A.A. 2024/2025
Obiettivi formativi
Advances in chemistry, molecular biology, biophysics and engineering have increased efficiency and sophistication of screening approaches, so that high throughput is now not necessarily limited to "simple-and-robust" assays, but can be conceived even in the context of "high-content" assays with an in-depth assessment of complex phenotypes. We will discuss general approaches to "high throughput", and then move to more specific cases of small-molecule based, versus genetic based screenings. We will then consider different modalities of screenings: virtual, biochemical, cellular and in vivo. Finally, we will consider the output of screening campaigns ("hits"), and outline the following steps, depending on the screening format.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
The student will be able to:
· Have a precise knowledge of the current approaches to high throughput screening and their modalities
· Employ a variety of resources to gather information on potential targets
· Evaluate the experimental workflow of different high throughput screening formats
· Formulate a plan for a screening experiment
· Be able to interpret and rank the results of a high throughput screening
· Understand the output of high throughut screenings and how to further develop "hits"
· Have a precise knowledge of the current approaches to high throughput screening and their modalities
· Employ a variety of resources to gather information on potential targets
· Evaluate the experimental workflow of different high throughput screening formats
· Formulate a plan for a screening experiment
· Be able to interpret and rank the results of a high throughput screening
· Understand the output of high throughut screenings and how to further develop "hits"
Periodo: Primo semestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
· The basis of High throughput screening:
o Target identification and Assay development
o Automation and miniaturization, liquid handling,
o Detection and data analysis
· Computational high throughput screening
· Biochemical High throughput screening
· Phenotypic screenings and cell-based high throughput screening
o High-content versus high-throughput
· In vivo based high throughput screening
· Small molecule-based screenings and drug discovery in academy vs an industrial environment
· Genetic high throughput screenings
o RNAi/shRNA-based screenings
o CRISPR-Cas9 based screenings
· New approaches:
o iPSC and whole organ modeling
o cancer-on-a-chip
o Target identification and Assay development
o Automation and miniaturization, liquid handling,
o Detection and data analysis
· Computational high throughput screening
· Biochemical High throughput screening
· Phenotypic screenings and cell-based high throughput screening
o High-content versus high-throughput
· In vivo based high throughput screening
· Small molecule-based screenings and drug discovery in academy vs an industrial environment
· Genetic high throughput screenings
o RNAi/shRNA-based screenings
o CRISPR-Cas9 based screenings
· New approaches:
o iPSC and whole organ modeling
o cancer-on-a-chip
Non sono richieste conoscenze preliminari.
Metodi didattici
Alle lezioni frontali saranno affiancate esercitazioni, lavori di gruppo e spazi di riflessione e discussione.
Materiale di riferimento
We will not use a main textbook, but provide the students with:
· All of the slides presented during the course
· PDF version of all of the articles/reviews presented during the course
· Web addresses of all of the relevant sites (presented during the course)
· All of the slides presented during the course
· PDF version of all of the articles/reviews presented during the course
· Web addresses of all of the relevant sites (presented during the course)
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
-Written test (50% of the evaluation), with 2 open questions regarding the topics presented in the course.
-During the course, the students will be divided in small teams (2-3) to prepare journal clubs which will be discussed with the teacher (50% of the evaluation).
Results will be communicated to the students individually by e-mail. The test can be discussed with the Course Supervisor, by appointment.
-During the course, the students will be divided in small teams (2-3) to prepare journal clubs which will be discussed with the teacher (50% of the evaluation).
Results will be communicated to the students individually by e-mail. The test can be discussed with the Course Supervisor, by appointment.
Esercitazioni: 16 ore
Lezioni: 40 ore
Lezioni: 40 ore
Siti didattici
Previo appuntamento da concordare via e-mail
Campus IEO, Via Adamello, 16 Milano