World literatures in english
A.A. 2025/2026
Obiettivi formativi
The course offers opportunities for analysis and reflection on a broad spectrum of literary proposals, covering texts from various parts of the world, provided they are written in English. The perspective through which world literatures are analysed and the critical and theoretical framework are defined in the specific syllabi. All courses aim to provide basic literary and historical knowledge of the texts examined and teach students to contextualise, critically analyse and engage in dialogue with the literary works under scrutiny.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
During the course, students will acquire basic historical and literary knowledge of the texts on the reading list; they will also learn to analyse them from a formal- and content-related point of view and situate them in their cultural contexts. At the end of the course, students will be able to place a literary work in its historical and cultural context, critically analyse it, and make comparisons with other texts under analysis, in line with the critical framework provided in class.
Periodo: Primo semestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
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Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Edizione non attiva
Moduli o unità didattiche
Parte A e B
Lezioni: 40 ore
Parte C
Lezioni: 20 ore