Final exam

A.A. 2025/2026
Crediti massimi
Obiettivi formativi
The Master's Degree thesis, corresponding to 15 credits, is an original work written in English on a topic related to the course subject areas.
The Master's thesis offers the students the opportunities to plan a research activity, critically collect, analyze and interpret data, write a report.

A supervisor and co-supervisor will guide the students through their thesis research.

Writing a thesis is aimed at enhancing students' ability to: clearly identify the research questions they intend to answer; independently and critically carry out a literature review on the selected topic; elaborate a theoretical or empirical research plan consistent with the research questions; analyze and interpret the results obtained; highlight their study's theoretical and applicative contributions and its methodological limitations.

The thesis's results will be presented and defended before a Thesis Examination Committee.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the end of the final exam, students will be able to:
a)Be autonomous searching for reliable sources and data to analyze and explain a topic related to human resource management.

b)Independently analyze and synthesize scientific literature and relevant data related to a topic.

c)Critically reflect on the theoretical, ethical, methodological, and practical implications of the work carried out.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento non può essere seguito come corso singolo. Puoi trovare gli insegnamenti disponibili consultando il catalogo corsi singoli.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Edizione non attiva
- CFU: 15
Studio e pratica individuale: 0 ore