Public and private partnership for sustainable development

A.A. 2024/2025
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Obiettivi formativi
The course aims at providing the students with a comprehensive view of the value of public-private partnership (PPPs) as a fundamental tool of governance of common interests. A fundamental goal of the program is to capture the precise juridical notion of the phenomenon, by reasoning on its essential legal features, both in the supranational and local dimensions. Learning objectives of the course include acquiring confidence with the juridical mechanism PPPs, with examples of its regulations around the world, with the juridical complexities embedded in its application and with some actual examples of PPPs.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
- Knowledge and understanding: reasons and functions of PPPs; - Applying knowledge and understanding: specific knowledge on PPPs in different sectors, e.g. transport, infrastructures, cultural heritage, human rights, energy, etc ; - Making judgements: comprehending the PPP mechanism and its regulations; - Communication: expressing linear and organized legal reasoning on PPP and sustainable development; - Lifelong learning skills: understanding the value of cooperation between public and private entities.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Secondo semestre

Both the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the European strategies for a sustainable growth consider Public Private Partnership (PPP) - i.e. contractual agreements between governments and private sector - as one of the key-elements to achieve efficiency, economic growth, social equity and environmental protection.
Indeed, PPP is a fundamental resource for sustainable development, as it mobilizes private sector resources - technical, managerial, and financial - to deliver essential public services and to pursue public interests. Examples of infrastructure projects (such as roads, railways, power generation and water and waste treatment facilities) and social projects (such as social housing or education) has increasingly spread in the last decade throughout Europe and, more generally, around the World.
The course aims at analysing the described phenomenon, providing participants with a general understanding of PPP and focuses on the dynamics incurring between the public and private interests involved.
Concrete examples of PPPs will be considered to detect best practices and concrete examples of 'sustainable PPP'.
Analytic program: Presentation of the course and introduction to PPP - Seeking a juridical definition of PPP - The international dimension - The local dimension - Analysis of the most common assertions of the doctrine and of the existing definitions - Deepening the concept of "public interest" relevant for PPP - The swift from "public interest" to common interests - The principles that guide PPP and the government of common goods - Analysis of practical cases - Student presentations
Erasmus Students: No specific programs are foreseen for Erasmus Students, but so course is recommended for them.
No specific knowledge is required to attend the teaching
Metodi didattici
The teaching will encompass frontal lessons and discussion on specific themes with the class
Materiale di riferimento
S. Valaguzza - E. Parisi, Public Private Partnership. Governing Common Interests, Edward Elgar, 2020.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Assessment: oral exam
Evaluation criteria: capacity to deliver an organized speech on specific issues of the course; capacity to use the knowledge acquired in class in a specific ambit; quality of the exposition; preciseness of the technical language; consistency.
Type of evaluation: scale of 30
Lezioni: 42 ore
Docente: Valaguzza Sara
Docente: Valaguzza Sara
Riceve su appuntamento. Scrivere a [email protected]
Via Celoria, 2 - secondo piano