Ecosustainable materials and processes

A.A. 2024/2025
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
Obiettivi formativi
The pursuit of greater energy efficiency and environmental sustainability represents a strong stimulus for innovation. Industry has come a long way in the efficient utilisation of raw materials and energy, while minimizing environmental impact on water, land and air.
The course provides education in materials science and engineering in diverse industrial manufacturing processes with special emphasis on either materials or processes for sustainable energy and low environmental impact. Through the analysis of dynamics of change that have interested several industrial production processes in the last decade, the goal of this course is to provide students with fundamental knowledge and understanding of materials, products and related technologies to respond to an increasingly urgent need for sustainable energy and environment systems.
Introduction to the principles and methods of life cycle thinking and life-cycle assessment (LCA) as well as a general understanding of the current state and trends in the design of business models, value propositions and cost/benefit analysis will be also given
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the conclusion of this course, students will be able:
- to discuss materials recycling, industrial waste valorization and saving natural resources for future generations;
- to conduct an assessment of environmental impact of the industrial materials and processes;
- to understand Life cycle analysis of industrial products;
- to know regulatory issues related to environmental impact.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo semestre
Lessons will be held face-to-face. If the sanitary conditions will recommend the delivery of teaching remotely, the lessons will take place in synchronous on the Teams platform.
The teaching materials will be available on Ariel.

The course provides students with a basic understanding of the evaluation of the "chemical" impact of materials and technologies on the environment related to their manufacturing processes and product life cycles, laying the foundations on how to select and use them. Emphasis is given on the impact of traditional and innovative materials as wella as processes to ensure compliance with HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) requirements in work places with respect to risk reduction, safety assurance and environmental protection.
The processes for metal production and processing are under continuous development with the aim at ensuring that the raw materials are utilised to the maximum and the environmental impact of waste and emissions on air, water and ground is minimized.
Strategies for products recycling, efficiency of energy use, waste prevention and reduction will be discussed in the light of several industrial processes.
Specific topics will include green metallurgy (eco-sustainable productions of metallic components) with main emphasis on the emerging technology of additive manufacturing. An overview of corrosion protection technologies and asset integrity management systems will be also presented. Slag processing and metal recovery will be deeply discussed.
Notions of green manufacturing encompassing synthesis, processing, fabrication, and process optimization, but also testing, performance evaluation and reliability will be provided. Also, topics like energy demand and issues of a sustainable electric energy production, water-energy nexus and environmental impacts of fossil and renewable sources, biofouling issues ant antifouling strategies: environmental impact and issues, energy storage, hydrogen, batteries, power-to-gas concepts, wastewater treatment and water integrated management in the logic of zero wastes.
Regulatory issues related to environmental impact will be addressed with special emphasis on REACH and ADR regulations.
The LCA will be discussed based around the ISO 14040 methodology and will involve developing a LCA model using a commercial software for LCA. It will focus on the four common stages of LCA: (i) definition of the Goal and Scope; (ii) Life Cycle Inventory Analysis; (iii) Life Cycle Impact Assessment and (iv) Interpretation with a specific focus on carbon footprint, water footprint and energy audit. Case studies will consider LCA studies of energy systems and selected industrial processes and products.
The course has no specific prerequisites.
Metodi didattici
Frontal lessons
Materiale di riferimento
Lesson materials are made available to students on Ariel as pdf files or videos.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
The final examination will consist in the discussion of a project developed individually by the students and used as the basis for asking questions on the theoretical aspects of the main topics of the course. The final grade will be out of thirty.
Lezioni: 48 ore
Docenti: Cristiani Pierangela, Trasatti Stefano Pierpaolo Marcello
mercoledi 10:30-12:30, ovvero su appuntamento
Edifici Chimici, corpo A, piano rialzato