Advanced cognitive psychology
A.A. 2024/2025
Obiettivi formativi
This course will aim to provide students with knowledge related to the foundational principles of Complexity of Science
framework, Self-in-Context paradigm, brain networks and interoception. Students will analyze how these principles
shape our understanding of natural phenomena and systems by examining how individual perspectives, cultural
contexts, and societal influences may affect scientific methodologies and interpretations.
The students will develop a critical approach to everyday life phenomena affected by cognitive and interoceptive
processes, and individuate the most adequate research method to investigate and improve human performances
framework, Self-in-Context paradigm, brain networks and interoception. Students will analyze how these principles
shape our understanding of natural phenomena and systems by examining how individual perspectives, cultural
contexts, and societal influences may affect scientific methodologies and interpretations.
The students will develop a critical approach to everyday life phenomena affected by cognitive and interoceptive
processes, and individuate the most adequate research method to investigate and improve human performances
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the end of the course, the student will be able to apply a critical approach on human behaviour and performance
and assess the implications of embracing complexity and the self-in-context paradigm for interdisciplinary research.
The course would train critical thinking skills to assess the limitations and strengths of reductionist approaches versus
holistic perspectives in scientific research, and articulate the value of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing
complex scientific challenges.
Students will be trained to develop a research protocol using either Complexity of Science or traditional scientific
method frameworks, further discussing pros and cons of both theoretical approaches.
and assess the implications of embracing complexity and the self-in-context paradigm for interdisciplinary research.
The course would train critical thinking skills to assess the limitations and strengths of reductionist approaches versus
holistic perspectives in scientific research, and articulate the value of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing
complex scientific challenges.
Students will be trained to develop a research protocol using either Complexity of Science or traditional scientific
method frameworks, further discussing pros and cons of both theoretical approaches.
Periodo: Primo semestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
· Scienza della complessità
· Dibattito su Complexity Science vs. Scientific Method
· Self-in-context: la costruzione delle mappe cognitive
· Progettare e presentare un protocollo di ricerca su tema specifico (un gruppo con Complexity Science, un gruppo con
scientific method)
· Default Mode Network, Salience Network, Central Executive Network (decisione, ragionamento, creatività, autismo,
personalità, schizofrenia)
· Interocezione
· Tecniche di gestione di Default Mode Network, Salience Network, Central Executive Network
· Protocollo di ricerca
· Dibattito su Complexity Science vs. Scientific Method
· Self-in-context: la costruzione delle mappe cognitive
· Progettare e presentare un protocollo di ricerca su tema specifico (un gruppo con Complexity Science, un gruppo con
scientific method)
· Default Mode Network, Salience Network, Central Executive Network (decisione, ragionamento, creatività, autismo,
personalità, schizofrenia)
· Interocezione
· Tecniche di gestione di Default Mode Network, Salience Network, Central Executive Network
· Protocollo di ricerca
Metodi didattici
Lezioni frontali, problem-based-learning. Discussione aperta e analisi critica in classe di fenomeni scientifici pertinenti
strettamente correlati ai contenuti del corso
Imparare a sviluppare e a presentare un protocollo di ricerca
strettamente correlati ai contenuti del corso
Imparare a sviluppare e a presentare un protocollo di ricerca
Materiale di riferimento
Slides e articoli scientifici riguardanti argomenti trattati in classe.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
La verifica finale delle conoscenze e competenze acquisite consiste in una prova orale.
Lezioni: 40 ore
Mazzocco Ketti
Mazzocco KettiDocente/i
previo appuntamento
Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Via Ripamonti 435