Bioeconomy: management, assessment and intellectual property

A.A. 2024/2025
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
Obiettivi formativi
This course aims to familiarize students to different facets of the bioeconomy: its economic and technological determinants, the status of the biotechnology revolution and the role of innovation, the growth of biobusiness and the contribution of intellectual property, the sustainability paradigms associated with the bioeconomy and the methodologies for environmental impact assessment and innovation analysis on countries and regions. The course will also address the general framework of international cooperation projects and learn a common base for all EU Programs.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
Due to the interdisciplinary approach of the course, students are encouraged to think critically, they have known the necessary tools and methods to develop and execute diverse activities and projects within a bio-based economy. In particular: a) coordinate the production of bio-based products; b) evaluate using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach the environmental impact of bio-products and bio-refinery processes; d) collaborate to the development of IP strategies and understand what a patent looks like and its requirements at international and national level; e) coordinate the cooperation between different stakeholders in the development of bio-based value chains; f) contribute to EU project management and access to European funds with a special focus on the bioeconomy issue.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo semestre

The course is organised in three units: Unit 1 -Intellectual property; Unit 2 - Life cycle assessment, unit 3 -management. The specific program of each unit is reported in the following sections
Students attending this course will possess knowledge, expertise, and analytical skills to deal with all aspects of bio-based value chains. Due to the interdisciplinary approach of the course, students are encouraged to think critically, they have known the necessary tools and methods to develop and execute diverse activities and projects within a bio-based economy. More specifically, they will be able to understand strategies for the management of sustainable bio-based value chains from an economic, environmental and social perspective. In particular: a) coordinate the production of bio-based products; b) consider the growing societal requirements for bio-based products and their production methods; c) evaluate using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach the environmental impact of bio-products and bio-refinery processes; d) collaborate to the development of IP strategies and understand what a patent looks like and its requirements at international and national level; e) coordinate the cooperation between different stakeholders in the development of bio-based value chains; f) promote the establishment of adequate institutional and policy frameworks
Unit 1 - 'Intellectual property'
This module aims at providing a systematic overview of the intellectual property of inventions, and its role in the modern bioeconomy. First, a series of concepts and approaches on technological innovation are summarized and discussed. Second, three main topics in current debates around bioeconomy innovation systems are highlighted: (i) intellectual property and patents; (ii) the Legal and Regulatory Framework for Intellectual Property Rights in the EU; (iii) the use of patent data as indicators of innovation. Finally, some practical guidelines on patent writing and patent application process will be provided.
Unit 2 - 'Life cycle assessment'
This module introduces the principles and methods of life cycle thinking and life-cycle assessment (LCA) with specific reference to agricultural and energy systems using attributional LCA. The module will be based around the ISO 14040 methodology and will involve developing a LCA model using MS-Excel as well as commercial software for LCA. It will focus on the four common stages of LCA: (i) definition of the Goal and Scope; (ii) Life Cycle Inventory Analysis; (iii) Life Cycle Impact Assessment and (iv) Interpretation with a specific focus on carbon footprint, water footprint and energy audit. Case studies will consider LCA studies of agro-food systems, energy systems and bio-products and bio-refinery processes
Unit 3 - 'Management'
his module introduces the principles and methods of EU project management and access to European funds with a special focus on the bioeconomy issue. The module will also address a general framework of International cooperation projects and learn a common base for all EU Programs. It will focus on the four common stages of EU project management: (i) definition of the Goal and Scope; (ii) manage contractual procedures with the European Commission; (iii) organize and plan the project work and manage the project partnership; (iv) monitor the project development on technical and financial point of view and evaluate its outcomes. Case studies will consider funded projects of biotechnology, environment & resource efficiency, bioeconomy.
No special prerequisites are necessary.
Metodi didattici
Unit 1 - 'Intellectual property'
Lectures (3 CFU)
Unit 2 - 'Life cycle assessment'.
Lectures (1 CFU)
Practices in classroom, homework, case study analysis (1 CFU). The students will be divided in groups, each group will analyse the environmental impact of a different process/product using the LCA approach
Unit 3 - 'Management'.
Lectures (1 CFU)
Practice in small groups on practical cases and recent or current call for proposal forms.
Materiale di riferimento
The course is organised in three units: Unit 1 -Intellectual property; Unit 2 - Life cycle assessment, unit 3 -management. The specific program of each unit is reported in the following sections
Students attending this course will possess knowledge, expertise, and analytical skills to deal with all aspects of bio-based value chains. Due to the interdisciplinary approach of the course, students are encouraged to think critically, they have known the necessary tools and methods to develop and execute diverse activities and projects within a bio-based economy. More specifically, they will be able to understand strategies for the management of sustainable bio-based value chains from an economic, environmental and social perspective. In particular: a) coordinate the production of bio-based products; b) consider the growing societal requirements for bio-based products and their production methods; c) evaluate using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach the environmental impact of bio-products and bio-refinery processes; d) collaborate to the development of IP strategies and understand what a patent looks like and its requirements at international and national level; e) coordinate the cooperation between different stakeholders in the development of bio-based value chains; f) promote the establishment of adequate institutional and policy frameworks
Unit 1 - 'Intellectual property'
This module aims at providing a systematic overview of the intellectual property of inventions, and its role in the modern bioeconomy. First, a series of concepts and approaches on technological innovation are summarized and discussed. Second, three main topics in current debates around bioeconomy innovation systems are highlighted: (i) intellectual property and patents; (ii) the Legal and Regulatory Framework for Intellectual Property Rights in the EU; (iii) the use of patent data as indicators of innovation. Finally, some practical guidelines on patent writing and patent application process will be provided.
Unit 2 - 'Life cycle assessment'
This module introduces the principles and methods of life cycle thinking and life-cycle assessment (LCA) with specific reference to agricultural and energy systems using attributional LCA. The module will be based around the ISO 14040 methodology and will involve developing a LCA model using MS-Excel as well as commercial software for LCA. It will focus on the four common stages of LCA: (i) definition of the Goal and Scope; (ii) Life Cycle Inventory Analysis; (iii) Life Cycle Impact Assessment and (iv) Interpretation with a specific focus on carbon footprint, water footprint and energy audit. Case studies will consider LCA studies of agro-food systems, energy systems and bio-products and bio-refinery processes
Unit 3 - 'Management'
his module introduces the principles and methods of EU project management and access to European funds with a special focus on the bioeconomy issue. The module will also address a general framework of International cooperation projects and learn a common base for all EU Programs. It will focus on the four common stages of EU project management: (i) definition of the Goal and Scope; (ii) manage contractual procedures with the European Commission; (iii) organize and plan the project work and manage the project partnership; (iv) monitor the project development on technical and financial point of view and evaluate its outcomes. Case studies will consider funded projects of biotechnology, environment & resource efficiency, bioeconomy.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Unit 1 -Intellectual property & Unit 3 -management: 2-3 open questions + 20 multi-choice questions
For the Unit 2 - Life cycle assessment: presentation of the different case studies
Final score in thirties.
Esercitazioni: 16 ore
Lezioni: 40 ore