Food Systems

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2022/2023
Study area
Science and Technology
Doctoral programme (PhD)
Dip. Scienze per gli alimenti, la nutrizione e l'ambiente - Via Mangiagalli, 25 - Milano
PhD Coordinator
The aim of this doctoral programme is to prepare researchers and scholars specialised in nutrition with international standard methodological know-how, autonomy and specific skills in scientific research on food systems. With these learning objectives, the doctoral programme in Food Systems envisages many cross-sector research topics: food technologies, process control and innovation, microbiology of foods and bioprocesses, food chemistry and biochemistry, human nutrition, ecology of agri-food and agri-environmental systems.
Tutte le classi di laurea magistrale - All classes of master's degree
Dip. Scienze per gli alimenti, la nutrizione e l'ambiente - Via Mangiagalli, 25 - Milano
Title Professor(s)
Probiotics and Food associated microorganisms: ecology, molecular and functional characterization, impact on host health.
Requirements: Education in biological sciences and agri-food-environmental biotechnology
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
V. Taverniti
Role of macromolecules in designing and optimizing processess for biofunctional-enriched foods
Requirements: Knowledge in Food Sciences, Human Nutrition, Food Engineering
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Structural and physiological relevance of the interaction between food proteins and nanostructures
Requirements: Knowledge in scientific areas
Curriculum: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Green chemical and biotechnological processes for the development of added-value products from agrifood biomasses and by-products
Requirements: Knowledge in scientific areas
Curriculum: Chemistry and Biochemistry; Food Science and Nutrition
Sustainable products and consumer choice: the importance of personal attitudes and environmental impact information (environmental label, LCA studies, etc.)
Requirements: Knowledge in Economics and LCA
Curriculum: Agri-environment
Sensory and consumer science for the development of new, healthy and sustainable foods
Requirements: Knowledge in food sciences and technology and Human nutrition
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Exploring the relationships between sensory perception, food preferences and human health
Requirements: Knowledge in food sciences and technology and Human nutrition
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Environmental microbiomes: characterization and biotechnological exploitation
Requirements: Education in biological sciences, agricultural sciences and agri-food-environmental biotechnology. Cultural heritage conservation science
Curriculum: Agri-environment
Study of the regulation of energetic metabolism in food-associated microorganisms and in commensals bacteria to clarify microbe-microbe and microbe-host metabolic interactions
Requirements: Training and skills in the biological sciences and agricultural and food biotechnology sectors
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Role of foods and sustainable dietary patterns on nutritional status and human health, including the study of bioavailability, metabolic and functional activity of the main dietary bioactive compounds
Requirements: Principles of analytical methodologies for the evaluation of nutritional compounds. Basic knowlegde in biological and molecular science
Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition
D. Erba
P. Simonetti
Development of bioactive food packaging materials using added-value extracts from agri-food residues
Requirements: Education and knowledge in agri-food science and technology; basic knowledge in biomass topic
Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition
Insects reared on agri-food waste as a source of chitin and chitin-derivatives for advanced food packaging materials
Requirements: Education and knowledge in agri-food science and technology
Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition
Green and fast e-sensing methodologies for Process Analytical Technology and food quality assessment and authentication
Requirements: Education in scientific areas
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
E. Casiraghi
The honey production chain, a network of interactions: environmental suitability, beekeeping problems and honey quality
Requirements: Education in scientific areas
Curriculum: Agri-environment
Contribution of environmental, food and gut microorganisms to heavy metal recovery and sequestration
Requirements: Education in agri-environmental, food and biological sciences, biotechnology
Curriculum: Agri-environment
Development of new chemical and biological strategies for the control of pathogenic microorganisms in the agri-food chain
Requirements: Knowledge in biological and chemical sciences and agrifood-environmental biotechnology
Curriculum: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Innovative technological and microbial approaches for the sustainable development of the alcoholic beverage industry
Requirements: Education in scientific areas
Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition
Technological enhancement of beverage production for promoting and preserving the aroma-active compounds
Requirements: Education in scientific areas
Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition
Biological control of plant diseases
Requirements: Basics of biology or plant pathology
Curriculum: Agri-environment
Fighting mycotoxins in the food chain
Requirements: Education in biological, biotechnological and agri-food-environmental sciences
Curriculum: Agri-environment
Identification of microbial functions interfering with host-cell physiology (Ex DM 352/2022)
Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition
Yeast derivatives for precision oenology: emerging and sustainable application for wine production (WInnY) (Ex DM 352/2022)
Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition
Development of nutraceutical preparations for immune and metabolic improvement in humans through the modulation of the intestinal microbiota (Ex DM 352/2022)
Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition
"Green" biotechnological processes to obtain materials with high added value from grain by-products (Ex DM 352/2022)
Curriculum: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Genetic improvement of the Borlotto bean for resistance to bacteria infections (Ex DM 352/2022)
Curriculum: Agri-environment
Smart solutions for crop production exposed to biotic and abiotic stresses
Curriculum: Agri-environment
Agricultural waste as a source of bioactive compounds for applications in agriculture
Curriculum: Agri-environment
From agriculture residues to high-value products: green approaches for their extraction, (bio)transformation and large scale preparation
Curriculum: Agri-environment

Courses list

January 2023
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Industry 4.0 for the Agro-Food System 3 15 English
Insects Vs Humans: the Fil Rouge of Odour Perception 2 10 English
February 2023
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Abc of Videocommunication in Science: Filming Methods to Learn the Method 3 15 English