Advanced plant cell biotechnology

A.A. 2024/2025
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
BIO/04 BIO/18
Obiettivi formativi
The aim of the course is to discuss the criteria and the methods to design or improve a biotechnological process exploiting plant cells or whole plants to produce biomass or substances of industrial or environmental relevance (e.g. biofuels, oils, detergents, vitamins, starch, sugars, biodegradable polymers). An 'on-site' visit to at least one company or research centre is envisaged to make the students aware about plant biotechnology outside the academic environment.
The course is ideally linked to those dealing with functional genomics and other "-omic" technologies, plant breeding, molecular enzymology, bioinformatics and data analysis.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
Upon completing this course, students will acquire substantial knowledge on metabolic fluxes, on strategies that can be used to modify yield and on the tools available in plant biotechnology to achieve the objectives.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Secondo semestre

The lectures delivered by prof. Morandini (covering 3 ECTS points) deal with two fundamental questions of metabolic engineering: 1) which factors control metabolic fluxes and intermediate concentrations and 2) which strategies /targets work better to modify yields or quality of a certain product, particularly those of industrial relevance. In order to tackle those questions, we introduce and apply the tools of the Metabolic Control Theory (elasticity, flux and concentration control coefficients). We shall discuss the interplay of supply and demand of metabolic intermediates, as well as the evidence in favour of the so-called 'parallel activation' to increase fluxes and the implications for manipulation strategies employing transcription factors. Several case studies (and the relative successes and failures) of plant biotechnology interventions will be discussed, among which the manipulation of photosynthesis, vitamins (A, B9, E), amino acids, starch, lipids, and cofactors (ATP, NADPH).
The part taught by Prof. Pesaresi (covering 3 ECTS points) focuses on the technical tools and theoretical basis of plant/algae biotechnological improvements for biofuel or food production. The different constructs for plant and algae genetic engineering together with the molecular basis of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation are discussed. The different elements of expression vectors, including constitutive and inducible promoters, enhancers, reporter genes, replication origin and marker genes, together with the strategies to create marker-free transgenes are described. The organisms and the strategies used to produce biofuels of the first, second and third generation are discussed next, with several examples of transgenic plants and algae with improved biofuel production capacity. Finally, we examine plant traits modified by transgenesis or mutagenesis which are already on the market or which are likely to be commercially available in the near future: herbicide tolerance, pest resistance, improved biomass...etc.
A substantial background in basic biochemistry, genetics and functional genomics, as normally gained in a bachelor curriculum of Biology or Biotechnology, is highly recommended. Good mastering of plant biochemistry is helpful but not an absolute requirement.
Metodi didattici
The lectures are delivered in traditional format supported by presentations (ppt or pdf) and references. Strong emphasis is given to challenge students on all aspects: background informations, theory, experimental design, data analysis and specific case studies. Questions from the audience are strongly encouraged and attendance is highly recommended.
Materiale di riferimento
All teaching material (ppt or pdf files), background material and key papers are made available through the Ariel website ( ).
The material is made available only to registered students and should not be distributed further.
A major reference book about metabolic control theory is the following: Fell, Understanding the control of Metabolism, Portland Press (1997).
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
The exam is oral and consists of several questions on each section of the program. The grade will result from the joint evaluation of each candidate by both instructors. The two parts of the exam can be sustained separately.
Examples of typical questions asked during the examination are discussed during classes and are provided as a text file made available in the Ariel website.
During the examination, students are required to master the basics of Metabolic Control Theory, to remember the essential details of the various metabolic engineering interventions and to argue on the basis of key evidences. Failure on any of these aspects implies a reduction in the score.
Lectures: 48 ore