Industrial processes and scale-up

A.A. 2024/2025
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
Obiettivi formativi
The objective of the course is to emphasize the importance of scale-up methodology for the unit operations in chemical plants (reaction and separation processes), to give the theoretical basis for a correct approach to a scaling-up and to introduce the simulation science and the process simulation. The correct theoretical and experimental approaches of this kind of study will be presented and discussed; different industrial examples will be considered.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the end of the course the students will be able to use simulation plant software for the project and optimization of a chemical plant, to analyze a chemical process (reaction or separation) from a laboratory scale experiment to a possible industrial process layout; to apply kinetic and thermodynamic models for scale up development of new technologies.
Corso singolo

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Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo semestre

The course will be devoted to a specific introduction of the scaling-up methodology for chemical processes from a chemical and an engineering point of view. Both chemical reactions and separation processes will be taken into account. More in detail, the following topics will be explained and discussed:

1) Scaling up theory
- Introduction to software simulation
- Scale up and numbering up
- 0.6 rule and TRL of a technology
- Scaling up methodology
- Chemical plant project basis considerations
- Process Flow Diagram (PFD) hierarchical approach
- The rules of thumb for industrial chemistry
- Mathematical, physical, chemical models
- Equipment and Operation in pilot plants
- Pilot plant and cold flow models (mock up): steam cracking industrial case study
- Experimental techniques in scale up
- Carbon Capture Utilization Storage: basic principles and analysis of the scale up and TRL of these new processes
- Hazop analysis for the evalutation of the risks connected with scale up

2) Scale up theory development for separation columns and reactors
2.1 Water-Acetic Acid distillation column:
- Phase equilibria discussion and interpretation
- Evaluation and optimization of the cost of the column
2.2 Acetic acid- methanol esterification reactor
- Equilibrium reactors (equilibrium, conversion, Gibbs reactor)
- Kinetic models for the reaction and parameters regression
- Simulation of Batch and PFR for this system

3) Simulation science
- Use of a commercial software for static simulation PRO II
- Introduction of a commercial software for dynamic simulation: DYNSIM
- Exercises on LVE, distillation columns and chemical reactors (for items 2.1 and 2.2)
- Virtual Crude Distillation Unit excercises
The indispensable prerequisites are a good knowledge of physical chemistry, in particular of chemical kinetics, of the laws of thermodynamic equilibrium and of the basic theory of distillation columns and liquid-vapor equilibria. It is also recommended to have basic notions on transport phenomena (turbulent flow, laminar flow, heat exchangers) and chemical reactors. These prerequisites are taught in the three-year degree courses in industrial chemistry, mainly Physical Chemistry I, Physical Chemistry II, Chemical Plants with Laboratory, Industrial Physical Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Complements of mathematics and numerical calculus.
Metodi didattici
The course will be based on 48 h of lessons in room in which: 1) theory of scale up will be explained (40%); 2) simulation software of chemical plants will be introduced and used (40%); 3) industrial case studies and examples will be considered (20%). Moreover, during the course, a visit in a industrial plant will be probably proposed and organized.
Materiale di riferimento
- A. C. Dimian, C. S. Bildea, A. A. Kiss: Integrated Design and Simulation of Chemical Processes", 2nd Edition, Elsevier disponibile nella biblioteca di Chimica)
- V. Ragaini, C. Pirola, "Processi di Separazione nell'Industria Chimica", Hoepli
- The properties of Gases and Liquids Autori: B. Poling; J. 'O Connell; J. Prausnitz. McGraw-Hill 2004
- Scale-up Methodology for Chemical Process. Autori: J. B. Euzen, P. Trambouze, J. P. Wauquier, Edition Technip.
- Presentations of classroom lessons and other teaching material (scientific articles) always available on the MY ARIEL-UNIMI platform
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
All the topics considered in the course will be discussed in a oral or written examination. Theoretical questions and/or practical exercises using the simulation software will be requested. The students should be able to discuss all the topics of the course, to explain the industrial examples considered in the lessons and to make exercises using the simulation software concerning optimization of columns or reactors.
Lezioni: 48 ore
Docente: Pirola Carlo
Docente: Pirola Carlo
Tutti i giorni lavorativi, previo appuntamento. Il ricevimento avverra' via Microsoft Teams.
Studio R 30 S Dipartimento di Chimica (tramite Microsoft Teams)