Quantitative methods
A.A. 2024/2025
Obiettivi formativi
The purpose is that students learn the main mathematical and computational tools needed for formal methods in advanced courses for Environmental Science, and other life sciences. The course serves mostly to refresh students' knowledge in certain topics, and to ensure that all students taking the advanced courses have a common mathematical level.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
Students should develop an understanding of the dynamical systems with application in the environmental science and the knowledge of optimization methods.
Periodo: Primo semestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Primo semestre
Linear Algebra and applications. Real vector spaces. Linear combination, dependence and linear independence. Basis and dimension in R^n. Algebra of vectors, inner product and Norm. Matrix algebra (inverse, rank, derivatives, eigenvalues, diagonalization and factorization).
Introduction to Graph theory and applications.
Basic Calculus for Real functions on Rn.
Optimization. First and Second order conditions for unconstrained problems. Constrained optimization: equality constraints and Lagrange Multipliers. Inequality constraints. Linear programming. Discrete and continuous dynamical systems with applications.
[Brief introduction to R or Matlab Laboratory ]
Introduction to Graph theory and applications.
Basic Calculus for Real functions on Rn.
Optimization. First and Second order conditions for unconstrained problems. Constrained optimization: equality constraints and Lagrange Multipliers. Inequality constraints. Linear programming. Discrete and continuous dynamical systems with applications.
[Brief introduction to R or Matlab Laboratory ]
Prerequisites for this course include a good knowledge of the mathematical tools presented in a basic Calculus course and a Basic Linear Algebra course.
Metodi didattici
Frontal Lessons and practicals
[Brief introduction to R or Matlab Laboratory ]
[Brief introduction to R or Matlab Laboratory ]
Materiale di riferimento
As a complement to the notes of the teachers, we suggest the following books:
David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay and Judi J. McDonald, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Pearson, 2016
K. Sydsaeter, P. Hammond, A. Strom, A. Carvajal, Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, Pearson, 2016
E. Salinelli, F. Tomarelli, Discrete-Dynamical Models, Springer, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-319-02290-1
MyAriel web site
David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay and Judi J. McDonald, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Pearson, 2016
K. Sydsaeter, P. Hammond, A. Strom, A. Carvajal, Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, Pearson, 2016
E. Salinelli, F. Tomarelli, Discrete-Dynamical Models, Springer, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-319-02290-1
MyAriel web site
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Assignments (not mandatory):
Assignments using exam.net: maximum 2 points.
P% = percentage of points compared to total points (considering all homework)
It is necessary to have done at least half of the homework
P% >= 75% 2 points
P% >= 45% and < 75% 1 points
P% >0 and < 45% 0.5 points
Written test
6 multiple choice answers = 2 points for each correct answer;
2 multiple choice answers = 4 points for each correct answer;
2 open answers = 6 points for each correct answer.
Minimum (threshold) =18 points
maximum = 32 points
Project (not mandatory)
3 points if basic requirements are met
Assignments using exam.net: maximum 2 points.
P% = percentage of points compared to total points (considering all homework)
It is necessary to have done at least half of the homework
P% >= 75% 2 points
P% >= 45% and < 75% 1 points
P% >0 and < 45% 0.5 points
Written test
6 multiple choice answers = 2 points for each correct answer;
2 multiple choice answers = 4 points for each correct answer;
2 open answers = 6 points for each correct answer.
Minimum (threshold) =18 points
maximum = 32 points
Project (not mandatory)
3 points if basic requirements are met
Esercitazioni: 32 ore
Lezioni: 32 ore
Lezioni: 32 ore
Naldi Giovanni, Nieus Thierry Ralph
Siti didattici