Economics: behavior, data and policy

The first two years of the study programme aim to ensure basic knowledge in different disciplines, with a solid training in quantitative methods and the development of reasoning and critical thinking skills. Furthermore, students will grasp the basic principles of economics in order to acquire tools for analysing individual choices, market functioning, dynamics underlying economic activities and the labor market. Through targeted teaching, students will develop the ability to collect, process and interpret statistical data, with an early focus on consumer behavior. In the third year of the program, students take advanced courses and apply the tools and skills acquired earlier. They also have the opportunity to further enrich their competencies in analysing the behavioral mechanisms influencing consumer choices.
The knowledge and skills acquired are useful both for graduates intending to continue their academic career with a Master Degree and for graduates entering the job market in positions and professional profiles such as operative marketing technician; strategic marketing technician, market analyst, and data technician.
1. Profile: Data Technician
Function in a work context: assist specialists in experimental research and in demographic, epidemiological, social and economic surveys; verify and apply research and data acquisition procedures; quality control of collected data and statistical processing and analysis of the data.
Skills associated with the function: solid quantitative and methodological basis for collecting data and conducting statistical analysis.
Employment outlets: enterprises, public and private organizations.
2. Profile: Market Analyst
Function in a work context: to assist specialists in defining marketing strategies; carry out researches on consumer reactions and market conditions; evaluate commercial penetration opportunities for products or services; identify competitive situations, prices and types of consumers; apply established procedures to collect relevant information; organize and analyse collected information, and present it in a relevant and meaningful way to specialists and managers.
Skills associated with the function: solid quantitative basis for conducting statistical analysis, in-depth knowledge of market systems and behavioral mechanisms of consumer choices.
Employment outlets: enterprises, public and private organizations.
Statistiche occupazionali (Almalaurea)
Partners are selected from the most prestigious academic institutions in the European area. The Department also stipulated agreements with prestigious University in United Kingdom and Switzerland. The courses offered by partner universities cover all the core topics and disciplines of Economics. The choice of courses is made before departure together with the Erasmus coordinator and the credits earned are officially recognized at the end of the exchange period and included in the study plan.
Pursuant to Art. 2 of the Law 264/1999, in order to ensure high quality education (in particular with respect to the capacity constraints necessary to run laboratories, and to hold individual and group presentations in some courses), the maximum number of students who can enroll in the Bachelor's Degree programme in Economics: Behavior, Data and Policy is set at 100, plus 15 places reserved for international non-EU candidates residing abroad.
Assessment of basic knowledge and skills will be ascertained through an online admission test, held in English language - English TOLC-E admission test, the Online Test organized by CISIA (Interuniversity Consortium for Integrated Access Systems), that will focus on the topics listed in the syllabus given at the following link:
Selection of students is based on the English TOLC-E admission test too; admission ranking is exclusively based on the score obtained in logic and mathematics sections of the English TOLC-E test. Applicants who want to transfer from other Degree programmes or who already hold a degree and request its recognition (partial or total) must also sit for the test and rank sufficiently high.
The admission test is organized in two sessions: a Spring Session exclusively reserved for students attending their last year of secondary school, and a Summer Session, open to all candidates.
International non-EU candidates residing abroad - both those in their last year of secondary school and those who already got their diploma in previous years - must apply in the Spring Session.
Candidates (both EU and non-EU) who don't reach an overall score of 10 in the mathematics and logic sections (jointly considered) the English TOLC-E will be excluded from the admission procedure.
Additional Learning Requirements (OFA)
Admitted candidates who didn't reach an overall score of 15 in the mathematics and logic sections of the English TOLC-E will be assigned Additional Learning Requirements (OFA, Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi) in the area of logic and mathematics, that must be fulfilled within the first year; students who do not fulfil OFA within this deadline will not be able to take the exams of the second or third year. Further information on these OFA is available online on the Bachelor Degree programme website.
Additional Learning Requirements in English Language proficiency (OFA B2)
To be able to sit the exams included in the degree programme, students must be proficient in English at a B2 level under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This proficiency level may be certified as follows:
- By submitting a language certificate attesting B2 or higher level in English and issued no more than three years before the date of submission. You will find the list of language certificates recognized by the University at: ( The certificate must be uploaded during the enrolment procedure, or subsequently to the portal;
- By submitting a secondary school diploma with English as teaching Language. The diploma must be uploaded during the enrolment procedure in the Language Certificate section, or subsequently to the portal;
- By taking a placement test offered by the University Language Centre (SLAM) during year I only, in October. Students who fail the test will be required to take a SLAM course. The Placement Test is mandatory for all students who do not hold a valid certificate, or a secondary school diploma with English as teaching language. Students who do not sit the Placement Test by October or who fail to pass the SLAM end-of-course test within six attempts, must obtain a paid certificate to be able to register for and sit any exam included in the degree programme.
Posti disponibili: 100 + 15 riservati a cittadini Extra UE
Bando di ammissione
Consulta il bando per scoprire le date e i contenuti del test e tutte le informazioni su come iscriverti.
Sessione: 1
Domanda di ammissione: dal 13/03/2025 al 29/05/2025
Domanda di immatricolazione: dal 09/06/2025 al 19/06/2025
Sessione: 2
Domanda di ammissione: dal 02/07/2025 al 29/08/2025
Domanda di immatricolazione: dal 04/09/2025 al 10/09/2025
Attività formative | Crediti massimi | Ore totali | Lingua | Periodo | SSD |
Business economics and marketing | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Terzo trimestre | SECS-P/07 SECS-P/08 |
Coding | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Primo trimestre | INF/01 |
Data protection and consumer law | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Terzo trimestre | IUS/01 |
Mathematics | 12 | 80 | Inglese | Primo trimestre | SECS-S/06 |
Microeconomics | 12 | 80 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SECS-P/01 SECS-P/02 |
Philosophy of science | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Terzo trimestre | M-FIL/02 |
Probability and statistics | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SECS-S/01 |
Attività formative | Crediti massimi | Ore totali | Lingua | Periodo | SSD |
Causal inference and policy evaluation | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Terzo trimestre | SECS-P/01 SECS-P/05 |
Competition and advertising law | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Terzo trimestre | IUS/04 |
Econometrics | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SECS-P/05 |
Experimental economics | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Terzo trimestre | SECS-P/01 SECS-P/02 |
Macroeconomics | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Primo trimestre | SECS-P/01 |
Microeconomics of uncertainty | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Primo trimestre | SECS-P/01 |
Public economics | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SECS-P/03 |
Attività formative | Crediti massimi | Ore totali | Lingua | Periodo | SSD |
Behavioral economics | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Primo trimestre | SECS-P/01 SECS-P/02 |
Consumer behavior and marketing strategy | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SECS-P/08 |
Development and sustainability | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SECS-P/01 |
Labor markets and migration | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SECS-P/01 |
Machine learning for economics | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Primo trimestre | SECS-S/01 |
Final exam | 3 | 0 | Inglese | Periodo non definito |
- computer skills;
- additional language skills (max 3 ECTS); students with a foreign qualification must necessarily earn 3 credits in Additional Language Skills: Italian (level A2);
- transversal skills (please check this website page:;
- other activities in which also laboratories can be included (max 3 ECTS).
Attività formative | Crediti massimi | Ore totali | Lingua | Periodo | SSD |
Additional language skills: french (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Francese | Periodo non definito | |
Additional language skills: german (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Tedesco | Periodo non definito | |
Additional language skills: italian (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Italiano | Periodo non definito | |
Additional language skills: spanish (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Spagnolo | Periodo non definito |
For the Undergraduate Course in Economics: Behavior, Data and Policy, some courses are preparatory and the related exams must be passed before being able to take the exam in other courses, as detailed below:
- 'Microeconomics' is mandatory before taking the following exams: 'Behavioral Economics', 'Public Economics', 'Experimental Economics', 'Development and Sustainability' and 'Labor Market and Migration'.
- 'Business Economics and Marketing' is mandatory before taking the following exam: 'Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy'.
Attività formativa | Attività formative propedeutiche |
Behavioral economics | Microeconomics (obbligatoria) |
Consumer behavior and marketing strategy | Business economics and marketing (obbligatoria) |
Development and sustainability | Microeconomics (obbligatoria) |
Experimental economics | Microeconomics (obbligatoria) |
Labor markets and migration | Microeconomics (obbligatoria) |
Microeconomics of uncertainty | Microeconomics (obbligatoria) |
Public economics | Microeconomics (obbligatoria) |
- Didactic Secretariat
Via Conservatorio, 7 - 20122 Milano (MI) Italia
[email protected] - Student Registrar
Via S. Sofia 9/1 - 20122 Milano (MI) Italia
+39+39 02 5032 5032 - Disability Referee
Prof. Francesco Maria Fasani
Le tasse universitarie per gli studenti iscritti ai corsi di laurea, di laurea magistrale e a ciclo unico sono suddivise in due rate con modalità di calcolo e tempi di pagamento diversi:
- l'importo della prima rata è uguale per tutti
- l'importo della seconda rata varia in base al valore ISEE Università, al Corso di laurea di iscrizione e alla posizione (in corso/fuori corso da un anno oppure fuori corso da più di un anno).
- per i corsi on line è prevista una rata suppletiva.
Sono previste:
- agevolazioni per gli studenti con elevati requisiti di merito
- importi diversificati in base al Paese di provenienza per gli studenti internazionali con reddito e patrimonio all'estero
- agevolazioni per gli studenti internazionali con status di rifugiato
Altre agevolazioni
L’Ateneo fornisce agevolazioni economiche a favore dei propri studenti con requisiti particolari (merito, condizioni economiche o personali, studenti internazionali)
Maggiori informazioni
Info su ammissioni e immatricolazioni
- Contatta le segreterie
- Sportello online InformaStudenti
- Studenti internazionali: welcome desk
- Studenti con disabilità
- Studenti con DSA