Transplantation and tissue engineering

A.A. 2023/2024
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
ING-IND/34 MED/15 MED/18 MED/43
Obiettivi formativi
The course investigates organ transplantation in its multiple aspects, ranging from experimental models, clinical pharmacology and legislation to clinical transplantation. It represents the clearest expression of how the multidisciplinary approach was and is crucial for the optimal clinical outcome of organ transplants and the excellent results achieve by this therapy in the last decade.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
After completing the course, the student will be able to learn about the various aspects of organ and tissues transplants including experimental models of transplantation. The main tissue typing techniques and tissue engineering will be presented with particular reference to their use in the clinical field.
Corso singolo

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Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Terzo trimestre

Forensic medicine:
Will be presented also the current legislation in organ, tissue and cell transplants with respect to E.E.C. laws in terms of human tissues and cells. Will be discussed the role of bio-banks and the problems associated with the identification of the sample (traceability) and anonymity, the properties of the biological material and the prohibition of marketing. Information, consent, and the legal protection of
biotechnological inventions.
Industrial bioengineering:
Scaffolds and bioreactors for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine - Materials and scaffolds for tissue engineering: strategies, requirements, and methods to obtain 3D scaffolds; examples of ceramic, polymeric and natural-derived scaffolds; example of scaffold applications (e.g., scaffolds for cardiovascular applications, scaffolds for bone regeneration: state of the art and in vivo application).
Bioreactors for cell and tissue culture: design principles of dynamic culture systems; general and specific requirements for bioreactor design; classification and architecture of bioreactors for tissue engineering; examples of applications: cardiac valve regeneration, perfusion bioreactors, bioreactors for vessel stimulation (e.g., vascular tissue engineering, saphenous vein grafts arterialization).
Blood diseases:
Immunotherapy for disease recurrence after allogeneic transplantation. Innovative treatments for steroid refractory Graft versus Host Disease.
General surgery:
We will analyze in detail the experimental models of transplantation used for development of new drugs in the field of transplantation, and the surgical models of inflammation and autoimmune diseases. Regenerative medicine in organ transplantation will be presented with a particular focus in lung transplantation and in the possibility to manipulate the organ before transplantation in order to obtain a
fully functional transplant. The role of liver bioreactors and the state of the art of this device as a bridge for transplantation will be also presented in detail. We will also provide some basics of animal immunology and legal regulation for animal experimentation. In the field of organ transplantation, will be overview the most common organ transplants performed in Italy, and the important role played by
the biotechnologist in this area will be emphasized. in particular from the identification of the ideal donor to the virological and tumoral screening the early diagnosis of infections and malignancies in transplant recipients. Stages are planned at the Organ procurement center for inter-regional distribution and retrieval of organs and will be discussed its role within the Italian transplant network. The main
immunosuppressive drugs and their use in the clinical practice will be presented in order to achieve the long-term survival of the graft.
No prior knowledge is required
Metodi didattici
The teacher uses frontal lessons. Class attendance is strongly recommended
Materiale di riferimento
Primer on Transplantation 3rd Ed. by American Society of Transplantation, Donald Hricik Ed. ISBN-13: 978-1405142670 Wiley-Blackwell 2014
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Written test with multiple-choice quizzes lasting one hour. The vote is expressed in thirtieths. Students are provided at the end of the course, the teaching material presented during classes. The vote is communicated on the online platform.
Moduli o unità didattiche
Blood diseases
Lezioni: 7 ore

Forensic medicine
Lezioni: 7 ore

General surgery
Esercitazioni: 16 ore
Lezioni: 14 ore

Industrial bioengineering
Lezioni: 7 ore
Docente: Soncini Monica

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