Historical Sciences

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Historical Sciences
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
Master programme
LM-84 R - Scienze Storiche
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
Course location
International title
Double Degree
The Master's degree programme in Historical Sciences aims to provide students with extensive knowledge of history through a critical analysis of historiography and sources, and to introduce them to the use of digital technologies applied to historical research.
The cross-cutting approach of the programme provides for a richer learning experience, whereby all students gain fundamental knowledge, methods and perspectives ? related, inter alia, to history teaching and communication ? regardless of the topic or period in which they decide to specialise. This backbone knowledge is a prerequisite for students to be able not only to conduct interdisciplinary research, but also to upgrade their professional expertise, for instance in the field of history communication.
The degree also intends to develop the students' ability to communicate proficiently in English and to master the specialised vocabularies of the disciplines studied. To this end, the study plan requires students to reach level B2 of the CEFR by the end of the programme, while a number of courses are held in English.
Employment opportunities for Master's graduates in Historical Sciences are directly linked to the skills developed through the coursework, particularly the ability to organise and process complex information and problems, and to devise and communicate the most appropriate solutions. Possible job profiles after graduation are described here below.

Job functions include:
- studying, analysing and classifying historical sources for the purposes of their conservation, protection and access by the public
- ensuring the preservation, in different formats, of a wide variety of information relating to traditions, libraries, archives, records and other historical documents;
- conducting research, managing ? or contributing to managing ? physical and digital archives and libraries, and ensuring the conservation of historical, cultural or artistic artefacts, works of art and books, including their organisation, indexing, classification and cataloguing;
- producing technical texts (reports, projects, working documents, presentations) variously related to historical studies, also addressed to specialists in different fields.
Experts working in this field have communication and organisational skills, specialist knowledge in the humanities, and an outstanding command of history. These professionals are able to identify and classify documentary, iconographic and material sources relating to their area or chronological period of specialisation, also in digital format. They are also able to define and monitor appropriate strategies for the management, protection and promotion of historical sources and cultural artefacts placed under their responsibility.
They can work in archives, libraries, superintendencies, museums and other institutions for the protection and promotion of the historical-documentary, cultural, environmental and artistic heritage. Other opportunities can be found at public and private entities and non-governmental organisations carrying out historical research, firms providing history and heritage consulting services, and private archives, libraries and museums owned by foundations or large companies.

Job functions include:
- handling the editorial production (in digital or printed format) of descriptive, educational and scientific books, as well as catalogues and texts for theatre, cinema or TV productions that extensively draw on historical sources and historiographical documents;
- editing editorial projects, writing and reviewing texts (either in digital or in printed format), translating and editing Italian editions of historical and historiographical works;
- participate in the editorial production of school textbooks, including by collecting learning materials and writing/reviewing texts;
- writing articles for the media, as well as historical-political, economic and cultural analyses, based on their knowledge of European and extra-European societies from ancient times to the present.
Experts working in this field are extensively familiar with the historical, political, economic and cultural processes related to their geographical area and chronological period of specialisation, and have a full grasp of the related theoretical and critical debate. Moreover, they master the necessary cultural, linguistic and methodological tools to write and review historical texts. Lastly, they possess communication and organisational skills enabling them to carry out their editorial tasks and responsibilities.
They can work as writers, editors of history textbooks and critical texts, editors for history journals (digital and printed), and as authors for content creation agencies specialised in the production of online, radio and TV contents.

Job functions include:
- contributing to the organisation of initiatives for the dissemination and promotion of the historical and cultural heritage, also through the use of social media (for example initiatives addressed to different audiences and organised by public and private institutions, archives, libraries, museums and cultural foundations);
- creating information panels, learning pathways and information materials relating to the historical and cultural heritage, including by using digital planning and communication tools;
- organising educational activities and refresher courses on historical disciplines for the staff of public or private organisations.
Experts working in this field have a comprehensive knowledge of the humanities, as well as communication and organisational skills. They understand the importance of promoting the historical and cultural heritage, and are able to identify the best strategies for this purpose, including by using digital humanities tools.
They can work for public and private entities, third-sector organisations, cultural centres and associations, private foundations, museums, archives, university and school libraries, as well as for television and radio channels, film institutes, online and printed newspapers and journals.
This Historical Sciences M.A. has a solid international exchange tradition which began with the founding of the ERASMUS, now ERASMUS plus programme. A concise overview of ERASMUS is available on the M.A. programme site on MyAriel platform, in the "Contents" section.
These reciprocal agreements give students and teachers access to a year abroad, an exchange agreement between University of Milan and the universities of many countries including: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, the Low Countries, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Hungary.
A list of specific universities encompassed by the agreement for historical science graduates can be consulted in appendix A: https://www.unimi.it/en/international/study-abroad/studying-abroad-erasmus
With Erasmus+ University of Milan also assigns study periods in Switzerland based on bilateral agreements with Swiss universities under the SEMP - Swiss European Mobility Programme.
Historical sciences students can complete study periods ranging from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 12 months during the two years of the programme, at one of the university's partner institutions. Average study periods abroad last 5-6 months. Students are advised to complete overseas study periods in the 2nd semester of the 1st year or the 1st semester of the 2nd year.
Study abroad (course attendance, exams, any thesis research work) is accredited on students' return with a number of study credits which take account of the activities completed abroad. The related study programme, called a Learning Agreement, is agreed on departure on the basis of courses, exams and activities decided by students in accordance with their Italian study plans. Careful choice by the teaching staff responsible in identifying a wide ranging and specific correspondence between the University of Milan's educational programme and that of its partner universities enables students to take full advantage of their studies abroad and acquire the credits they need to complete their Italian studies. The study sectors which can be developed are essentially historical but credits in other humanities disciplines can also potentially be acquired.
This M.A. has a internationalisation and ERASMUS co-ordinator (prof.ssa Michela Minesso) and a ERASMUS Traineeship coordinator (prof.ssa Silvia Bussi). Specific meetings for M.A. Historical sciences students leaving for periods abroad are organised to supply them with the information they need on the various institutions available and useful contact numbers. The Department of Historical Studies "Federico Chabod" has also has international research and teaching partnerships with institutions: in such cases, specific study plans are agreed with the co-ordinator and the work done is recognised in accordance with the criteria listed above.
The Department is also active in ERASMUS Plus-Placement which now provides for international exchange for new graduates (within 12 months of graduation), too, and information on the programmes which can be applied for is available on the website. The department works to identify international partners (archives, libraries, publishing houses, cultural institutions and universities) for internships designed to provide professional training.
Attendance is strongly recommended, though not mandatory.
To be admitted to the Master's degree programme in Historical Sciences, applicants must:
1) hold a degree pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 270/2004, Ministerial Decree no. 509/99 or Law no. 508/99, or another equivalent qualification pursuant to Italian regulations previously in force, or another equivalent qualification obtained abroad;
2) have earned at least 36 university credits (CFU/ECTS) divided as follows:
at least 18 credits in the following scientific-disciplinary sectors:
- M-STO/01 Medieval history;
- M-STO/02 Modern history;
- M-STO/04 Contemporary history;

another 18 credits in the above sectors or in the following:
- L-ANT/02 Greek history;
- L-ANT/03 Roman history;
- M-STO/03 History of Eastern Europe;
- M-STO/07 History of Christianity and of Churches;
- M-STO/08 Archival science, bibliography and librarianship;
- M-STO/09 Paleography;
- SECS-P/12 Economic history;
- SPS/02 History of political thought;
- SPS/03 History of political institutions;
- L-FIL-LET/10 Italian literature;
- M-GGR/01 Geography.

Proficiency in English at a B1 level or higher under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required for admission.
The B1-level requirement will be ascertained by the University Language Centre (SLAM) upon admission as follows:
- Language certificate at or above B1, obtained no more than three years earlier. For the list of language certificates recognized by the University please review: (https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39267).The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application;
- English level achieved during a University of Milan degree programme and certified by the University Language Centre (SLAM) no more than four years before the date of admission application, including levels based on language certificates submitted by the applicants during their Bachelor's degree at the University of Milan. In this case the process is automatic, the applicant does not have to attach any certificates to the application;
- Placement test administrated by the University Language Centre (SLAM) according to the calendar published on the website: (https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39267)
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate or do not meet the required proficiency level will be instructed during the admission procedure to take the placement test.
Applicants who do not take or pass the placement test will be required to obtain a language proficiency certificate recognized by the University (see: https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39322) and deliver it to the SLAM via the InformaStudenti service by the deadline fixed for the master's programme (https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39267/).
Applicants who do not meet the requirement by said deadline will not be admitted to the master's degree programme and may not sit any further tests.

Those who wish to enrol in the Master's degree programme in Historical Sciences must first submit an application for admission by the deadline specified on the programme website, in the section Iscriversi (Enrolling).
Upcoming graduates can apply for admission only if they have already earned at least 130 credits.
The Admission Board will assess each application based on the documents uploaded by the applicant via the online application form. The documents required are specified in the above-mentioned section of the programme website.
If the Board deems it necessary, applicants may be invited to an interview via email.
Applicants who have earned extra credits through completion of other Master's degree programmes or single courses of a Master's degree programme may apply for transfer credits, up to a maximum of 36 credits for completed academic programmes. Transfer credit applications will be examined by the Board over the course of the interviews. In any case, the Board may or may not transfer such credits at its own discretion.
The Board reserves the right to automatically admit students of the Bachelor's degree programme in History of the University of Milan, provided that they have already earned 130 credits when submitting their application (with the exception of students who have already been enrolled in another degree programme). These students will not sit for the admission interview and will be notified of their admission via email.

The dates of the interviews will be published at https://scienzestoriche.cdl.unimi.it/it/iscriversi.


Application for admission: from 22/01/2025 to 25/08/2025

Application for matriculation: from 02/04/2025 to 15/01/2026

Attachments and documents

Admission notice


The admission notice is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.

Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English Open sessions
Optional activities and study plan rules
a) - 9 ECTS in one of the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Constitutional History 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/03
Cultural History of Science 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/05
History and Theory of Historiography 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/02
History of Economic and Social Development 9 60 Italian Second semester SECS-P/12
History of the Church and Heretical Movements 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/07
b) - 18 ECTS (9+9) in two of the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Ancient Documents in Their Visual and Performative Contexts 9 60 Italian First semester L-ANT/02
Cultural History of the Modern Period 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/02
Historical Communication and Public Uses of the Past 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/01 M-STO/02 M-STO/04
Intellectuals, Popular Culture, Collective Identities: Italy and Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
Teaching History 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/01 M-STO/02 M-STO/04
Words, Rituals, and Images: Cultures and Media in the Middle Ages 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/01
c) - 9 ECTS in one of the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Archival Records Management 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Digital Humanities 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Digital Librarianship 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Diplomatics 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/09
Medieval Records' Analysis and Critical Edition 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/09
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Final Exam 24 0 Italian Open sessions
Optional activities and study plan rules


39 CFU in three 9-CFU exams and two 6-CFU exams, of which at least 18 in the following subjects: L-ANT/02 and/or L-ANT/03.

NOTE: "Ancient Numismatics MA" and "History of Medieval and Modern Coins" are alternatives to each other.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Ancient Numismatics Ma 6 40 Italian L-ANT/04
Antiquity and Greek Epigraphy Ma 9 60 Italian L-ANT/02
Antiquity and Roman Epigraphy Ma 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03
Economic and Social History of Classical Antiquity 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03
Greek History Ma 9 60 Italian L-ANT/02
Greek Literature 12 80 Italian L-FIL-LET/02
History of Medieval and Modern Coins 9 60 Italian L-ANT/04
Latin Literature Ma 12 80 Italian L-FIL-LET/04
Medieval History Ma 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Roman History Ma 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03
Ways and Forms of Communication in Ancient, Medieval and Modern Era 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03 M-STO/01 M-STO/02

39 CFU in three 9-CFU exams and two 6-CFU exams, of which at least 18 in the following subjects: M-STO/01.

NOTE: The following subjects are alternatives to each other
- "History of the Church and Heretical Movements" and "History of the Medieval Church and Heretical Movements"
- "Digital Humanities", "Diplomatics", "Medieval Records' Analysis and Critical Edition"
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Civilization and Culture in the Middle Ages 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Digital Humanities 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Diplomatics 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/09
Economic and Social History of Classical Antiquity 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03
Historical Methodology: Interpreting Medieval Sources 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
History of Medieval and Modern Coins 9 60 Italian L-ANT/04
History of Medieval Church and Heretical Movements 9 60 Italian M-STO/07
History of National and Supranational Institutions 9 60 Italian SPS/03
History of Printing and Publishing Systems 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
History of the Church and Heretical Movements 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/07
History of the Early Modern Italian States 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
Library and Archival History 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
Medieval History Ma 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Medieval Latin Literature 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/08
Medieval Records' Analysis and Critical Edition 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/09
Roman History Ma 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03
Ways and Forms of Communication in Ancient, Medieval and Modern Era 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03 M-STO/01 M-STO/02

39 CFU in three 9-CFU exams and two 6-CFU exams, of which at least 18 in the following subjects: M-STO/02.

NOTE: "Digital Humanities", "History and Philosophy of Science" and "History and Theory of Historiography" are alternatives to each other.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Business History and Archives 9 60 Italian SECS-P/12
Civilization and Culture in the Middle Ages 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Cultural History of Modern Age 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
Cultural History of Science 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/05
Digital Humanities 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Economic and Social History of the Early Modern Age 9 60 Italian SECS-P/12
History and Theory of Historiography 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/02
History of Churches in Modern and Contemporary Ages 9 60 Italian M-STO/07
History of Colonialism and Decolonisation 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Early Modern Europe 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
History of Eastern Europe 9 60 Italian M-STO/03
History of Medieval and Modern Coins 9 60 Italian L-ANT/04
History of National and Supranational Institutions 9 60 Italian SPS/03
History of Printing and Publishing Systems 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
History of the Age of Reformation and Counter-Reformation 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
History of the Early Modern Italian States 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
International History of the Modern World 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/02
Library and Archival History 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
Ways and Forms of Communication in Ancient, Medieval and Modern Era 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03 M-STO/01 M-STO/02

39 CFU in three 9-CFU exams and two 6-CFU exams, of which at least 18 in the following subjects: M-STO/03 and/or M-STO/04.

NOTE: "Archival Records Management", "Digital Librarianship", "Constitutional History", "History of Economic and Social Development" and "History and Theory of Historiography" are alternatives to each other.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Archival Records Management 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Business History and Archives 9 60 Italian SECS-P/12
Constitutional History 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/03
Digital Librarianship 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
History and Theory of Historiography 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/02
History of Churches in Modern and Contemporary Ages 9 60 Italian M-STO/07
History of Colonialism and Decolonisation 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Contemporary Culture 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Contemporary Political Thought 9 60 Italian SPS/02
History of Contemporary World 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Eastern Europe 9 60 Italian M-STO/03
History of Economic and Social Development 9 60 Italian Second semester SECS-P/12
History of Europe and the Mediterranean in the Contemporary Age 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of National and Supranational Institutions 9 60 Italian SPS/03
History of Parties and Political Cultures 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Printing and Publishing Systems 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
History of Spain and Latin America 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
Library and Archival History 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
Social History of the Spectacle 9 60 Italian M-STO/04

39 CFU in three 9-CFU exams and two 6-CFU exams, of which at least 18 in the following subjects: SPS/02 and/or SPS/03.
NOTE: "Digital Librarianship" and "History of Economic and Social Development" are alternatives to each other.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Business History and Archives 9 60 Italian SECS-P/12
Constitutional History 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/03
Digital Librarianship 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Economic and Social History of the Early Modern Age 9 60 Italian SECS-P/12
History and Theory of Historiography 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/02
History of Colonialism and Decolonisation 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Contemporary Political Thought 9 60 Italian SPS/02
History of Contemporary World 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Economic and Social Development 9 60 Italian Second semester SECS-P/12
History of Medieval and Modern Coins 9 60 Italian L-ANT/04
History of Medieval Church and Heretical Movements 9 60 Italian M-STO/07
History of National and Supranational Institutions 9 60 Italian SPS/03
History of Parties and Political Cultures 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Printing and Publishing Systems 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
History of the Age of Reformation and Counter-Reformation 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
History of the Early Modern Italian States 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
Library and Archival History 9 60 Italian M-STO/08

39 CFU in three 9-CFU exams and two 6-CFU exams, of which at least 18 in the following subjects: SECS-P/12.

NOTE: "Archival Records Management" and "Cultural History of Science" are alternatives to each other.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Archival Records Management 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Business History and Archives 9 60 Italian SECS-P/12
Cultural History of Modern Age 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
Cultural History of Science 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/05
Economic and Social History of the Early Modern Age 9 60 Italian SECS-P/12
Economy of the Publishing Industry 9 60 Italian SECS-P/07
History of Colonialism and Decolonisation 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Contemporary Political Thought 9 60 Italian SPS/02
History of Contemporary World 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Economic and Social Development 9 60 Italian Second semester SECS-P/12
History of Medieval and Modern Coins 9 60 Italian L-ANT/04
History of National and Supranational Institutions 9 60 Italian SPS/03
History of Parties and Political Cultures 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Printing and Publishing Systems 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
Library and Archival History 9 60 Italian M-STO/08

39 CFU in three 9-CFU exams and two 6-CFU exams, of which at least 18 in the following subjects: M-STO/07.

NOTE: The following subjects are alternatives to each other
- "History of the Church and Heretical Movements" and "History of the Medieval Church and Heretical Movements"
- "Diplomatics" and "Medieval Records' Analysis and Critical Edition"
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Cultural History of the Mediterranean Ma 9 60 Italian L-OR/10
Diplomatics 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/09
History of Churches in Modern and Contemporary Ages 9 60 Italian M-STO/07
History of Eastern Christianities 9 60 Italian M-STO/07
History of Eastern Europe 9 60 Italian M-STO/03
History of Europe and the Mediterranean in the Contemporary Age 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Medieval and Modern Coins 9 60 Italian L-ANT/04
History of Medieval Art (MA) 9 60 Italian L-ART/01
History of Medieval Church and Heretical Movements 9 60 Italian M-STO/07
History of Parties and Political Cultures 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Printing and Publishing Systems 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
History of the Age of Reformation and Counter-Reformation 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
History of the Church and Heretical Movements 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/07
Iconology and Iconography 9 60 Italian L-ART/02
Library and Archival History 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
Medieval History Ma 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Medieval Records' Analysis and Critical Edition 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/09
New Testament 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/06
Religions of the Classical World 9 60 Italian M-STO/06
Roman History Ma 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03
Visual Culture 6 40 Italian L-ART/06

39 CFU in three 9-CFU exams and two 6-CFU exams, of which at least 18 in the following subjects: M-STO/08 e/o M-STO/09

NOTE: "Constitutional History", "History of the Church and Heretical Movements" and "Cultural History of Science" are alternatives to each other.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Archival Records Management 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Business History and Archives 9 60 Italian SECS-P/12
Civilization and Culture in the Middle Ages 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Constitutional History 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/03
Cultural History of Science 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/05
Digital Humanities 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Digital Librarianship 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Diplomatics 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/09
Historical Methodology: Interpreting Medieval Sources 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
History of Medieval and Modern Coins 9 60 Italian L-ANT/04
History of Parties and Political Cultures 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Printing and Publishing Systems 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
History of the Church and Heretical Movements 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/07
History of the Early Modern Italian States 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
Library and Archival History 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
Medieval Records' Analysis and Critical Edition 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/09
Social History of the Spectacle 9 60 Italian M-STO/04

- 12 CFU FREELY CHOSEN: it is possible to allocate them to two 6 ECTS courses of one's choice, or to one 9 ECTS course and/or to one or more 3 CFU modules by increasing one's commitment to one or more of the courses on the plan, always within the maximum number of credits provided by these courses;


The list of workshops organised by the Course of Study can be found on the 'Workshops' page of the History website at the following link: https://scienzestoriche.cdl.unimi.it/it/insegnamenti/laboratori
For information on internships and apprenticeships, please consult the 'Internships and apprenticeships' page at the following link: https://scienzestoriche.cdl.unimi.it/it/studiare/stage-e-tirocini
Learn more
Head of study programme
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Internship tutor
Master's degree admission tutor

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more