Public health and sustainability
A.A. 2024/2025
Obiettivi formativi
- understand the general constitutional law and international law framework regulating right to health
- understand the constitutional principles that regulate Public Health in constitutional law
- explore the synergies between the SDG no. 3 and the right to health
- acquire and understanding of the constitutional framework on the balance between right to health and other constitutional rights, interests or principles
- acquire an understanding of the legal frameworks on intellectual property rights (patents) on pharmaceutical products
- analyze the rules and regulations aimed at managing epidemics at both the domestic level and the international level
- outline the interplay between human right law and other rules of constitutional and international law, including international trade law, in the field of health protection
- understand the constitutional principles that regulate Public Health in constitutional law
- explore the synergies between the SDG no. 3 and the right to health
- acquire and understanding of the constitutional framework on the balance between right to health and other constitutional rights, interests or principles
- acquire an understanding of the legal frameworks on intellectual property rights (patents) on pharmaceutical products
- analyze the rules and regulations aimed at managing epidemics at both the domestic level and the international level
- outline the interplay between human right law and other rules of constitutional and international law, including international trade law, in the field of health protection
Risultati apprendimento attesi
Intellectual property rights, public health and TRIPS waivers to tackle coronavirus:
- have advanced knowledge of the right to health under constitutional law and international human rights law;
- assess the interplay between constitutional law, human rights law and other rules of international law, including international trade law;
- assess the interplay between constitutional law, human rights law and the role of the State in the matter of health protection;
- demonstrate an ability to independently identify and analyse problems related to constitutional, international and regional law especially in relation to the protection of public health ant its linkages with the concept of sustainable development;
- practical abilities to research constitutional law, international law and regulations governing public health and intellectual property rights on pharmaceutical products;
- improve oral and written skills, including arguing convincingly with the professor and with classmates, with logical and legal thoroughness and propriety of language
- have advanced knowledge of the right to health under constitutional law and international human rights law;
- assess the interplay between constitutional law, human rights law and other rules of international law, including international trade law;
- assess the interplay between constitutional law, human rights law and the role of the State in the matter of health protection;
- demonstrate an ability to independently identify and analyse problems related to constitutional, international and regional law especially in relation to the protection of public health ant its linkages with the concept of sustainable development;
- practical abilities to research constitutional law, international law and regulations governing public health and intellectual property rights on pharmaceutical products;
- improve oral and written skills, including arguing convincingly with the professor and with classmates, with logical and legal thoroughness and propriety of language
Periodo: Primo semestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Primo semestre
Lezioni: 42 ore
Pellizzone Irene, Silingardi Stefano
Siti didattici
La prof. ssa Irene Pellizzone riceve gli studenti il lunedì alle h. 10.30, oppure previo appuntamento, da fissare via email e scrivendo a: [email protected]
Stanza piano terra, presso il Dipartimento di diritto pubblico
Martedì: 10.30-12.30 previo appuntamento da concordare via email
Dipartimento di diritto pubblico italiano e sovranazionale - Piano seminterrato, stanza d'angolo