Polymeric ingredients
A.A. 2024/2025
Obiettivi formativi
The aim of the course is to provide the students the basics of polymer chemistry, defining the parameters required to correctly describe and identify polymers, such as their chemistry, molecular weights, existence of copolymer and polymeric blends. Insights on biopolymers, bioplastics and on the issues related to polymer production and disposal will be provided and also the characterization of polymers and polymeric materials will be discussed in terms of chemical/physical properties and on rheological behavior.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the end of the teaching the students should
- recognize the different classes of polymers, correlating their chemical parameters with their possible behaviour;
- have a knowledge about the existence of different kinds of copolymers and blends;
- be able to recognize which polymers and polymeric materials should have the lowest environmental impact;
- know some important trademarks related to polymers used in cosmetics, correlating them with the chemistry of the polymers and their properties;
- have a knowledge of the main analytical techniques used in the field of polymers and polymeric materials.
Through the laboratory experiences students should be able to develop some practical skills related to the understanding and prediction of the rheological behaviour of polymers and formulations containing polymers.
- recognize the different classes of polymers, correlating their chemical parameters with their possible behaviour;
- have a knowledge about the existence of different kinds of copolymers and blends;
- be able to recognize which polymers and polymeric materials should have the lowest environmental impact;
- know some important trademarks related to polymers used in cosmetics, correlating them with the chemistry of the polymers and their properties;
- have a knowledge of the main analytical techniques used in the field of polymers and polymeric materials.
Through the laboratory experiences students should be able to develop some practical skills related to the understanding and prediction of the rheological behaviour of polymers and formulations containing polymers.
Periodo: Primo semestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento non può essere seguito come corso singolo. Puoi trovare gli insegnamenti disponibili consultando il catalogo corsi singoli.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Primo semestre
Esercitazioni di laboratorio a posto singolo: 16 ore
Lezioni: 40 ore
Lezioni: 40 ore
Ortenzi Marco Aldo
Siti didattici
Tutti i giorni - meglio previo appuntamento
Edificio 5, Corpo B, 3° piano, stanza 3050