International refugee protection and sustainable development

A.A. 2024/2025
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This course aims
· to introduce the students to the multidisciplinary intersection of and relationship between the Refugee Protection and the Sustainable Development regimes
· to provide students with the necessary knowledge and tools which will allow them to understand and position themselves critically with regard to a variety of issues related to refugees and other forced migrants, and to the importance of a sustainable development approach regarding their protection.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
By the end of the course students will:
· Have gained knowledge of some of the most important norms, institutions, and procedures that the international community has devised to protect refugees and other forced migrants, as well as of the most relevant global initiatives on Sustainable Development
· Be equipped with the historical, political, and legal knowledge necessary to understand the major challenges faced by the international community pertaining to the protection of refugees and other forced migrants, and sustainable development
· Be able to analyse the different contexts in which the Forced Migration and the Sustainable Development regimes may interact
· Have learned how to analyze the protection of refugees and other forced migrants under a sustainable development perspective and to assess different ways in which refugees and other forced migrants may benefit from the Sustainable Development regime
· Have developed the ability to think laterally across a range of issues, to see how different types of evidence interrelate, and to have an awareness of the potential diversity of response to any given problem
· Be able to critically discuss issues and evidence in a clear, balanced, and effective manner
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo semestre
Lezioni: 42 ore
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