Laboratory: soft skills for entrepreneurs
A.A. 2025/2026
Obiettivi formativi
Soft skills such as confidence, teamwork, self-motivation, networking, presentation skills, are considered increasingly important for the employability and adaptability of any person. These skills are even more important when people decide to embark on an entrepreneurial career, where risks of failure are extremely high. The Lab is intended to equip students with the soft skills they need to thrive in planning and executing an entrepreneurial project as startuppers or gamechangers within an existing organization.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
By attending the Lab students will learn how to communicate effectively with team members, business partners and the other stakeholders involved throughout the entrepreneurial processes. They will also understand the importance of incorporating time management, organizational skills and goal setting in business activities and plans. Students will apply leadership skills to effectively manage an entrepreneurial team and work to improve teamwork and team creativity. Presentation skills will be also favored.
Periodo: Primo trimestre
Modalità di valutazione: Giudizio di approvazione
Giudizio di valutazione: superato/non superato
Corso singolo
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Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Primo trimestre
Lezioni: 19.8 ore