Soft skills for PhD students

Scientific research and today's highly specialised job market require not only the subject-specific skills typically taught during a three-year doctoral programme, but also technical and interpersonal skills.

The University of Milan offers a wide range of soft-skills courses, from stand-alone modules to cycles of lectures. These courses are designed to enhance understanding of research results exploitation mechanisms, intellectual property protection, and the ethical implications of research. Additionally, they aim to facilitate participation in European funding programmes. Soft-skills courses are common to all doctoral programmes and offer a valuable chance to develop versatile skills applicable to diverse professional settings, ranging from research and teaching to the third sector.

Doctoral students are required to complete 72 hours of soft skills courses within three years. Soft skills courses are open to doctoral students from all disciplines. The course catalogue includes courses offered by the 4EU+ Alliance.

Starting in 2024, a Skills Week has been implemented, allowing participants to complete the recommended number of hours per year (approximately 24 hours) in just one week. Every year, the University organises three Skills Weeks, in February, June/July, and September. Students are required to attend only one Skills Week per year.
The June/July issue is in English.

How to register and participate

PhD students can register for the Skills Week via their Unimia account.

Registration deadline: 31 January 2024.

Each student can only enrol in one of the Skills Weeks dedicated to their doctoral cycle.





37th cycle

19/02 – 23/02

24/06 – 28/06

02/09 – 06/09

38th cycle

19/02 – 23/02

24/06 – 28/06

23/09 – 27/09

39th cycle

26/02 – 01/03

01/07 – 05/07

23/09 – 27/09

Once you've selected your Skills Week, you won't have the flexibility to attend courses of different cycles or weeks. Courses can be in person or online (synchronous or on-demand).

Each Skills Week can have a maximum of 150/180 participants, depending on the number of PhD students enrolled in each doctoral cycle. Students can choose their preferred courses from a specific catalogue.

At the end of each Skills Week, there is a compulsory half-day in-person session dedicated to practicing soft skills through group activities. In the third year, the final in-person day is specifically allocated to skills assessment.

PhD Programme - 39th cycle

Instructor: Ivano Eberini

Languages: Italian/English

Course duration and delivery methods: 5 hours in person (in two parts)

Instructor: Pierluigi Perri

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 3 hours in person

Instructor: Lesley Gowland

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 4 hours live on Microsoft Teams

Instructor: Paola Galimberti

Languages: Italian/English

Course duration and delivery methods: 7 hours (6 hours online on demand on MyAriel, 1 hour live on Microsoft Teams)


Instructor: Monika Solberg

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 4 hours live on Microsoft Teams

Instructor: Paola Galimberti

Languages: Italian/English

Course duration and delivery methods: 4 hours online on demand on MyAriel

Instructor: Paola Galimberti

Languages: Italian/English

Course duration and delivery methods: 5 hours online on demand on MyAriel

Instructors: Chiara Ragni, Valeria Edefonti, Luigi Sironi

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 5 hours online on demand on MyAriel

PhD Programme - 38th cycle

Instructor: Lesley Gowland

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 4 hours live on Microsoft Teams

Instructor: Francesca Cappitelli

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 4 hours (3 hourso online on demand on MyAriel, 1 hour in person)

Instructors: Stefano Bocchi, Pietro De Marinis, Valerio Bini

Languages: Italian/English

Course duration and delivery methods: 4 hours in person

Instructor: Luca Fantacci 

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 2 hours in person

Instructors: Ilaria Libani,  Giacomo Garbagnati

Language: inglese

Course duration and delivery methods: 4 hours online on demand on MyAriel

Instructor: Monika Solberg

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 4 hours live on Microsoft Teams

Instructors: Federica Marinoni, Alessandro Satta

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 3 hours online on demand on MyAriel

Instructors: Roberto Ambosini, Valerio Bini,  Stefano Bocchi, Andrea Borghini, Mario C.B. Raviglione,  Ilenia Rossetti, Pietro De Marinis

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 5 hours online on demadn on MyAriel

Instructor: Ivano Eberini

Languages: Italian/English

Course duration and delivery methods: 5 hours (3 hours in person, 2 hours live on Microsoft Teams)

Instructor: Tomaso Perani

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 4 hours online on demand on MyAriel

Instructor: Eva Ratti

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 2 hours online on demand on MyAriel

Instructors: Nicolò Spanò,  Francesco Colombo, Paola Galimberti

Languages: Italian/English

Course duration and delivery methods: 4 hours online on demand on MyAriel

PhD Programme - 37th cycle

Instructor: Federica Marinoni

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 2 hours online on demand on MyAriel

Instructors: Roberto Ambosini, Valerio Bini,  Stefano Bocchi, Andrea Borghini, Mario C.B. Raviglione,  Ilenia Rossetti, Pietro De Marinis

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 5 hours online on demand on MyAriel

Instructors: Ilaria Libani, Avv. Giacomo Garbagnati

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 4 hours online on demand on MyAriel

Instructors: Eva Ratti and Giulia Pezzi

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 4 hours (2 hours online on demand on MyAriel, 2 hours live on Microsoft Teams)

Instructor: Ivano Eberini

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 2 hours in person

Instructors: Eva Ratti and Giulia Pezzi

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods: 8 hours (4 hours in person, 4 hours live on Microsoft Teams)

Instructors: Nicolò Spanò, Francesco Colombo, Paola Galimberti

Languages: Italian/English

Course duration and delivery methods:: 4 hours online on demand on MyAriel

Instructors: Lucia Zannini, Ivano Eberini, Andrea Garavaglia, Alessandra Lazazzara

Languages: Italian/English

Course duration and delivery methods:: 5 hours online on demand on MyAriel

Instructor: Tomaso Perani

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods; 4 hours online on demand on MyAriel

Instructors: Eva Ratti and Giulia Pezzi

Language: English

Course duration and delivery methods:: 3 hours in person or live on Microsoft Teams