Globalization, social justice and human rights

A.A. 2025/2026
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The course analyses theories, problems and debates associated with the effects that the growing globalization processes have on social justice and respect for human rights. The course aims to provide students with adequate theoretical and analytical tools for the study of complex situations, characterized by the need for mediation between different cultural perspectives. In particular, it develops a sociological perspective on Human rights.
Students will be invited to analyse how the current processes of globalization - economic, political and cultural - have effects in defining the daily and institutional contexts of interaction. We will analyse the relationship between the processes of globalization and the idea of human rights, their effective implementation and their transformations in a context of growing planetary interconnection. Our attention will focus on the intersections between globalization, material inequalities, gender, and ethnicity and how such intersections affect human rights. Furthermore, we will analyse how local decisions can have global impact and how the global dimension can constrain or facilitate local action. The theme of the relationship between globalization processes and human rights will be evaluated empirically starting from the questions of gender difference, migratory processes, ethnic and religious identifications, formal and practical criteria of inclusion and exclusion in the public sphere, and transformation of citizenship, racism and other forms of discrimination.
Particular attention will be paid to the critical evaluation of the role of the cultural dimension, to intercultural relations and to the methods of classification, naming and evaluation of the alleged cultural diversity.
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
(general skills)
Knowledge and understanding of the main sociological interpretative paradigms related to the theme of globalization, social justice, human rights and social inclusion / exclusion processes. Students will acquire an understanding of how widely-used terms, such as globalization, social justice and human rights, have specific histories shaped in specific (and often changing) relations of power. Students will be able to explain the meaning of these terms with reference to both their histories and different theoretical perspectives.
Knowledge and understanding of the structural dimensions of social processes and their transformation in a globalized world. Knowledge and understanding of the dynamics and possibilities of individual and collective actions for the promotion and defence of human rights. Knowledge and understanding of the social and cultural dimension of human rights. Ability to use sociological knowledge to describe, understand and evaluate situations, processes and social problems, with particular attention to the dimensions of social justice and the promotion of human rights, inclusion and social participation. Ability to autonomously consult research reports, quantitative and qualitative data, scientific journals and databases concerning the themes of globalization, cultural difference, social justice and human rights.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Application of knowledge of the main sociological theories and social science concepts to the phenomena of globalization, multiculturalism, social justice and human rights. Acquisition of specific skills for analysing the cultural dimensions of globalization processes and the definition of human rights and social justice. Ability to evaluate the importance of the cultural dimension in the programs of protection and promotion of human rights; understanding of the dynamics of intercultural interactions. Students will enhance their capacity for critical analysis of social issues through the application of particular methods of analysis (e.g. intersectional analysis, case studies, qualitative comparative analysis) and critical social theory.
Communicating knowledge and understanding: Development of the ability to communicate, using a vehicular language, with students with different cultural backgrounds. Capacity to work in multicultural settings and to communicate and act respectfully and professionally across linguistic and cultural differences.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
By the end of the course, students should be able to: (general skills) Knowledge and understanding of the main sociological interpretative paradigms related to the theme of globalization, social justice, human rights and social inclusion / exclusion processes. Students will acquire an understanding of how widely-used terms, such as globalization, social justice and human rights, have specific histories shaped in specific (and often changing) relations of power. Students will be able to explain the meaning of these terms with reference to both their histories and different theoretical perspectives. Knowledge and understanding of the structural dimensions of social processes and their transformation in a globalized world. Knowledge and understanding of the dynamics and possibilities of individual and collective actions for the promotion and defence of human rights. Knowledge and understanding of the social and cultural dimension of human rights. Ability to use sociological knowledge to describe, understand and evaluate situations, processes and social problems, with particular attention to the dimensions of social justice and the promotion of human rights, inclusion and social participation. Ability to autonomously consult research reports, quantitative and qualitative data, scientific journals and databases concerning the themes of globalization, cultural difference, social justice and human rights. Applying knowledge and understanding: Application of knowledge of the main sociological theories and social science concepts to the phenomena of globalization, multiculturalism, social justice and human rights. Acquisition of specific skills for analysing the cultural dimensions of globalization processes and the definition of human rights and social justice. Ability to evaluate the importance of the cultural dimension in the programs of protection and promotion of human rights; understanding of the dynamics of intercultural interactions. Students will enhance their capacity for critical analysis of social issues through the application of particular methods of analysis (e.g. intersectional analysis, case studies, qualitative comparative analysis) and critical social theory. Communicating knowledge and understanding: Development of the ability to communicate, using a vehicular language, with students with different cultural backgrounds. Capacity to work in multicultural settings and to communicate and act respectfully and professionally across linguistic and cultural differences.
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Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo trimestre
Lezioni: 40 ore
Docente: Colombo Enzo
Docente: Colombo Enzo
MERCOLEDI' 9.30 - 12.30 su appuntamento, inviare una email a [email protected]
Dip. Scienze sociali e politiche - stanza 321