Comparative labour law

A.A. 2024/2025
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
Obiettivi formativi
- the full comprehension of the main features and, most importantly, of the rationale (ratio) of the Labour Law institutions analyzed during the Course;
- the development of the capacity to properly apply the comparative methodology to Labour Law institutions, in such a way that the student might also be able, in case he/she intends to further proceed in a Labour Law inquiry, to effectively compare other Labour Law institutions;
- the development of the technical language of Comparative Labour Law.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
- Knowledge and comprehension capacity: the capacity to understand the rationale of the Labour Law Institutions analyzed in a comparative perspective during the Course (e.g. employment and self-employment; collective bargaining and strike; employee involvement in the management of firms; dismissal protection);
- Applicative skills: the ability to correctly apply the comparative methodology and the capacity to trace the link between Domestic Labour Law Institutions and the main peculiarities and features of the relevant Legal order;
- Independent judgment capacity: the students should be able to express their critical and legally grounded personal determinations on the course content
- The development of proper communication skills through the capacity to make a correct use of the technical language of Comparative Labour Law;
- Comprehension: the students should be able to show the understanding of the comparative labour law methodology
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo semestre

1) Labour Law and the Comparative Method
Materials: Slides; O. Kahn-Freund, On Uses and Misuses of Comparative Law, Modern Law Review, 1974, 37, 1, 1.

2) Whom is Labor Law for? The evolution of the Contract of Employment
Materials: Slides; B. Veneziani, The Evolution of the Contract of Employment, B. Hepple (ed.), The Making of Labour Law in Europe, Hart, 1986, 31; M. Biasi, An Essay on Liberty, Freedom and (Decent) Work, in Int. Journ. Comp. Lab. Law & Ind. Rel., 2022, 38, 3, 359.

3) The «crisis» of the employment relationship and the re-discovery of Self-employment
Materials: Slides; G. Davidov, M. Freedland and N. Kountouris, The subjects of labor law: 'Employees' and other workers, M.F. Finkin and G. Mundlak (eds.), Comparative Labor Law. Research Handbooks in Comparative Law series, Eduard Elgar, 2015, 115.

4) Labour Law protections in the "platform economy"
Materials: Slides; M. Biasi, Beyond Employment: the Protection of Platform Workers in a Holistic Perspective, A. Lo Faro (ed.), New Technology and Labour Law. Selected topics, Giappichelli, 2023, 139; M. Biasi, "We Will All Laugh at Gilded Butterflies". The Shadow of Antitrust Law on the Collective Negotiation of Fair Fees for Self-Employed Workers, European Labour Law Journal, 2018, 9, 4, 354.

5) Work in the Metaverse and Labour Law Protections
Materials: Slides; M. Biasi, Guest Editorial. The Labour Side of the Metaverse, in It. Lab. Law e-Journ., 2023, 16(1), i-x.

6) The Right to Disconnect in the Digital Age
Materials: Slides; M. Biasi, Boundaries and Frontiers of the Right to Disconnect: Comparative Remarks, I. Marín Alonso, M.T. Igartua Mirό, C. Solís Prieto (eds.), Digitalizaciόn, Desarrollo Tecnolόgico y Derecho del Trabajo: Nuevas Perspectivas de Sostenibilidad, Aranzadi, 2022, 227.

7) The making of Collective Labor Law. Continental Europe and UK
Materials: Slides; A. Jacobs, Collective Self-Regulation, B. Hepple (ed.), The Making of Labour Law in Europe, Hart, 1986, 193.

8) Collective bargaining, minimum wage policies and the regulation of industrial action in a comparative perspective
Materials: Slides.

9) Employee Involvement in the management of companies
Materials: Slides; M. Biasi, On the Uses and Misuses of Worker Participation: Different Forms for Different Aims of Employee Involvement, International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 2014, 4, 459.

10) Dismissal law in a comparative perspective
Materials: Slides; M. Biasi, G. Tuzet, From Judge-made Law to Scholar-made Law? The strange Case of Employment-at-Will in the US, Biblioteca della Libertà, 2016, 2, 7; M. Kittner, T.C. Kohler, Conditioning Expectations: The Protection of the Employment Bond in German and American Law, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 2000, 21, 263.
È consigliabile, ma non strettamente necessario, il previo superamento dell'esame di Istituzioni di Diritto del Lavoro.
Metodi didattici
Lezione frontale orientata al coinvolgimento della classe, stimolata dal docente a formulare domande ed osservazioni sui temi oggetto del corso.
Materiale di riferimento
I materiali didattici sono elencati (e suddivisi secondo l'argomento) al punto che precede e verranno messi a disposizione di tutti gli studenti e tutte le studentesse (frequentanti e non) attraverso la piattaforma MyAriel.
Si precisa che le slides predisposte dal Docente rientrano nel materiale d'esame obbligatorio.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
1. Un esame scritto obbligatorio, consistente in 20 domande a risposta multipla (1 punto per ciascuna risposta esatta) e due domande "aperte" (valevoli fino a 5 punti ciascuna), dalle quali deve emergere la capacità di ragionamento critico e di organizzazione in chiave discorsiva di quanto appreso con riguardo alla materia d'esame, oltre al corretto utilizzo del linguaggio tecnico; durante la fase emergenziale, l'esame scritto è sostituito da un esame orale (v. sopra);
2. Una presentazione in classe facoltativa (ossia su base del tutto volontaria) ed eventualmente di gruppo, avente ad oggetto un approfondimento, in chiave comparata, su uno dei temi trattati nel corso, a scelta degli studenti interessati (valevole fino a 3 punti aggiuntivi ai fini del voto d'esame, sulla base della qualità dell'esposizione e della competenza nell'impiego del lessico specialistico).
Lezioni: 42 ore
Docente: Biasi Marco
Docente: Biasi Marco
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