Clinical omics

A.A. 2025/2026
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
MED/06 MED/11 MED/15
Obiettivi formativi
Precision medicine is rapidly evolving within cancer medicine, cardiovascular and neurological diseases and has brought many new concepts and terminologies that are often poorly defined when first introduced. We defined specific learning objectives for any specific learning module:
a) Omics in Oncology
Our learning objectives will be to
1. To acquire an omic "glossary" for clinical oncology (focus on solid tumors)
2. To understand the clinical utility and clinical validity of genomic testing in cancer medicine.
3. To assess risk of relapse according to omics data
4. To increase knowledge on risk assessment and patient stratification in the context of clinical trials
5. To assess minimal residual disease and to define the clinical utility and clinical validity of available tests.
b) Omics in Hematological Malignancies
1. To acquire an omic "glossary" for hematology-oncology (focus on hematological malignancies)
2. To understand the clinical utility and clinical validity of genomic testing in hematology.
3. To assess risk of relapse according to omics data
4. To increase knowledge on risk assessment and patient stratification in the context of clinical trials
5. To assess minimal residual disease and to define the clinical utility and clinical validity of available tests.
c) Cardio-genomics
1. To acquire an omic "glossary" for cardiology
2. To understand the clinical utility and clinical validity of genomic and proteomic testing in cardiology
3. To assess cardiac risk of relapse according to omics data
d) Neuro-genomics
1. To acquire an omic "glossary" for neurology
2. To understand the clinical utility and clinical validity of genomic and proteomic testing in neuroogical diseases
3. To assess risk of neurodegenerative disease according to omics data
Risultati apprendimento attesi
We expect a better knowledge on the role of
1) Precision medicine in cancer, cardiology and neurology.
An healthcare approach with the primary aim of identifying which interventions are likely to be of most benefit to which patients based upon the features of the individual and their disease. In cancer, the term usually refers to the use of therapeutics that are expected to confer benefit to a subset of patients whose cancer displays specific molecular or cellular features (most commonly genomic changes and gene or protein expression patterns). Nevertheless, the term also includes the use of prognostic markers, predictors of toxicities and any parameter such as environmental and lifestyle factors that leads to treatment tailoring. Characterisation approaches in the future are expected to encompass a wider range of technologies such as functional imaging.
2) Pharmacogenomics.
A component of precision medicine—the study of how genomic variation within the individual or their disease (including gene expression, epigenetics, germline and somatic mutations) influences his/her response to drugs. In pharmacogenomics genomic variation is correlated with pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. The aim of pharmacogenomics is to optimise drug therapy by maximising therapeutic effect and minimising adverse effects.
3) Stratified medicine
The use of a molecular assay to define subpopulations, rather than individuals, who are likely to benefit from a treatment intervention.
4) Molecular tumour board
A molecular tumour board is a specific type of multidisciplinary tumour board. In common with a classical multidisciplinary board it aims at providing clinical recommendations. A molecular tumour board, however, deals not only with the classical radiological, clinical and standard biological data of the patient, but also with modern molecular diagnostic tests. Its composition therefhours goes beyond that of multidisciplinary boards, encompassing molecular biologists, geneticists and bioinformaticians.
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Lezioni: 48 ore