Production and Protection of Plants and Green Areas

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Production and Protection of Plants and Green Areas
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
L-25 - Agriculture and forestry industry
Open with admission self-assessment test
Course location
Graduates in Management of Cultivated Plants and Landscaping will acquire knowledge regarding: the agricultural environment, the herbaceous and tree cropping systems, shrub crops, their physiology and ecology, their productive and qualitative characteristics, their relationship with the climatic, pedological and biotic component, ordinary and innovative cultivation techniques. The agronomic tools necessary for the management of agricultural systems and green systems; - the biology of pathogens, such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, viroids, phytoplasmas, and animal parasites, such as insects, mites, nematodes, and rodents. The relationships that are established among them, with plants and organisms and microorganisms that share the same ecological niche, enhancing the interactions among pathogens, insects, and useful organisms, also for the purposes of biological defense, weeds, the principles of protection and the most effective and respectful means of human health and the environment.
The professional profile of the graduate in Management of Cultivated Plants and Landscaping is a professional with a knowledge of plant organisms, with basic physiological, biochemical, genetic, agronomic knowledge of plants of food, non-food and ornamental interest. Graduate has skills related to cultivation systems, ranging from those relating to soil and climate in which they are inserted, to general and specific cultivation techniques of many crops, including ornamental ones, including aspects of their defense against biotic and abiotic adversities. He has managerial and territorial and environmental management skills and, in its conservation, and restoration through the management of the agro-ecosystem; of the conservation and transformation processes of non-food plant food products.
1. The employment opportunities of the graduate in Production and protection of plants and green systems are foreseen in the sectors of agricultural and livestock production, technical assistance, public and private administration, research and teaching. In fact, his skills include those of level 3 (ISTAT classification): technical professions that require operational knowledge and experience in the scientific field.
2. Their tasks are to apply existing and consolidated knowledge in the following sectors, following defined and predetermined protocols: agricultural, horticultural, and floriculture production companies, in the open field, in the nursery or greenhouse, in the implementation of the best itineraries technicians to optimize profitability, enhancing the environment and process sustainability; distribution, marketing and quality control companies for vegetable products; management and control of the manufacturing processes within the flower and nursery farms; of design, maintenance and management of green areas; companies and diagnostic and consultancy laboratories in the field of plant protection, foodstuffs and environments, respecting consumer health and environmental protection. company producing and selling technical, chemical and biological means for the sustainable protection of plants, foodstuffs and environments; public and public law bodies (Municipalities, Provinces, Regions, Reclamation Consortia etc.); freelance, independently or in collaboration with professional studies of Agronomists, Architects, Engineers, etc.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The Course of study in Management of Cultivated Plants and Landscaping gives many opportunities for stages abroad mainly through the Erasmus+ programme. About 30 foreign Universities of the EU are involved in this students exchange. Globally every year about 5 students of this course of study make a stage in these universities. The areas of study which can be followed by the students abroad are almost all those included in this course of study. In general, students who make a stage abroad attend local courses or participate in research for the preparation of their thesis. The examination scores and the related UFC obtained in the partner universities are almost entirely acknowledged by our university for the curriculum studies. Other possibilities exist in terms of cultural exchange with non EU universities (in China, Japan, Latin America) not involved in the Erasmus programme.
Course attendance is strongly recommended.
Admission requirements

Applicants to the degree programme must hold a secondary-school diploma, or other equivalent qualification, and a baseline of knowledge in scientific subjects (mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology).

Admission assessment

This is an open-admission degree programme. An additional 5 places for non-EU students residing abroad are available for enrolment in Year I.
Access to the programme is regulated by a compulsory test to ascertain that the candidate meets admission requirements, i.e. knowledge of key science subjects as provided by upper secondary school, and an understanding of elementary logic.
The test required for admission into the degree programme is TOLC-AV, an online test provided by the Consortium of Inter-University Integrated Access Systems (CISIA -
For test topics and details, please review the page
You may sit for the TOLC-AV test at the University of Milan or any other member university of CISIA.
The calendar with available venues and dates is posted to the page
Registration procedures and deadlines are set out in the call for applications posted to the page

Admission of transfer or graduate students

Transfer students from a degree programme of the University of Milan, or another university, and graduate students will be waived from the test requirement only if admitted to years subsequent to Year I.
To this end, they will have to submit a specific request for prior assessment of their academic records using the online service as shown in the call for applications.
These candidates must provide a full transcript of records (listing exams, subject areas, credits, grades) and attach the course syllabi. For more details and dates, please refer to the call for applications.

Additional learning requirements (OFA) and remedial activities

Students who are admitted with a score lower than or equal to 4 in the Mathematics section of the TOLC-AV test will have to fulfil additional learning requirements (OFA). Remedial activities will be organized for students with OFA (in the period October-December), both as online exercises on an e-learning platform and as discussion sessions with a tutor. After participating in remedial activities, new students will have to take a final assessment test. Mathematics OFA are prerequisites for all second- and third-year exams. For students who have not passed the OFA final test during the first year, passing the Mathematics exam is a prerequisite for all second- and third-year exams. Learn more at

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for matriculation: from 15/07/2024 to 09/10/2024

Read the Call

Online services
Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
General and Systematic Botany 10 88 Italian BIO/01 BIO/02
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Animal Biology 5 48 Italian BIO/05
General and Inorganic Chemistry 6 60 Italian CHIM/03
Mathematics 6 72 Italian MAT/02
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Essentials of Economics 6 48 Italian AGR/01
Organic Chemistry 6 56 Italian CHIM/06
Physics 6 60 Italian FIS/07
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fruit Tree Production 8 84 Italian AGR/03
General Agronomy 14 132 Italian AGR/02
- Agrometeorology and crop ecology8
- Agronomy and weed management6
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Computer Technology and Statistics Knowledge 6 48 Italian
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 8 64 Italian AGR/13
Soil Chemistry 6 56 Italian AGR/13
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Agricultural Microbiology 6 56 Italian AGR/16
Field Crops 8 80 Italian AGR/02
Plant Genetics 8 72 Italian AGR/07
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Stage 10 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Agricultural Entomology 8 80 Italian AGR/11
Applied Ecology of Arthropods and Fungi 6 52 Italian AGR/11 AGR/12
Plant Pathology 8 72 Italian AGR/12
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Agricultural Machines and Mechanization 6 64 Italian AGR/09
Elements of Hydraulics and Irrigation 6 60 Italian AGR/08
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 6 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Floriculture and Turfgrasses 6 48 Italian AGR/04
Postharvest Physiology and Quality of Horticultural Commodities 6 56 Italian AGR/03
Survey, Map Drawing and Materials for Green Areas 6 48 Italian AGR/10
Urban Entomology and Parasitology 6 48 Italian AGR/11
Viticulture 6 48 Italian AGR/03
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Beekeeping 4 40 Italian AGR/11
History of Agriculture 4 32 Italian AGR/01
Laboratory of Diagnostics in Plant Pathology 6 64 Italian AGR/12
Ornamental Arboriculture and Urban Forestry 6 60 Italian AGR/03
Plant Pathology Applied to Ornamental Plants and Turfgrass 6 56 Italian AGR/12
Vegetables Production 6 56 Italian AGR/04
Study plan rules
- The academic plan includes 18 credits for elective activities. To this end, students can select courses organised for this and other degree programmes of this Faculty and the University in general, or opt for other educational activities that can be measured in credits. These can be seminars, conferences, refresher courses and other activities organised by this University or another entity, provided that they are congruent with the study programme. Normally, a maximum of 4 credits can be awarded for this kind of activities, which must be approved beforehand by the Academic Board. For information on how to obtain credits for such activities, students have to contact their tutor. Pursuant to article 5, paragraph 7, of Ministerial Decree 270/2004, students may be awarded up to 12 credits for professional knowledge and skills certified and/or acquired during post-secondary level training activities and approved by the Academic Board of the degree programme. See also the paragraph Structure of the course - Presentation of the study plan. For students pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Production and Protection of Plants and Green Areas, the Academic Board notably recommends the elective courses specified in the list and table below.
"Protection of urban forestry and ornamental crops" bundle
- Ornamental arboriculture and urban forestry
- Plant pathology applied to ornamental plants and turfgrass
- Urban entomology and parasitology
"Design and management of green areas" bundle
- Survey, map drawing and materials for green areas
- Ornamental arboriculture and urban forestry
- Floriculture and turfgrasses
Moreover, a 10-credit laboratory (internship) is organised by professors in the frame of both bundles.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Floriculture and Turfgrasses 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/04
Postharvest Physiology and Quality of Horticultural Commodities 6 56 Italian First semester AGR/03
Survey, Map Drawing and Materials for Green Areas 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/10
Urban Entomology and Parasitology 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/11
Viticulture 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/03
Beekeeping 4 40 Italian Second semester AGR/11
History of Agriculture 4 32 Italian Second semester AGR/01
Laboratory of Diagnostics in Plant Pathology 6 64 Italian Second semester AGR/12
Ornamental Arboriculture and Urban Forestry 6 60 Italian Second semester AGR/03
Plant Pathology Applied to Ornamental Plants and Turfgrass 6 56 Italian Second semester AGR/12
Vegetables Production 6 56 Italian Second semester AGR/04
There are no prerequisites for registering for exams. However, we strongly recommend that you pass first-year exams before enrolling in Year II and sitting further exams. The internship can only be started after passing all the exams required in Year I.
Learn more
Head of study programme
Quality Assurance Delegate

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more