
Porticato interno con giardino
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
L-42 - History
Open with admission self-assessment test
Course location
The objective of the three year B.A. history programme is to provide graduates with a general and primary but solid historical background enabling them to develop a sense of the historical depth underlying phenomena, processes and structures. This educational process is founded on a fundamental knowledge of historiographical trends and languages in the various eras, acquired by means of a mastery of the tools required for documentary exegesis and the use of new IT technologies. Student learning will be supported by an overall knowledge of human history, not only European history, together with the inter-disciplinary knowledge required for the elaboration of a global vision of the historic context of past and contemporary events.
The purpose of this undergraduate programme is to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to work in:
- activities undertaken in libraries, archives, museums and, more generally, in the context of cultural activities present in the world of work for which history studies are required or recommended;
- in publishing, both in the editorial sector and in sectors linked to new communication technologies;
- in journalism relating to text production and cultural initiatives;
- in the art tourism sector where historical tools are required;
- in public relations and staff training;
- in public and private research centres working in the humanities, sociology and anthropology fields as well as in the overseas cultural promotion field and the various Italian and overseas cultural industry spheres.
In addition this B.A. programme provides graduates with the chance to embark on the secondary school teaching access process, guaranteeing them the background required for admission to M.A. programmes on completion of which students can enrol on secondary school teaching courses.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
This history B.A. has a solid international exchange tradition which began with the founding of the ERASMUS, now ERASMUS Plus programme.
A concise overview of ERASMUS is available on the B.A. programme site, on the student bulletin board.
These reciprocal agreements give students and teachers access to a year abroad, an exchange agreement between University of Milan and the universities of many countries including: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Hungary.
A list of specific universities encompassed by the agreement for History undergraduates can be consulted in appendix A: https://www.unimi.it/en/international/study-abroad/studying-abroad-erasmus
With Erasmus+ University of Milan also assigns study periods in Switzerland based on bilateral agreements with Swiss universities under the SEMP - Swiss European Mobility Programme.
History students can complete study periods ranging from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 12 months during the three years of the programme, at one of the university's partner institutions. Average study periods abroad last 5-6 months. Study abroad (course attendance, exams, any thesis research work) is accredited on students' return with a number of study credits which take account of the activities completed abroad and the length of the period of time spent there. The related study programme, called a Learning Agreement, is agreed on departure on the basis of courses, exams and activities at the partner university decided by students in accordance with their Italian study plans. Careful choice by the teaching staff responsible in identifying a wide ranging and specific correspondence between the University of Milan's educational programme and that of its partner universities enables students to take full advantage of their studies abroad and acquire the credits they need to complete their Italian studies. The study sectors which can be developed are essentially historical but credits in other humanities disciplines can also potentially be acquired.
This B.A. has a permanent internationalisation via ERASMUS co-ordinator (Prof. Michela Minesso). Every year, specific meetings for B.A. history students leaving for periods abroad are organised to supply them with the information they need on the various institutions available and useful contact numbers. The History Department also has international research and teaching partnerships with institutions: in such cases, specific study plans are agreed with the co-ordinator and the work done is recognised in accordance with the criteria listed above.
The History Department is also active in ERASMUS Plus-Placement which now provides for international exchange for new graduates (within 12 months of graduation), too, and information on the programmes which can be applied for is available on the website. The department works to identify international partners (archives, libraries, publishing houses, cultural institutions and universities) for internships designed to provide professional training.
Attendance is strongly recommended, though not mandatory.
- Upper secondary-school diploma or equivalent qualification obtained abroad
- Adequate basic knowledge of the humanities, including both a general understanding of the history of humanity at a level that allows students to successfully follow the lessons, and logical and written comprehension skills.

- Compulsory, non-selective, self-assessment test before enrolment (TOLC-SU - Cisia On Line Test for the Humanities)
The test aims to provide guidance to prospective students, and help them make a more informed and reasoned choice of their degree programme, with a view to a successful academic career.
For more information on TOLC-SU, please refer to the University website, Cisia TOLC Test section: https://www.unimi.it/it/studiare/frequentare-un-corso-di-laurea/iscriversi/iscriversi-una-prima-laurea/test-tolc-cisia

-Test topics: the test focuses on written comprehension, Italian language proficiency, educational background and logical reasoning. To learn more on the test structure and syllabus, including practice samples, visit the Cisia website: https://www.cisiaonline.it/area-tematica-tolc-studi-umanistici/home-tolc-su/

- Read the call for applications at: https://www.unimi.it/it/corsi/corsi-di-laurea/storia

Students who, on the self-assessment test (TOLC-SU - Cisia On Line Test for the Humanities), fell short of the thresholds set out in the call for applications will have to finish a set of additional learning requirements (OFA).
The OFA must be satisfied within the first year of the programme. In order to meet their OFA, students will attend tutoring activities organized by the University.
Further details will be made available in the call for applications at: https://www.unimi.it/it/studiare/frequentare-un-corso-di-laurea/iscriversi/iscriversi-una-prima-laurea

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for matriculation: from 15/07/2024 to 16/09/2024

Read the Call

Online services
Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Contemporary History 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
Historical Geography 9 60 Italian M-GGR/01
Medieval History 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Modern History 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Research Methodology in History 9 60 Italian M-STO/01 M-STO/02 M-STO/04
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Latin Basics 6 40 Italian L-FIL-LET/04
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Italian Literature 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/10
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Bibliography 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
Cultural Anthropology 9 60 Italian M-DEA/01
Economic History 9 60 Italian SECS-P/12
Political Economics 9 60 Italian SECS-P/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Language and Culture 9 60 English L-LIN/10 L-LIN/12
History of Ancient Philosophy 9 60 Italian M-FIL/07
Optional activities and study plan rules
a - 9 CFU in one of the following subjects
(Note: students interested in pursuing the archival, bibliographic and documentary curriculum in the Master's degree programme should contact Prof. Marta Calleri for the course choice in this group)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Archival Studies 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Bibliography 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/08
History of Manuscript Book 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/09
History of Printing and Publishing 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/08
History of Writing in the Medieval West 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/09
Librarianship 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/08
b - 9 CFU in one of the following subjects
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Greek History 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ANT/02
Roman History 9 60 Italian First semester L-ANT/03
c - 9 CFU in one of the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Economic History 9 60 Italian First semester SECS-P/12
History of Political Doctrines 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/02
History of Political Institutions 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/03
d - 9 CFU in one of the following subjects
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Aesthetics 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/04
Church History 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/07
Early Christianity 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/07
History and Philosophy of Science 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/02
History of Ancient Philosophy 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/07
History of Christianity 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/07
History of Churches in Modern and Contemporary Ages 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/07
History, Historiography and Philosophy in the Classical World 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/07
Moral Philosophy 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/03
Principles of Logic 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/02
Theoretical Philosophy 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/01
e - 6 CFU at the student's choice in
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Cultural Anthropology 9 60 Italian First semester M-DEA/01
Political Economics 9 60 Italian First semester SECS-P/01
f - 6 CFU at the student's choice
(There are 12 elective credits over the course of the three-year period. The student can earn them by freely choosing two courses (6 CFU) or one course (9 CFU) and/or 3-CFU teaching modules, delving into subjects already covered by the programme)
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Economics and History of Globalization 9 60 Italian SECS-P/12
Film History and Criticism 9 60 Italian L-ART/06
History of Italian Risorgimento 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Opera 9 60 Italian L-ART/07
History of the Age of Enlightenment and Revolutions 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
Latin Literature 12 80 Italian L-FIL-LET/04
Legal History from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Period 9 60 Italian IUS/19
Political and Institutional History of Europe in the Middle Ages 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Contemporary History of Europe: East and West 9 60 Italian M-STO/03
Economic and Social History of the Middle Ages 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
History of Contemporary Art 9 60 Italian L-ART/03
History of Journalism 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of Modern and Contemporary Music 9 60 Italian L-ART/07
History of Radio and Television 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
History of the Renaissance 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
History of Women and Gender Identity 9 60 Italian M-STO/01 M-STO/02 M-STO/04
Introduction to the Socio-Economic History of the Ancient World 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03
Italian Contemporary Literature 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/11
Italian Medieval History 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Conclusive activities
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 9 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
i1 - 18 CFU (9+9) in two of the following subjects (if not already taken)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Greek History 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ANT/02
Introduction to the Socio-Economic History of the Ancient World 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ANT/03
Roman History 9 60 Italian First semester L-ANT/03
i2 - 6 CFU in one of the following subjects (if not already taken)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Aesthetics 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/04
Early Christianity 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/07
History of Manuscript Book 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/09
History of Writing in the Medieval West 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/09
Latin Literature 12 80 Italian First semester L-FIL-LET/04
Moral Philosophy 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/03
Theoretical Philosophy 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/01
i3 - 9 CFU in one of the following subjects (if not already taken)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
History of Ancient Philosophy 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/07
History, Historiography and Philosophy in the Classical World 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/07
i4 - 9 CFU in one of the following subjects (if not already taken)
If SECS-P/12 exam already chosen, the student must choose SPS/02 or SPS/03 exam.
If SPS/02 or SPS/03 exam already chosen, the student must choose SECS-P/12 exam)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Economics and History of Globalization 9 60 Italian First semester SECS-P/12
History of Political Doctrines 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/02
History of Political Institutions 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/03
i5 - 6 CFU at the student's choice
(There are 12 elective credits over the course of the three-year period. The student can earn them by freely choosing two courses (6 CFU) or one course (9 CFU) and/or 3-CFU teaching modules, delving into subjects already covered by the programme)
j1 - 18 CFU (9+9) in one of the following subjects
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Economic and Social History of the Middle Ages 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/01
Italian Medieval History 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/01
Political and Institutional History of Europe in the Middle Ages 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/01
j2 - 6 CFU in one of the following disciplines (if not already taken)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
History of Manuscript Book 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/09
History of Medieval Art 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/01
History of Women and Gender Identity 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/01 M-STO/02 M-STO/04
History of Writing in the Medieval West 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/09
Legal History from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Period 9 60 Italian First semester IUS/19
j3 - 9 CFU in one of the following disciplines (if not already taken)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Aesthetics 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/04
Church History 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/07
Early Christianity 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/07
History and Philosophy of Science 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/02
History of Ancient Philosophy 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/07
History of Christianity 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/07
History, Historiography and Philosophy in the Classical World 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/07
Moral Philosophy 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/03
Principles of Logic 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/02
Theoretical Philosophy 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/01
j4 - 9 CFU in one of the following subjects (if not already taken)
If SECS-P/12 exam already chosen, the student must choose SPS/02 or SPS/03 exam.
If SPS/02 or SPS/03 exam already chosen, the student must choose SECS-P/12 exam)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Economics and History of Globalization 9 60 Italian First semester SECS-P/12
History of Political Doctrines 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/02
History of Political Institutions 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/03
j5 - 6 CFU at the student's choice
(There are 12 elective credits over the course of the three-year period. The student can earn them by freely choosing two courses (6 CFU) or one course (9 CFU) and/or 3-CFU teaching modules, delving into subjects already covered by the programme)
k1 - 9 CFU in
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
History of the Renaissance 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/02
k2 - 9 CFU in
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
History of the Age of Enlightenment and Revolutions 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/02
k3 - 6 CFU in one of the following disciplines (if not already taken)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
History of Italian Risorgimento 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/04
History of Modern Art 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/02
History of Political Institutions 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/03
History of Printing and Publishing 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/08
History of Women and Gender Identity 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/01 M-STO/02 M-STO/04
Legal History from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Period 9 60 Italian First semester IUS/19
k4 - 9 CFU in one of the following disciplines (if not already taken)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Aesthetics 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/04
Church History 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/07
History and Philosophy of Science 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/02
History of Christianity 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/07
History of Churches in Modern and Contemporary Ages 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/07
History, Historiography and Philosophy in the Classical World 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/07
Moral Philosophy 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/03
Principles of Logic 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/02
Theoretical Philosophy 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/01
k5 - 9 CFU in one of the following subjects (if not already taken)
If SECS-P/12 exam already chosen, the student must choose SPS/02 or SPS/03 exam.
If SPS/02 or SPS/03 exam already chosen, the student must choose SECS-P/12 exam)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Economics and History of Globalization 9 60 Italian First semester SECS-P/12
History of Political Doctrines 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/02
History of Political Institutions 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/03
k6 - 6 CFU at the student's choice
(There are 12 elective credits over the course of the three-year period. The student can earn them by freely choosing two courses (6 CFU) or one course (9 CFU) and/or 3-CFU teaching modules, delving into subjects already covered by the programme)
l1 - 18 CFU (9+9) in one of the following subjects
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
History of Italian Risorgimento 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/04
History of Journalism 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
History of Radio and Television 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
l2 - 6 CFU in one of the following disciplines (if not already taken)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Archival Studies 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Bibliography 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/08
Contemporary History of Europe: East and West 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/03
Economics and History of Globalization 9 60 Italian First semester SECS-P/12
Film History and Criticism 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/06
History of Contemporary Art 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/03
History of Journalism 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
History of Modern and Contemporary Music 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/07
History of Opera 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/07
History of Radio and Television 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
History of Women and Gender Identity 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/01 M-STO/02 M-STO/04
Italian Contemporary Literature 9 60 Italian Second semester L-FIL-LET/11
Legal History from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Period 9 60 Italian First semester IUS/19
Librarianship 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/08
l3 - 9 CFU in one of the following disciplines (if not already taken)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Aesthetics 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/04
Church History 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/07
Early Christianity 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/07
History and Philosophy of Science 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/02
History of Ancient Philosophy 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/07
History of Christianity 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/07
History of Churches in Modern and Contemporary Ages 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/07
History, Historiography and Philosophy in the Classical World 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/07
Moral Philosophy 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/03
Principles of Logic 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/02
Theoretical Philosophy 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/01
l4 - 9 CFU in one of the following subjects (if not already taken)
If SECS-P/12 exam already chosen, the student must choose SPS/02 or SPS/03 exam.
If SPS/02 or SPS/03 exam already chosen, the student must choose SECS-P/12 exam)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Economics and History of Globalization 9 60 Italian First semester SECS-P/12
History of Political Doctrines 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/02
History of Political Institutions 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/03
l5 - 6 CFU at the student's choice
(There are 12 elective credits over the course of the three-year period. The student can earn them by freely choosing two courses (6 CFU) or one course (9 CFU) and/or 3-CFU teaching modules, delving into subjects already covered by the programme)
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Aesthetics 9 60 Italian M-FIL/04
Moral Philosophy 9 60 Italian M-FIL/03
Teaching Workshop 3 20 Italian
Teaching Workshop 3 20 Italian
Teaching Workshop 3 20 Italian
Theoretical Philosophy 9 60 Italian M-FIL/01
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Church History 9 60 Italian M-STO/07
Early Christianity 9 60 Italian M-STO/07
History and Philosophy of Science 9 60 Italian M-FIL/02
History of Manuscript Book 9 60 Italian M-STO/09
History of Medieval Art 9 60 Italian L-ART/01
History of Political Institutions 9 60 Italian SPS/03
History of Printing and Publishing 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
Librarianship 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
Roman History 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03
Teaching Workshop 3 20 Italian
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Archival Studies 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
Greek History 9 60 Italian L-ANT/02
History of Christianity 9 60 Italian M-STO/07
History of Churches in Modern and Contemporary Ages 9 60 Italian M-STO/07
History of Modern Art 9 60 Italian L-ART/02
History of Political Doctrines 9 60 Italian SPS/02
History of Writing in the Medieval West 9 60 Italian M-STO/09
History, Historiography and Philosophy in the Classical World 9 60 Italian M-FIL/07
Principles of Logic 9 60 Italian M-FIL/02
Teaching Workshop 3 20 Italian
Teaching Workshop 3 20 Italian
Teaching Workshop 3 20 Italian
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
High Profile Seminars - B.a. and M.a in History 3 20 Italian
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Academic guidance tutor
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Internship tutor
University and programme transfer tutor
Quality Assurance Delegate

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

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