Workshop: software tools for machine learning
A.A. 2024/2025
Obiettivi formativi
In this course the students will learn how to process data and solve complex problems with a set of available computational tools. The tools will be presented with a hands-on approach, based on the computational tasks at hand, and with exemplary codes. Additionally the students will understand how to manage different types of data (e.g. categorical versus numerical) and what type of algorithm to use. Particular attention will also be devoted to the use of a High Performing Computational facility to efficiently solve the most demanding computational tasks.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the end of the course, students are expected to have the following skills:
1) formulate a given problem in a mathematical or algorithmic way
2) understand how to preprocess the data
3) distinguish classification from regression and Clustering computational tasks
4) program a data analysis pipeline
5) efficiently solve a problem on a HPC facility
1) formulate a given problem in a mathematical or algorithmic way
2) understand how to preprocess the data
3) distinguish classification from regression and Clustering computational tasks
4) program a data analysis pipeline
5) efficiently solve a problem on a HPC facility
Periodo: Secondo semestre
Corso singolo
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Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Secondo semestre
Siti didattici