Co-creation for policy: challenge-based learning and outdoor education as tools to connect people and places

A.A. 2024/2025
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
Obiettivi formativi
This course explores the process of community engagement and building when implementing public policy in the world of education. We will discuss how the education sector has a fundamental role in achieving territorial awareness and participatory citizenship. To this end, we will also focus on how educational policies can nurture a sense of belonging between citizens and the territory they live in. Lastly, through the case-study of one of Italy's greatest, most recent youth engagement policies, students will learn how the Co-Creation methodology can be applied to encourage and perpetuate social change and - ultimately - development.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
By the end of the course, students will know how to:
· analyze and understand the engagement of the education sector in public policy-making and its implications
· identify the stakeholders and target population involved in educational public policies
· imagine, design and structure an implementation strategy that leads to the most efficient outcome of a public policy in terms of territorial valorization, community engagement and legacy
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo semestre

Course summary

- Strategy components of educational planning
- The origins and the meaning of student engagement: implications for policies and practices
- Principles and practice of a CCEE Approach ("call, connect, engage and enable people and places")

- Introduction to Challenge-Based Learning (CBL)
- The spread of CBL in the Italian school ecosystems
- Informative perspective of the global CBL landscape (case-studies and best practices)
- Tools, techniques and methodologies to guide the learning design of CBL

- Combining Challenge-Based Learning and Outdoor Education to connect people and places
- Mapping as a Multisensory Research Method
- Tools, techniques and methodologies to guide the learning design of a Mapping Lab (MAB, a format of outdoor learning)

- Experiencing co-creation through Challenge-Based Learning and an Outdoor Education activity, including a possible excursion to mountainous regions
- Co-creation for policy, applying knowledge to mountain-world scenarios. Outdoor activities are designed to provide students with hands-on learning opportunities, enabling them to connect theoretical concepts with practical applications in real-world settings.
Non sono richiesti requisiti particolari.
Metodi didattici
The delivery methods for this course are diversified to provide a comprehensive learning experience:
- traditional lectures with active student engagement, often in roundtable discussion formats;
- hands-on exercises and simulations following the principles of Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) and Outdoor Learning;
- viewing documentary videos showcasing case studies and best practices;
- engaging in on-field activities and outdoor excursions.
This multifaceted approach aims to offer students a well-rounded understanding of the subject matter and practical skills while promoting active participation and real-world application.
Materiale di riferimento
All educational materials for this course, including slides, videos, and scientific articles, will be shared online via the MyAriel platform.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
There are three components of assessment for this course:
- the level of participation, interaction, and collaboration in classroom discussions as well as during team-working activities;
- the ability to become familiar with tools, techniques, and methodologies related to Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) and Outdoor Learning exercises;
- the evaluation of the quality and comprehensiveness of the final project presentation.
These assessment components will be used to evaluate students' overall performance in the course, emphasizing active engagement, skill development, and the successful execution of the final project.
Attivita' di campo: 8 ore
Lezioni: 20 ore
Docente: Micheli Lorenzo