Food Systems

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2021/2022
Study area
Science and Technology
Doctoral programme (PhD)
Dip. Scienze per gli alimenti, la nutrizione e l'ambiente - Via Mangiagalli, 25 - Milano
PhD Coordinator
The aim of this doctoral programme is to prepare researchers and scholars specialised in nutrition with international standard methodological know-how, autonomy and specific skills in scientific research on food systems. With these learning objectives, the doctoral programme in Food Systems envisages many cross-sector research topics: food technologies, process control and innovation, microbiology of foods and bioprocesses, food chemistry and biochemistry, human nutrition, ecology of agri-food and agri-environmental systems.
Tutte le classi di laurea magistrale - All classes of master's degree
Dip. Scienze per gli alimenti, la nutrizione e l'ambiente - Via Mangiagalli, 25 - Milano
Title Professor(s)
Sensory and consumer science for the development of new, healthy and sustainable foods
Requirements: Knowledge in food sciences and technology and Human nutrition
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Exploring the relationships between sensory perception, food preferences and nutritional status
Requirements: Knowledge in food sciences and technology and Human nutrition
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Role of macromolecules in designing and optimizing processess for biofunctional-enriched foods
Requirements: Knowledge in Food Sciences, Human Nutrition, Food Engineering
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Multidisciplinary approaches to the study of multi-phase foods as delivery systems for bioactive compounds
Requirements: Knowledge in scientific areas
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
P. Simonetti
Green and fast e-sensing methodologies for Process Analytical Technology and food quality assessment and authentication
Requirements: Knowledge in scientific areas
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
E. Casiraghi
Bioavailability and biological activity of dietary compounds/patterns and their role on human health
Requirements: Knowledge in food sciences and technology and Human nutrition
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
D. Erba
P. Simonetti
Structural and physiological relevance of the interaction between food proteins and nanostructures
Requirements: Knowledge in scientific areas
Curriculum: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Omics to tackle climate change threats to food safety and security
Requirements: Knowledge in biological, biotechnological and agri-food-environmental sciences
Curriculum: Agri-environment
Study of the in vitro bioactivity of components released during gastrointestinal digestion of foods derived from milk and cereals
Requirements: Knowledge in food sciences and technology and Human nutrition
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Arthropod management: from pests to pollinators for a sustainable production
Requirements: Knowledge in biological and agri-food encvironmental science
Curriculum: Agri-environment
Consumer behavior in relation to sustainability standards and organizational effects on the agro-food supply chain
Requirements: Knowledge in food science and technology and agri-food economics
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Safety of Food and Beverages: mitigation strategies to prevent consumer exposure to contaminants in the food chain
Requirements: Knowledge in food sciences and technology and Human nutrition
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Foods as reservoir of novel starter, probiotic and human commensal microorganisms: ecology, molecular and functional characterization, and impact on host health
Requirements: Knowledge in biological sciences and agri-food-environmental biotechnology
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
The role of the intestinal microbiota in madiating the effect of diet on human health
Requirements: Knowledge in Food Sciences (Human Nutrition and Microbiology)
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Industry 4.0 in the agri-food sector: innovative sensors and SMART logistics to support the sustainability of the supply chain
Requirements: Knowledge in Food Science and Technology
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Innovative technological and microbial approaches for the sustainable development of the alcoholic beverage industry
Requirements: Knowledge in scientific areas
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Biological and chemical strategies to manage pathogens in the food chain
Requirements: Knowledge in biological and chemical sciences and agrifood-environmental biotechnology
Curriculum: Chemistry and Biochemistry
By-products as a resource for the extraction of bioactives for pest control and bioconversion into protein mediated by insects
Requirements: Knowledge in biological and agri-food environmental science
Curriculum: Agri-environment
"Environmental probiotics": exploitation of the beneficial interaction among microorganisms and the environment or the plant
Requirements: Knowledge in biology, biotechnology, agrienvironment, cultural heritage science disciplines
Curriculum: Agri-environment
Production of high added value by food industry waste for biorefinery development
Requirements: Knowledge in scientific areas
Curriculum: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Active and intelligent coating systems for sustainable food packaging materials
Requirements: Knowledge in scientific areas
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition
Green chemical and biotechnological processes for the development of food ingredients from agrifood biomasses and by-products
Requirements: Knowledge in scientific areas
Curriculum: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Circular re-use of bioresources: technological approaches to develop new foods
Requirements: Knowledge in scientific areas
Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition

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