Design and evaluation of development policies
A.A. 2024/2025
Obiettivi formativi
Conoscenza e comprensione degli strumenti teorici di base per analizzare e valutare i processi di promozione dello sviluppo umano e il ruolo dei diversi attori, in tutte le fasi fondamentali del ciclo di gestione delle politiche, dei programmi e dei progetti di sviluppo: agenda setting (identificazione), formulazione, decision making, implementazione, monitoraggio e valutazione. Capacità di comprendere e approfondire i collegamenti teorici con altre discipline e ambiti di ricerca che hanno un legame con le politiche per lo sviluppo. Conoscenza e capacità di base di applicazione delle principali metodologie e degli strumenti operativi per la gestione del ciclo di progetto (Project Cycle Management), in particolare nel settore della cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
Capacità di orientarsi nell'analizzare, selezionare ed utilizzare in maniera versatile gli strumenti di progettazione e valutazione elaborati dalle agenzie pubbliche di cooperazione e dalle organizzazioni non governative.
Periodo: Secondo trimestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Secondo trimestre
First part:
1. Brief introductory analysis of the existing global situation concerning poverty, inequality, and human development, based on the capabilities approach.
Second part:
1. Explanation of the main phases of the Project Cycle (identification, formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation), through direct participatory analysis of a case-study.
2. A detailed explanation of the Logical Framework Approach
3. Introduction to projects' evaluation: main methodologies, standards, and tools.
1. Brief introductory analysis of the existing global situation concerning poverty, inequality, and human development, based on the capabilities approach.
Second part:
1. Explanation of the main phases of the Project Cycle (identification, formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation), through direct participatory analysis of a case-study.
2. A detailed explanation of the Logical Framework Approach
3. Introduction to projects' evaluation: main methodologies, standards, and tools.
No prior knowledge required. The preferred option is that the student take the exam of the course "Development Policies" before attending this course and before taking the exam.
Metodi didattici
Lessons will be integrated by an interactive and participatory in-depth analysis of the operative tools used for project design and evaluation.
Materiale di riferimento
The list of documents to be studied for the final test changes depending on the selected exam option: students are required to refer to the course page on myAriel.
1. UNDP, 2023 MPI report - Unstacking global poverty. Data for high-impact action, pages 1-16.
2. UNDP, "Human Development Report 2016. Human Development for Everyone" - ONLY pages 104-133.
a) OECD, Shifting Power with Partners - Toolkit for implementing the DAC Recommendation on Enabling Civil Society in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Assistance - PAGES 8-36
b) Moreno-Ruiz M.J. and Stitz C., Decolonizing International Development: Caution, People at Work, chapter 12 in the book "Decolonize, Humxnize" By Kathryn Toure, Roopal Thaker, Rama Dieng, PAGES 147-185
4. United Nations Environment Programme, "Making Peace with Nature: A scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies", ONLY PAGES 47-63 AND 101-142
5. EuropAid Cooperation Office, "Project Cycle Management Guidelines", ONLY pages 1-49, 57-88, and 100-120. + The Addendum written by the professor concerning the updated terminology (available on myAriel).
6. OECD/DAC Network on Development Evaluation, "Better Criteria for Better Evaluation. Revised Evaluation Criteria Definitions and Principles for Use".
7. Save the Children - Evaluation Handbook, ONLY from page 4 to 52.
All the documents are available in the course page on myAriel.
1. UNDP, 2023 MPI report - Unstacking global poverty. Data for high-impact action, pages 1-16.
2. UNDP, "Human Development Report 2016. Human Development for Everyone" - ONLY pages 104-133.
a) OECD, Shifting Power with Partners - Toolkit for implementing the DAC Recommendation on Enabling Civil Society in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Assistance - PAGES 8-36
b) Moreno-Ruiz M.J. and Stitz C., Decolonizing International Development: Caution, People at Work, chapter 12 in the book "Decolonize, Humxnize" By Kathryn Toure, Roopal Thaker, Rama Dieng, PAGES 147-185
4. United Nations Environment Programme, "Making Peace with Nature: A scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies", ONLY PAGES 47-63 AND 101-142
5. EuropAid Cooperation Office, "Project Cycle Management Guidelines", ONLY pages 1-49, 57-88, and 100-120. + The Addendum written by the professor concerning the updated terminology (available on myAriel).
6. OECD/DAC Network on Development Evaluation, "Better Criteria for Better Evaluation. Revised Evaluation Criteria Definitions and Principles for Use".
7. Save the Children - Evaluation Handbook, ONLY from page 4 to 52.
All the documents are available in the course page on myAriel.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Two options are available:
1. A written assignment plus a brief oral test:
- Group project on a case study (production of a Logical Framework and Project Evaluation Methodology)
- Oral test on selected readings
2. Final written test on the whole list of studying material.
Detailed information regarding both the options is available on the course page on myAriel and it will be provided at the beginning of the course to attending students.
1. A written assignment plus a brief oral test:
- Group project on a case study (production of a Logical Framework and Project Evaluation Methodology)
- Oral test on selected readings
2. Final written test on the whole list of studying material.
Detailed information regarding both the options is available on the course page on myAriel and it will be provided at the beginning of the course to attending students.
Lezioni: 40 ore
Ponti Patrizio
Ponti PatrizioSiti didattici
Su appuntamento
Stanza 105 (visiting professor) - Studi Internazionali, Giuridici e Storico-Politici (edificio via Passione)