International human rights law

A.A. 2024/2025
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
Obiettivi formativi
The course is designed i) to give students a global understanding of the origins, functioning, and limits of the international systems of protection of human rights, as well as contemporary developments in the field, ii) to provide them with practical skills in legal reasoning and arguing on both cases and current events that give raise to questions regarding the addressed topics. It aims not only at equipping students with appropriate knowledge of the issues examined in class, but also with the tools to address legal questions originating from a practical case, to acquire language skills and, in the long term, to apply international law principles in a professional and competent manner.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
By the end of this course, students should be able to: - Have a deep and detailed knowledge of public international human rights law; - Acquire ability to argue and evaluate complicated international legal issues, also arising from current events; - Understand and evaluate critically legal issues regarding the functioning of the international systems of protection of human rights; - Acquire communication skills (written and oral) as regards the issues dealt with in the course and use them also to argue with logical and legal thoroughness and propriety of legal language.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Terzo trimestre

Classes will alternate traditional lectures and learning-by-doing exercises (case-study discussions, moots, group work). Lectures (powerpoint presentations) will be made available after each lecture at
Previous knowledge of international law, at least with reference to subjects and sources of international law and to the regime of international responsibility. Students with no previous knowledge of the subject are encouraged to read a textbook of international law before the beginning of this course.
Metodi didattici
- Oral exam at the end of the course (several dates will be available; please check the University's website in due time: ). The oral exam will be based on questions aimed at assessing students' capacity to understand and effectively discuss all topics included in the programme, as well as on their ability to apply their knowledge to practical cases.
- An intermediate written exam is available to students attending classes: it consists of both multiple-choice and open questions. It accounts for two third of the final grade. Please note: students are encouraged (but are not obliged) to take this intermediate exam; those who decide not to take it will have to take the final oral exam on the whole programme.
- Moot court exercises: students attending classes may take also part to moot court exercises. They will be required to work in groups on assigned cases and to present the assigned case to the class during the last classes of the course. The activity is subject to assessment and will account for one-third of the final grade.

- Oral exam at the end of the course (several dates will be available; please check the University's website in due time: ). The oral exam will be based on three or more questions aimed at assessing students' capacity to understand and effectively discuss all topics included in the programme, as well as on their ability to apply their knowledge to practical cases.
Materiale di riferimento
Class notes, assigned readings as well as the following text: R. Pisillo Mazzeschi, International Human Rights Law. Theory and Practice, Springer, 2021, Chapters 1-20. Special discount for students is provided: please consult the website of the Course for more information.
R. Pisillo Mazzeschi, International Human Rights Law. Theory and Practice, Springer, 2021, Chapters 1-20. Special discount for students is provided: please consult the website of the Course for more information.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
- Oral exam at the end of the course (several dates will be available; please check the University's website in due time: ). The oral exam will be based on questions aimed at assessing students' capacity to understand and effectively discuss all topics included in the programme, as well as on their ability to apply their knowledge to practical cases.
- An intermediate written exam is available to students attending classes: it consists of both multiple-choice and open questions. It accounts for two third of the final grade. Please note: students are encouraged (but are not obliged) to take this intermediate exam; those who decide not to take it will have to take the final oral exam on the whole programme.
- Moot court exercises: students attending classes may take also part to moot court exercises. They will be required to work in groups on assigned cases and to present the assigned case to the class during the last classes of the course. The activity is subject to assessment and will account for one-third of the final grade.

- Oral exam at the end of the course (several dates will be available; please check the University's website in due time: ). The oral exam will be based on three or more questions aimed at assessing students' capacity to understand and effectively discuss all topics included in the programme, as well as on their ability to apply their knowledge to practical cases.
Lezioni: 60 ore
Docente: Ragni Chiara
Docente: Ragni Chiara
Lunedì 16.30 (lunedì 9 dicembre i colloqui si svolgeranno online su piattaforma Teams. Si prega di contattare prima la docente)
Via Conservatorio 7, 1° piano, stanza n. 16