Data analytics, forward and inverse modeling: geophysical and environmental fluid dynamics
A.A. 2024/2025
Obiettivi formativi
Provide the students with a basic knowledge of modelling techniques widely used in geophysics and for environmental studies. Specific focus will be given to applications of the theory of stochastic processes, also in the framework of data-mining techniques, to the numerical solution of partial derivative equations, to spectral analysis, to model calibration.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
1. Ability of critical comprehension of scientific papers and books for an enhanced knowledge of the topics presented during the lectures;
2. Ability of critical analysis of technical reports which include results of simulation models or of data analysis in environmental and geophysical field;
3. Skill in the set up of a deterministic or stochastic modeling workflow to simulate phenomena relevant in environmental and geophysical field.
2. Ability of critical analysis of technical reports which include results of simulation models or of data analysis in environmental and geophysical field;
3. Skill in the set up of a deterministic or stochastic modeling workflow to simulate phenomena relevant in environmental and geophysical field.
Periodo: Secondo semestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Secondo semestre
Esercitazioni pratiche con elementi di teoria: 24 ore
Lezioni: 32 ore
Lezioni: 32 ore
Mortarini Luca