Economics and politics of the agrifood sector

A.A. 2024/2025
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
Obiettivi formativi
· learn the basic elements of economic theory for the analysis of the food market
· develop knowledge about the organization of food chains and about the main economic issues of the food market
· analyze EU food policies
Compare and contrast different theoretical models of international trade and assess the suitability of these models in explaining observed international trade patterns and other related phenomena, such as migration.
Demonstrate the ability to conduct diagrammatically (and with simple algebra) partial and general equilibrium analyses of prevalent trade policy instruments.
Integrate the insights from trade theory, trade policy analysis and political economy of trade policy, for the purposes of explaining the landscape of protectionism across different countries and industries and its implication for the environment and climate change issues.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
· improve the knowledge on the food market and the organisations of the food supply chains
· improve the skills to be updated on the food policies
Develop coherent, structured and balanced opinions on ongoing debates in international trade, international cooperation, and globalization and be able to communicate these opinions both orally and in writing forms.
Apply the theoretical knowledge and analytical skills acquired from the course to analyze relevant policy issues in the areas of agriculture trade, the multilateral and bilateral trade agreements, and issues concerning economic development and environmental problems.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Secondo semestre

Module Agrifood economics: no specific prior knowledge is required

Module International agrifood markets and policies: microeconomics (... perfect and monopolistic competition models); statistics and econometrics (elements of inferential statistics, multivariate linear model).
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Module Agrifood economics:
Oral exam at the end of the course, with at least one question for each of the three main parts covered by the program.
The final grade is established by the teacher based on the correctness and completness of the responses, their level of details and the student's ability to critically address the questions.

Module International agrifood markets and policies:
Written and oral tests at the end of the course, with 15 multiple-choice questions (they may require simple mathematical accounts) and 1 open questions (e.g. related to trade models, e.g. Ricardian Model and/or related to one of the empirical papers presented during formal lessons; see reading list on Ariel).

Useful material for the final exams (International agrifood markets and policies) are the book exercises at the end of each chapter (see the Feenstra&Taylor solution manual in Ariel).
Results of the exams will be communicate in Ariel
Agrifood economics
First part - Supply and Demand Specificities:
1. the food system and its sectors (agriculture, food industry, retailing, catering and food services)
2. supply chain analysis
3. food consumption
4. food product quality attributes
5. time preferences and eating behaviors

Second part - Main challenges:
6. sustainability
7. circular economy and bio-economy
8. hunger
9. obesity

Third part - Policies:
10. food policies and public intervention
11. food safety
12. labeling
13. traceability
14. food quality
15. urban food policy
16. common agricultural policy
Metodi didattici
The teaching is based on formal lessons, as well as on the presentation and discussion of specific empirical studies (papers) related to the different topics of the course; the classroom exercises can be based on specific topics assigned by the teacher.
Materiale di riferimento
Textbook: Bremmers, H., Purnhagen, K., 2018. Regulating and managing food safety in the EU. A legal-economic perspective. Springer. Further readings and research papers will be suggested by the professor in class and made available in Ariel.
International agrifood markets and policies
0. Introduction to international trade topics
International trade models:
1. Technology and International Trade: the Ricardian Model;
2. Gains and Losses from International Trade: the Specific-Factors Model;
3. Trade and Resource Endowment: the Heckscher-Ohlin Model;
4. Economies of Scale and Imperfect Competition;
5. Gravity Models and Gravity Equations;
International Trade Policy:
6. Tariff and Quota Under Perfect Competition;
7. Export, Production Subsidies and Tax;
8. International Agreements on Trade and the environment;
Advance topics:
9. Environmental bias of trade policy;
10. Trade, migration and climate change.
Metodi didattici
The teaching is based on formal lessons, as well as on the presentation and discussion of specific empirical studies (papers) related to the different topics of the course; the classroom exercises can be based on specific homework assigned by the teacher.
Materiale di riferimento
Textbooks 1. Feenstra R. C. e Taylor A. M. (2014). International Trade, Worth MacMillan, New York (F-T). This represent the reference book. 2. Krugman P., Obstfeld M. and Melitz M.J. (2012). International Economics. Theory and Policy, Pearson (K-O-M, just ch 8 (pp. 202-08). This chapter will be available on Ariel. Other readings will be suggested by the teacher in class (available in Ariel).
Moduli o unità didattiche
Agrifood economics
Lezioni: 56 ore

International agrifood markets and policies
Lezioni: 56 ore

martedi dalle 14.30 alle 18.30
Dipartimento di Scienze e politiche ambientali (Via Celoria)
mercoledì dalle 14.30 alle 18.30
ESP (via Celoria, 2)