
A.A. 2025/2026
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
FIS/06 GEO/10
Obiettivi formativi
At the end of the course the student will have acquired the following skills:
1) will know how to mathematize a realistic model of the Earth with spherical symmetry, self-gravitating and viscoelastic, in which
the fundamental equations of conservation of momentum, of angular momentum and Poisson equation are developed in spherical
2) will be able to derive in a completely analytical way the Green functions related to the perturbation of the gravitational potential
and to the superficial deformations for surface and internal loads and dislocations for a spherical, self-gravitating and incompressible
model, due to surface and internal mass redistributions and earthquakes;
3) will be able to use the results of the two previous points to mathematize the physics inherent to the global processes that the Earth
undergoes, following the fusion taking place in the glacial compartment interacting with the solid part of the Earth, the variations of the
average sea level and the earthquakes that occur both in the Pacific belt of fire and in Italy, for the purpose of a modern control of the
territory in which we live;
4) will be able to model and interpret from the physical point of view the perturbations of the terrestrial rotation and of the gravitational
potential, ascribable to the previous point 3), with connections to the current gravitational missions of ESA (European Space Agency)
and NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration);
5) will know how to apply the acquired methodologies also to other planets and satellites of the Solar System, in particular to the Icy
Moons, such as Europa, Ganymede and Callisto of Jupiter and Titan and Enceladus of Saturn;
6) will be able to autonomously manage the problems related to the previous points, thanks to the use of the textbook: Global
Dynamics of the Earth - Applications of viscoelastic relaxation theory to Solid and Earth Planetary
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the end of the course the student will have acquired the following skills:
1) will know how to mathematize a realistic model of the Earth with spherical symmetry, self-gravitating and viscoelastic, in which
the fundamental equations of conservation of momentum, of angular momentum and Poisson equation are developed in spherical
2) will be able to derive in a completely analytical way the Green functions related to the perturbation of the gravitational potential
and to the superficial deformations for surface and internal loads and dislocations for a spherical, self-gravitating and incompressible
model, due to surface and internal mass redistributions and earthquakes;
3) will be able to use the results of the two previous points to mathematize the physics inherent to the global processes that the Earth
undergoes, following the fusion taking place in the glacial compartment interacting with the solid part of the Earth, the variations of the
average sea level and the earthquakes that occur both in the Pacific belt of fire and in Italy, for the purpose of a modern control of the
territory in which we live;
4) will be able to model and interpret from the physical point of view the perturbations of the terrestrial rotation and of the gravitational
potential, ascribable to the previous point 3), with connections to the current gravitational missions of ESA (European Space Agency)
and NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration);
5) will know how to apply the acquired methodologies also to other planets and satellites of the Solar System, in particular to the Icy
Moons, such as Europa, Ganymede and Callisto of Jupiter and Titan and Enceladus of Saturn;
6) will be able to autonomously manage the problems related to the previous points, thanks to the use of the textbook: Global
Dynamics of the Earth - Applications of viscoelastic relaxation theory to Solid and Earth Planetary Geophysics, Roberto Sabadini, Bert
Vermeersen and Gabriele Cambiotti ( Authors), Springer (Editor), second edition 2016.
Corso singolo

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Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Secondo semestre

Il programma è condiviso con i seguenti insegnamenti:
- [FBK-16](https://www.unimi.it/it/ugov/of/af20260000fbk-16)
Lezioni: 42 ore
Mercoledì 14:30
Sezione Geofisica, Via Cicognara 7