Food product design and development

A.A. 2024/2025
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Obiettivi formativi
Obiettivo principale è l'acquisizione da parte degli studenti di criteri strategici e, soprattutto, tecnologici per il design e lo sviluppo di prodotti alimentari sostenibili, al fine di predisporre un posizionamento del laureato in team di R&D di aziende alimentari.
Il secondo obiettivo è lo sviluppo di soft skills a riguardo delle capacità relazionali, organizzative e di pianificazione per la gestione delle attività di una squadra, con l'elaborazione di piani di lavoro, sviluppo e gestione delle criticità.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
Capacità di individuare gli ambiti di possibili innovazioni sulla base del life cycle del prodotto alimentare.
Capacità di utilizzare i principi avanzati di tecnologia della formulazione per la progettazione e lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti alimentari o il riposizionamento di prodotti già sul mercato.
Capacità di lavoro in team, verificato tramite la realizzazione di un progetto di design di prodotto su un tema assegnato dal docente.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo semestre

The course covers a wide range of topics related to food product development and innovation. Here's an outline of the content:

Introduction to Food Product Development: Overview of the process and its importance in the food industry.
Competitiveness and ESG Protocols: Understanding how companies can integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into their product development strategies to remain competitive and socially responsible.
Technological Aspects of Prototyping and Innovation Scale-Up: Exploring the technological considerations involved in prototyping new food products and scaling up innovative ideas for commercial production.
Process-Structure-Property Relationship: Investigating the relationship between food processing methods, product structure, and physical properties, and how these factors influence final product quality.
Basic Principles of Food Material Science: Delving into fundamental principles of food material science, including biopolymer interactions, phase diagrams, and their implications for product development.
Technologies for Product Development: Examining various technologies used in the development of innovative food products, such as extrusion, microencapsulation, and microfluidics.
Case Studies of Trend Product Design: Analyzing real-world examples of trendsetting food products, including texturized vegetable products, functional ingredients, and novel release systems.
Gastronomic Engineering and Industrial Gastronomy: Exploring the intersection of culinary arts and food science, focusing on advanced cooking techniques and innovative technologies used in professional kitchens.
Throughout the course, students will engage in lectures, discussions, and hands-on projects to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios and develop critical thinking skills in food product development.
Understanding the Principles of Food Formulation Technology, Food Chemistry, and Food Processing is essential.
Metodi didattici
Lectures will serve to acquaint students with the concepts and terminology utilized in R&D and food design for repositioning or product innovation. Additionally, to solidify the foundational principles outlined in the course for food product design and development, students will collaborate on a group project, subject to approval and discussion with the teacher. This project entails interaction with stakeholders and revolves around a topic assigned at the course's commencement. It must be finalized by the end of the course term and will be individually examined during the assessment.
Materiale di riferimento
The course materials consist of slides presented during lectures and literature curated by the teacher. These resources are accessible through MY ARIEL-UNIMI throughout the duration of the semester. It's important to note that lecture notes authored by unknown individuals and not authorized by the teacher are not considered valid teaching materials for the course.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
The oral exam consists of a colloquium divided into two parts: an interview on the course contents followed by a discussion on a project carried out in a group, developed on a topic relevant to the course and approved by the teacher. The project must be delivered by the end of the course period and is discussed in the exam by each individual student.
Assessment parameters: Correctness of answers, appropriateness of language, ability to incorporate interdisciplinary elements and concepts will be assessed if necessary.
Type of assessment: mark out of thirty.
Lezioni: 32 ore
Docente: Piazza Laura
Docente: Piazza Laura
servizio tutor: ricevimento su appuntamento
servizio tutor: ricevimento presso lo studio del docente