M and a: the contract
A.A. 2024/2025
Obiettivi formativi
The course aims at providing students with:
·an exhaustive understanding of the contract in a M&A transaction
·a comprehensive knowledge of the practical implications arising from the different options provided by the diversity of each clause
·an exhaustive understanding of the contract in a M&A transaction
·a comprehensive knowledge of the practical implications arising from the different options provided by the diversity of each clause
Risultati apprendimento attesi
The course aims at providing students with the ability to:
·engage in legal discussion according to the specific technical language
·combine interdisciplinary knowledge
·apply critical analysis and elaboration of knowledge, together with an understanding of every practical implication
·discuss and argue convincingly different points of view
·engage in legal discussion according to the specific technical language
·combine interdisciplinary knowledge
·apply critical analysis and elaboration of knowledge, together with an understanding of every practical implication
·discuss and argue convincingly different points of view
Periodo: Primo semestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Primo semestre
The course will provide the bases of Merger and Acquisition transactions, focusing primarily on the contract as the main source of regulation. The analysis of the contract will be carried out through the breakdown of a real Sale and Purchase Agreement. Firstly, the course will focus on the nature and the structure of the S&P Agreement, by addressing issues such as the applicable law and the negotiation previous to the S&P Agreement (in particular, confidentiality agreement, letter of intent, exclusivity agreement and Memorandum of understanding will be examined). Following, the course will address each part of the S&P Agreement, starting with the analysis of the recitals and of the definitions and ending with the termination of the contract.
Every part of the contract will be analysed through the lenses of the two conflicting interests at stake: the one of the buyer and the one of the seller. Contents
· M&A transactions: the fundamentals
· Asset deal vs. share deal
· Nature and structure of the Sale and Purchase Agreement
· The negotiation of the Sale and Purchase Agreement
· Recitals, Definitions
· Sale and purchase price
· "Representations and warranties" and the issue of indemnity
· Termination of the contract and legal remedies
· The release
· Arbitration clause
Every part of the contract will be analysed through the lenses of the two conflicting interests at stake: the one of the buyer and the one of the seller. Contents
· M&A transactions: the fundamentals
· Asset deal vs. share deal
· Nature and structure of the Sale and Purchase Agreement
· The negotiation of the Sale and Purchase Agreement
· Recitals, Definitions
· Sale and purchase price
· "Representations and warranties" and the issue of indemnity
· Termination of the contract and legal remedies
· The release
· Arbitration clause
Metodi didattici
Class attendance is mandatory. Only students who attend at least 75% of the course will be admitted to the final exam.
The detailed programme of the course will be available at the beginning of the course.
Students are expected to prepare readings in advance when requested and to discuss reading materials in class.
The detailed programme of the course will be available at the beginning of the course.
Students are expected to prepare readings in advance when requested and to discuss reading materials in class.
Materiale di riferimento
Reading materials will include laws & statutes, recommendations and other acts of International institutions, scientific articles and papers and will be generally available on-line (ARIEL) or distributed during lessons.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
The final exam will be oral.
Lezioni: 42 ore
Toffoletto Alberto
Toffoletto AlbertoDocente/i
Su appuntamento, telefonando allo 02/72551359
Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storia del Diritto - 1° piano