic policy, and social justice 9 63 Inglese SECS-P/02
Public administration for sustainable development 9 63 Inglese IUS/10
Periodo non definito
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Additional language skills: italian (3 ECTS) 3 0 Italiano
Regole di composizione
1 - Those who do not hold an Italian high school diploma or degree will have to obtain 3 ECTS in basic knowledge of Italian language (level A2)
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Additional language skills: italian (3 ECTS) 3 0 Italiano Periodo non definito
sarà attivato dall'A.A. 2026/2027
Primo semestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Access to justice in a multilevel constitutional system 6 42 Inglese IUS/09
Comparative constitutional traditions 6 42 Inglese IUS/21
International commercial and investment arbitration 6 42 Inglese IUS/15
Law and policies for social rights protection in europe 6 42 Inglese IUS/21
Law, culture and development in a global world 6 42 Inglese IUS/20
Multi-level protection of rights in ai 6 42 Inglese IUS/13
Negotiation, mediation and sustainable conflict resolution 6 42 Inglese IUS/20
Public health and sustainability 6 42 Inglese IUS/13
Workshop on "human rights and the ombudsman" 3 21 Inglese IUS/20
Workshop on "space law" 3 21 Inglese IUS/13
Secondo semestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Cultural diversity and human rights law 6 42 Inglese IUS/13
Eu administrative law 6 42 Inglese IUS/10
Gender justice 6 42 Inglese IUS/08
International human rights law 6 42 Inglese IUS/13
International organizations and sustainable development 6 42 Inglese IUS/13
International refugee protection and sustainable development 6 42 Inglese IUS/13
Labour law and environmental sustainability 6 42 Inglese IUS/07
Law and philosophy in a cross-cultural perspective 6 42 Inglese IUS/20
Legal clinic on "arctic studies" 3 21 Inglese M-GGR/02
Legal clinic on "rule of law and democracy" 3 21 Inglese IUS/21
Public administrations in the eu energy policies and communities 6 42 Inglese IUS/10
Scientific innovation and legal challenges of food regulation 6 42 Inglese AGR/18 IUS/08
Transnational commercial litigation 6 42 Inglese IUS/15
Workshop on "project management for sustainable development" 3 21 Inglese IUS/13
Attività conclusive
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Internship 6 0 Inglese
Final dissertation 18 0 Inglese
Regole di composizione
2.1 tutti - Optional courses: 9-12 ECTS
obtained by freely combining:
- courses (6 ECTS) offered within any of the curricula;
- the LL.M. additional courses, legal clinics and workshops (3 or 6 ECTS. The legal clinics and workshop must not coincide with the one chosen in the 3 compulsory ECTS in Other knowledge useful for job placement);
- the courses (6 or 9 ECTS) taught in English in the Faculty of Law of the University of Milan.

Those who do not have to obtain the 3 ECTS for Italian language A2 will have to obtain all 12 ECTS in 'Optional courses/activities'. On the contrary, those who will have to obtain basic knowledge of Italian language (level A2) will only have to obtain 9 ECTS in 'Optional courses/activities. (*)

(*) Please note that the choice of courses may be limited to those actually available in a given academic year.
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Workshop on "human rights and the ombudsman" 3 21 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/20
Workshop on "space law" 3 21 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/13
Legal clinic on "arctic studies" 3 21 Inglese Secondo semestre M-GGR/02
Legal clinic on "rule of law and democracy" 3 21 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/21
Scientific innovation and legal challenges of food regulation 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre AGR/18 IUS/08
Workshop on "project management for sustainable development" 3 21 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/13
2.2 tutti - 3 ECTS
Other knowledge useful for job placement (laboratories, legal clinics, project work, research or case analysis)
2.b - Elective courses that form part of curricula: 24 ECTS
Four elective courses, two of which (12 ECTS) must belong to the area of international, European, or comparative law (s.s.d. IUS/02, IUS/09, IUS/13, IUS/14, or IUS/21), to be chosen from among the following (*):

(*) Please note that:
-  the choice of courses may be limited to those actually available in a given academic year;
students may exceptionally apply to the Teaching Board to exchange up to two courses belonging this curriculum with courses from other curricula, provided that this is in line with the learning objectives of that curriculum and the requirement of 12 ECTS in the area of international, European and comparative law is met.
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Access to justice in a multilevel constitutional system 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/09
Comparative constitutional traditions 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/21
International commercial and investment arbitration 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/15
Law and policies for social rights protection in europe 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/21
Law, culture and development in a global world 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/20
Multi-level protection of rights in ai 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/13
Negotiation, mediation and sustainable conflict resolution 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/20
Public health and sustainability 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/13
Cultural diversity and human rights law 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/13
Eu administrative law 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/10
Gender justice 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/08
International human rights law 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/13
International organizations and sustainable development 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/13
International refugee protection and sustainable development 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/13
Labour law and environmental sustainability 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/07
Law and philosophy in a cross-cultural perspective 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/20
Public administrations in the eu energy policies and communities 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/10
Transnational commercial litigation 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/15
To take the exams of the 2nd year, students must have passed all the exams of the 1st year.
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Global constitutional law 9 63 Inglese IUS/21
Primo semestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
International law and international law on sustainable development 9 63 Inglese IUS/13
Society, law, and development 9 63 Inglese SPS/12
- Society, law, and development6
- Workshop on: Social mobility and social inequality3
Statistical probability and scientific certainty 6 42 Inglese M-FIL/02 SECS-P/11
- Philosophy of Science3
- Statistics3
Secondo semestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Economic geography and history 6 42 Inglese M-GGR/02 SECS-P/12
- Economic geography3
- World economic history from growth to sustainable development3
Economics, economic policy, and social justice 9 63 Inglese SECS-P/02
Public administration for sustainable development 9 63 Inglese IUS/10
Periodo non definito
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Additional language skills: italian (3 ECTS) 3 0 Italiano
Regole di composizione
1 - Those who do not hold an Italian high school diploma or degree will have to obtain 3 ECTS in basic knowledge of Italian language (level A2)
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Additional language skills: italian (3 ECTS) 3 0 Italiano Periodo non definito
sarà attivato dall'A.A. 2026/2027
Primo semestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Collective redress and sustainability 6 42 Inglese IUS/02
Environmental sustainability 6 42 Inglese IUS/10
International, european, and comparative environmental law 6 42 Inglese IUS/13
Sustainable development in global trade (WTO) law 6 42 Inglese IUS/13
Workshop on "human rights and the ombudsman" 3 21 Inglese IUS/20
Workshop on "space law" 3 21 Inglese IUS/13
Secondo semestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Agriculture and sustainable development 6 42 Inglese IUS/02
International climate change and energy law 6 42 Inglese IUS/02 IUS/13
Legal clinic on "arctic studies" 3 21 Inglese M-GGR/02
Legal clinic on "rule of law and democracy" 3 21 Inglese IUS/21
Public and private partnership for sustainable development 6 42 Inglese IUS/10
Scientific innovation and legal challenges of food regulation 6 42 Inglese AGR/18 IUS/08
Sustainable transport: legal issues 6 42 Inglese IUS/13
Workshop on "project management for sustainable development" 3 21 Inglese IUS/13
Attività conclusive
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Internship 6 0 Inglese
Final dissertation 18 0 Inglese
Regole di composizione
2.1 tutti - Optional courses: 9-12 ECTS
obtained by freely combining:
- courses (6 ECTS) offered within any of the curricula;
- the LL.M. additional courses, legal clinics and workshops (3 or 6 ECTS. The legal clinics and workshop must not coincide with the one chosen in the 3 compulsory ECTS in Other knowledge useful for job placement);
- the courses (6 or 9 ECTS) taught in English in the Faculty of Law of the University of Milan.

Those who do not have to obtain the 3 ECTS for Italian language A2 will have to obtain all 12 ECTS in 'Optional courses/activities'. On the contrary, those who will have to obtain basic knowledge of Italian language (level A2) will only have to obtain 9 ECTS in 'Optional courses/activities. (*)

(*) Please note that the choice of courses may be limited to those actually available in a given academic year.
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Workshop on "human rights and the ombudsman" 3 21 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/20
Workshop on "space law" 3 21 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/13
Legal clinic on "arctic studies" 3 21 Inglese Secondo semestre M-GGR/02
Legal clinic on "rule of law and democracy" 3 21 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/21
Scientific innovation and legal challenges of food regulation 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre AGR/18 IUS/08
Workshop on "project management for sustainable development" 3 21 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/13
2.2 tutti - 3 ECTS
Other knowledge useful for job placement (laboratories, legal clinics, project work, research or case analysis)
2.c - Elective courses that form part of curricula: 24 ECTS
Four elective courses, two of which (12 ECTS) must belong to the area of international, European, or comparative law (s.s.d. IUS/02, IUS/09, IUS/13, IUS/14, or IUS/21), to be chosen from among the following (*):

(*) Please note that:
-  the choice of courses may be limited to those actually available in a given academic year;
students may exceptionally apply to the Teaching Board to exchange up to two courses belonging this curriculum with courses from other curricula, provided that this is in line with the learning objectives of that curriculum and the requirement of 12 ECTS in the area of international, European and comparative law is met.
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Collective redress and sustainability 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/02
Environmental sustainability 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/10
International, european, and comparative environmental law 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/13
Sustainable development in global trade (WTO) law 6 42 Inglese Primo semestre IUS/13
Agriculture and sustainable development 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/02
International climate change and energy law 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/02 IUS/13
Public and private partnership for sustainable development 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/10
Sustainable transport: legal issues 6 42 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/13
To take the exams of the 2nd year, students must have passed all the exams of the 1st year.
Altre informazioni
Presidente del Collegio didattico
Tutor per l'orientamento
Tutor per la mobilità internazionale e l'Erasmus
Tutor per i piani di studio
Tutor per tesi di laurea

Le tasse universitarie per gli studenti iscritti ai corsi di laurea, di laurea magistrale e a ciclo unico sono suddivise in due rate con modalità di calcolo e tempi di pagamento diversi:

  • l'importo della prima rata è uguale per tutti
  • l'importo della seconda rata varia in base al valore ISEE Università, al Corso di laurea di iscrizione e alla posizione (in corso/fuori corso da un anno oppure fuori corso da più di un anno).
  • per i corsi on line è prevista una rata suppletiva.

Sono previste:

  • agevolazioni per gli studenti con elevati requisiti di merito
  • importi diversificati in base al Paese di provenienza per gli studenti internazionali con reddito e patrimonio all'estero
  • agevolazioni per gli studenti internazionali con status di rifugiato

Altre agevolazioni 

L’Ateneo fornisce agevolazioni economiche a favore dei propri studenti con requisiti particolari (merito, condizioni economiche o personali, studenti internazionali)

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