Laboratory of environmental change and global sustainability
A.A. 2024/2025
Obiettivi formativi
The course aims at introducing students, by means of one of the four monographic and multidisciplinary experiences, to the main issues concerning:
1) analysis of meteorological data, or
2) analysis of satellite environmental data, or
3) modelling the response of cropping systems to current and projected weather data, or
4) circular resources: waste and biomasses recycling and valorization by means of green chemistry principles and technologies.
1) analysis of meteorological data, or
2) analysis of satellite environmental data, or
3) modelling the response of cropping systems to current and projected weather data, or
4) circular resources: waste and biomasses recycling and valorization by means of green chemistry principles and technologies.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
The expected learning outcomes depend on the monographic experience selected by the student.
At the end of the experience concerning meteorological data, students must be able to perform an analysis of long series of meteorological data. Specifically they must be able to face data organization; quality checks; homogeneity checks and data homogenization; data analysis, with particular focus on spatial patterns and temporal trends.
At the end of the experience concerning satellite environmental data, students must be able to perform an analysis of satellite environmental data such as solar radiation, cloud cover or snow data. Specifically they must be able to face data organization; Data download; data analysis, with particular focus on spatial patterns and temporal trends.
At the end of the experience concerning cropping systems, students must be able to generate downscaled future projections of daily weather data and to use modelling tools able to predict the effect of genotype × environment × management interactions on the productivity of key food crops. This will allow performing predictions of how near-real time weather data affect crops productivity as well as analysing climate change impacts on food availability in the coming decades.
At the end of the experience concerning waste valorisation, students will become aware of how the current technologies can support the environmental sustainability. This will be achieved through practical demonstration on supercritical fluid extraction of added-value compounds from agri-food wastes. The extracts will be then characterized by advanced analytical techniques to identify and quantify the compounds of interest. Finally, the use of the extracts in applications of industrial interest will be assessed and subjected to group discussion.
At the end of the experience concerning meteorological data, students must be able to perform an analysis of long series of meteorological data. Specifically they must be able to face data organization; quality checks; homogeneity checks and data homogenization; data analysis, with particular focus on spatial patterns and temporal trends.
At the end of the experience concerning satellite environmental data, students must be able to perform an analysis of satellite environmental data such as solar radiation, cloud cover or snow data. Specifically they must be able to face data organization; Data download; data analysis, with particular focus on spatial patterns and temporal trends.
At the end of the experience concerning cropping systems, students must be able to generate downscaled future projections of daily weather data and to use modelling tools able to predict the effect of genotype × environment × management interactions on the productivity of key food crops. This will allow performing predictions of how near-real time weather data affect crops productivity as well as analysing climate change impacts on food availability in the coming decades.
At the end of the experience concerning waste valorisation, students will become aware of how the current technologies can support the environmental sustainability. This will be achieved through practical demonstration on supercritical fluid extraction of added-value compounds from agri-food wastes. The extracts will be then characterized by advanced analytical techniques to identify and quantify the compounds of interest. Finally, the use of the extracts in applications of industrial interest will be assessed and subjected to group discussion.
Periodo: Secondo semestre
Modalità di valutazione: Giudizio di approvazione
Giudizio di valutazione: superato/non superato
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Secondo semestre
Il corso prevede l'esecuzione di un'esperienza monografica in uno tra diversi campi proposti. La scelta dei temi attivati potrà variare di anno in anno.
Per l'anno accademico 2024/25 i temi si focalizzeranno su:
- Climate change and food security
- Circular resources: green chemistry
- Glaciers and Climate
Per l'anno accademico 2024/25 i temi si focalizzeranno su:
- Climate change and food security
- Circular resources: green chemistry
- Glaciers and Climate
Competenze acquisite nel primo anno di studi
Metodi didattici
Il laboratorio mira a insegnare agli studenti ad affrontare in modo autonomo un'attività di analisi dati o di svolgimento di un esperimento.
Dopo alcune lezioni preliminari nel corso delle quali si presenteranno gli argomenti da trattare e i metodi da utilizzare, gli studenti lavoreranno in autonomia per trovare le soluzioni migliori per affrontare il problema proposto. Queste soluzioni saranno poi discusse con il docente e, se necessario, ricalibrate.
Le attività verranno svolte in piccoli gruppi (2-3 studenti).
La frequenza è obbligatoria.
Dopo alcune lezioni preliminari nel corso delle quali si presenteranno gli argomenti da trattare e i metodi da utilizzare, gli studenti lavoreranno in autonomia per trovare le soluzioni migliori per affrontare il problema proposto. Queste soluzioni saranno poi discusse con il docente e, se necessario, ricalibrate.
Le attività verranno svolte in piccoli gruppi (2-3 studenti).
La frequenza è obbligatoria.
Materiale di riferimento
Articoli scientifici e/o manuali a disposizione sul sito del corso sulla piattaforma Ariel in
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
L'esame è orale (voto: approvato) e consiste in una discussione sui risultati ottenuti durante il laboratorio nell'ambito della quale verranno discusse le problematiche affrontate e le metodologia d'analisi adottate
- CFU: 9
Esercitazioni: 144 ore
Beretta Giangiacomo, Diolaiuti Guglielmina Adele, Magni Mirko, Maugeri Maurizio, Paleari Livia
previo appuntamento
Via Mangiagalli 25 - primo piano - locale 1066
su appuntamento scrivere al docente verrà fissato un appuntamento skype o zoom
piattaforme skype o zoom
per appuntamento
Studio del professore o per via telematica