Traslational cardiovascular medicine and surgery

A.A. 2023/2024
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
MED/11 MED/22 MED/23
Obiettivi formativi
The course takes the students into translational cardiovascular medicine and surgery starting with a disease-centered approach and ending with a patient-oriented approach of cardiovascular medicine and surgery. It is designed in three blocks, each one presenting a main topic: cardiovascular diseases, vascular surgery and cardiac surgery. Taking anatomy and epidemiology as starting point, the course focuses on the most important aspects of these pathologies examining risk factors, pathophysiological and clinical aspects. Special attention is given to the clinical presentation. The course describes the main diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
Students are expected to: - describe the severity of heart failure, evaluate the prognosis of the HF patient, recognise and describe the clinical role of HF comorbidities and principles of HF treatment. - understand the indications for surgery in HF and the traditional surgical approaches and Describe the indications and eligibility for heart transplantation - describe the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and clinical features of arrhythmias and conduction disturbances - discuss when a pacemaker is needed, describe the different types of pacemaker, cardiac defibrillators and cardiac resynchronization therapy - describe the treatment of Coronary Artery Disease) - describe the treatment Treatment of Pulmonary Artery Hypertention - describe the treatment of myocardial infarction - describe diagnosis and treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, infective endocarditis and fluid retention. - describe the role of open surgery and endovascular stenting - describe the actual role of open surgery and endovascular therapy - describe the most recent indications for treatment and diagnostic tools of Aortic Diseases - describe incidence, social impact and modern diagnosis and Conservative and advanced minimal invasive management of superficial and deep vein diseases - describe the basics of cardiac surgery - describe the indications for surgical therapy of Coronoary Artery Disease - describe the clinical presentation of Aortic Valve Disease, the role of diagnostic workup in AVD, the current indications for AVD operation and post-surgical management - describe the clinical presentation of Mitral and tricuspid valve disease, the role of diagnostic workup in MTVD, the current indications for MTVD operation and post-surgical management - describe the indications for ascending aortic aneurysm operation and the rationale for valve sparing, the clinical presentation and diagnostic workup of acute aortic syndromes, the natural history of AAS and the indications for surgery - describe transposition of the great arteries, tetralogy of Fallot, aortic coarctation.
Corso singolo

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Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica


To take the Translational Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery exam, students must have already passed all the exams of the first and second year (Fundamentals of Basic Sciences, Cells, Molecules and Genes 1 and 2, Human Body, Functions and Mechanisms of Diseases).
Furthermore students must review in detail the program of System Diseases 1, in particular the modules of Cardiovascular Diseases and Diagnostic Imaging, and the programs of Pharmacology 1 and 2.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Students' evaluation is assessed with three oral examinations focused on the topics developed during the course (one for Cardiovascular Diseases, one for Cardiac Surgery and one for Vascular Surgery). The final mark is the average of the marks obtained in the three oral examinations weighted for the number of credits of each discipline.
The exam is deemed to be passed successfully if the final grade is equal to or higher than 18/30. In the event of a full grade (30/30) honors (lode) may be granted with the consent of all the professors.

Attendance is required to be allowed to take the exam. Unexcused absence is tolerated up to 34% of the course activities. University policy regarding excused illness is followed.
Registration to the exam through SIFA is mandatory.
Cardiovascular diseases
Topic 1 - HF prognosis (2h)
Capability to define the severity of heart failure
Being able to evaluate the prognosis of the heart failure patient
Topic 2 - HF comorbidities (2h)
Discussing the pathophysiology of lung-heart interactions
Discussing the clinical role of heart failure comorbidities
Topic 3 - HF treatment (5h)
Acute HF treatment (1h)
Understanding of the role of exercise training programs in HF patients (1h)
Understand the complications of HF (1h)
Understanding the therapeutic approach of HF (1h)
Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) (1h)
Topic 4 - Prevention of sudden death and treatment of arrhythmias (2h)
Understanding the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and clinical features of arrhythmias and conduction disturbances
Understanding of the classification and definition of bradycardias, tachycardias, supraventricular arrhythmias (including atrial fibrillation and flutter) and ventricular arrhythmias
Topic 5 - Pacemakers (2h)
Discussing when a pacemaker is needed
Presenting different types of pacemaker
Cardiac defibrillators
Cardiac resynchronization therapy
Topic 6 - Treatment of CAD (2h)
Medical treatment of CAD
Percutaneous treatment of CAD
Topic 7 - Treatment of PAH (2h)
PAH classification
PAH assessment
PAH treatment
Topic 8 - Treatment of myocardial infarction (2h)
Diagnosis of myocardial infarction
Treatment of myocardial infarction
Topic 9 - Clinical cases (2h)
Understanding the clinical evaluation process starting from patients' complaints.
Topic 10 - Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (1h)
Diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Topic 11 - Infective endocarditis (1h) Topic 12 - Fluid retention (1h)

Topic 1 - Basics of cardiac surgery (2h)
Understanding the basics of cardiopulmonary bypass
Understanding the basics of cardiac surgery
Topic 2 - Coronary surgery (2h)
Describing the indications for surgical therapy of CAD
Describing alternative and innovative techniques for CABG
Topic 3 - Aortic valve disease (2h)
Describing the clinical presentation of AVD
Understanding the role of diagnostic workup in AVD
Describing the current indications for AVD operation management and post-surgical
Describing the alternative trans-catheter approaches for AVD and the role of Heart Team
Topic 4 - Mitral and tricuspid valve disease (2h)
Describing the clinical presentation of MTVD
Understanding the role of diagnostic workup in MTVD
Describing the current indications for MTVD operation and post-surgical management
Describing the alternative trans-catheter approaches for MTVD and the role of Heart Team
Topic 5 - Ascending aorta diseases and acute aortic syndromes (2h)
Describing the indications for ascending aortic aneurysm operation and the rationale for valve sparing
Describing the clinical presentation and diagnostic workup of AAS
Describing the natural history of AAS and the indications for surgery
Optional CHD: PDA, transposition of the great arteries, tetralogy of Fallot, aortic coarctation
Topic 6 - Heart Failure surgery and transplantation (2h)
Understanding the indications for surgery in HF and the traditional surgical approaches
Describing the rationale for mechanical support (e.g. ECMO and VAD implantation)
Describing the indications and eligibility for heart transplantation

Topic 1 - Carotid artery disease (3h)
Discussing indication for symptomatic and asymptomatic patients
Role of open surgery and endovascular stenting
Topic 2 - Lower extremity artery disease (3h)
Understanding diabetic and atherosclerosis lesions
Describing the actual role of open surgery and endovascular therapy
Topic 3 - Thoracic and Abdominal Aortic Diseases (3h)
Understanding the most recent indications for treatment and diagnostic tools
Debating on therapeutic management of aortic diseases
Topic 4 - Superficial and deep vein diseases (3h)
Understanding incidence, social impact and modern diagnosis
Conservative and advanced minimal invasive management
Metodi didattici
Synchronous learning: lectures, video conferences, interactive webinars and chat-based online discussions
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Materiale di riferimento
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th Edition, McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2018
Goldman's Cecil Medicine, L. Goldman, A. I. Schafer, 25th ed., Elsevier, 2015
Making Sense of Exercise Texting, R. B. Schoene, H. T. Robertson, CRC Press, 2019
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, Single Volume, D. Mann, D. Zipes, P. Libby, R. Bonow, 10th ed., Saunders, 2015
Cardiac surgery
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the whole course which is reported in module Cardiovascular Diseases.
Metodi didattici
Synchronous learning: lectures, video conferences, interactive webinars and chat-based online discussions
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Materiale di riferimento
Johns Hopkins Textbook of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2014
Vascular surgery
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the whole course which is reported in module Cardiovascular Diseases.
Metodi didattici
Synchronous learning: lectures, video conferences, interactive webinars and chat-based online discussions
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Materiale di riferimento
Rutherfords' Vascular Surgery, 8th edition, Elsevier, 2014
Moduli o unità didattiche
Cardiac surgery
Lezioni: 8 ore
: 4 ore

Cardiovascular diseases
Lezioni: 16 ore
: 8 ore

Vascular surgery
Lezioni: 8 ore
: 4 ore

previo appuntamento da concordare via e-mail
previo appuntamento da concordare via e-mail
previo appuntamento da concordare via e-mail
Lunedi ore 13.00 - 15.00; Giovedì ore 11.00 - 13.00
Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico