Cellular and molecular basis of cognition in health and diseases

A.A. 2024/2025
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
Obiettivi formativi
to understand fundamental neuronal mechanisms underlying learning and memory processes and to transfer this knowledge to neurological and psychiatric diseases
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the end of the course students are expected to be able to:
- Understand and analyze neuronal adaptation mechanisms specifically related to learning and memorization processes
- Better understand aspects of molecular neuroscience
- Know and understand the pathogenetic mechanisms of the main brain diseases
- Understand the mechanism of action of drugs
- Carry out a bibliographic search
- Critically analyze a scientific article
- Write a study report
- Make a scientific presentation
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Neural cells and neural circuits
The tripartite synapse
Brain areas involved in cognition: the anatomical perspective
Neuronal development and differentiation MDL
Neurogenesis in adult
The excitatory and inhibitory synapse with concepts of molecular dynamics
Synaptic plasticity,
Structural plasticity
Learning and memory
Place cells and Grid cells, the principle of space perception
Analysing learning and memory
How to study learning and memory in humans MDL
Neural basis of decision making
The dysfunctional synapse: Synaptopathies
Abnormal functional and structural plasticity in neurodevelopmental disorders EM
Concepts of neurodegeneration
Principles of BMI
Principles of neuroenhancements
Principles of brain reserach and addiction disorders
Physical exercise and brain research
For a better fruition of the course and to allow the students to fully grasp the contents it is advisable that the students pass the exam "Basi anatomo-fisiologiche dei processi cognitivi" of the first year
Metodi didattici
Open discussion and critical analysis in class of key scientific papers closely related to course's contents
Learning how to present a scientific subject and discuss it with peers
Materiale di riferimento
All slides are made available for the students
All scientific articles for discussion are made available
Suggested readings:
E Kandel Principles of neuroscience
F Clementi G Fumagalli Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology (EDRA)
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
The assessment of adequate learning process and acquisition of knowledge si made through different processes:
interim checks for learning assessment in a written format
oral examination for a final score
The exam is considered passed if the student has achieved a minimum score of 18 points
The enrollment to examination will be through the UNIMA portal.
Criteria for evaluation include
Critical capacity to elaborate on a scientific question linked to the contents of the course
Acquired capability to analyse scientific aspects and prepare a formal scientific presentation
Knowledge and critical analysis of the main molecular and cellular basis of learning and memory processes
Peer revision of the work
Lezioni: 80 ore
Previo appuntamento telefonico