Introduction to latin literature

A.A. 2024/2025
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Obiettivi formativi
The course is foundational and mandatory for the BA 'Ancient Civilizations for the Contemporary World'. It belongs to the literary-linguistic area. It aims to offer a good knowledge of Latin literature and civilization in some aspect of their historical development, within the framework of ancient Mediterranean cultures. Latin civilization, irradiating from Rome and Italy, did spread all over the ancient world, and, throughout its lengthy history, had to encounter - and to cope with - other peoples and civilizations under many respects (politics, religion, language, literature, etc.): this makes its knowledge relevant, to face the challenges of the contemporary world. The course aims also to improve the students' knowledge of the Latin language, with a focus on specific words and notions that help understand Latin literature and civilization, along with its contemporary legacy.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
Knowledge and understanding: knowledge of the basic tools for the literary analysis of texts (technical terms, methods, digital tools); knowledge of key themes, periods or genres of Latin literature; understanding the major lexical items in the analyzed texts (read in Latin, along with English translations and commentaries).

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: an ability to read and to analyze ancient Latin texts, placing them within their historical context by using an appropriate critical terminology; an ability to collect, select, understand, and use modern scholarship.

Expressing critical opinions: an ability to address texts and themes objectively, with a historically informed approach and an awareness of their multifaceted reception in the contemporary world.

Communication skills: clear exposition (oral and written)

Learning skills: reading, understanding, and interpreting Latin texts, with the aid of English translations, and with an eye to interdisciplinary comparisons; an ability to independently develop and integrate relevant pieces of knowledges and skills.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo semestre
Lezioni: 40 ore
Il giovedì, dalle 9:00 (previo appuntamento per email).
Studio docente, presso la Sezione di Filologia classica del Dip. di Studi letterari (cortile legnaia).