Head and neck (clerkship)

A.A. 2023/2024
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
MED/28 MED/30 MED/31
Obiettivi formativi
Students attend practical/clinical sessions at the Dental Clinic, having the chance to visit patients requiring urgent dental treatments and patients referred referred to the oral medicine and special needs service. ENT clerkships provide the students with the tools to conduct basic anamnesis (implementing this with a simulated patient) and ENT physical examination to succeed in differential diagnosis. Practical demonstrations of examination techniques and "hands on" for the students. Students attend practical/clinical sessions at the Ophtalmology Clinic, having the chance to visit patients requiring urgent treatments, patients attending the outpatient clinic and referred to the opthalmology service.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
Students are expected to perform: -Examination of the nose -Examination of the mouth and oropharynx -Examination of the larynx with indirect laryngoscopy -Examination of the fundus oculi -Examination of the ear (otoscopy) -Examination of the neck -Bed side examination of vestibular function -Basics of clinical Examination and anthropometry of the face -Assessment of visual acuity -Slit lamp examination - Recognize the most oral mucosal lesions, the potentially malignant oral lesions and conditions and the common dental treatment and prosthesis rehabilitation and related problems Students are expected to describe the phases and the images during: -Fiberscope examination of the rhino-pharynx and of the adenoids -Fiberscope examination of the pharynx -Fiberscope examination of the larynx Students are expected to describe: -results of audiometry and impedenzometry.
Corso singolo

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Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

To take the Head and Neck exam, students must have already passed all the exams of the first and second year (Fundamentals of Basic Sciences, Cells, Molecules and Genes 1 and 2, Human Body, Functions and Mechanisms of Diseases).
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
The written exam is a multiple-choice test focused on the topics of the Anatomy and Physiology modules. For each module there will be 40 statements. Each statement can be True or False. The exam is passed if in each module the number of correct answers is equal to or greater than 70% (28 correct answers out of 40 in each module). Only students who successfully pass the written test are allowed to take the oral examination, focused on the modules: ENT, Ophthalmology, Odontostomatology, Maxillo-facial surgery. The final mark is the weighted average of the marks obtained in the oral examination.
The written and oral examination will take place in the SAME SESSION. Should the student fail the oral the written test have to be taken again the next session.
Attendance is required to be allowed to take the exam. Unexcused absence is tolerated up to 34% of the course activities. University policy regarding excused illness is followed.

Registration to final exam through SIFA is mandatory.
Otorhinolaryngological diseases
Ear-Nose-Throat: The students will be able to attend the outpatient clinic, the ward and the surgical theater. They will be shown and approach first-hand the basic examination techniques (otoendoscopy, oroscopy, palpation of the nack and face, rinoscopy anf fibroscopy (the latter will not be performed first hand). They will approach and interact with patients with nasal obstruction and/or nasal discharge, patient with headache, instability/vertigo, facial/cervical masses, patient that does not hear, patient with dysphonia, dysphagia and/or dyspnea, complications of oro-sinusal disease. They will have the opportunity to follow surgeries regarding the treatment of these pathologies.
Metodi didattici
Practical activities will be used, through simulation or in the ward, to consolidate technical and soft knowledge and skills developed during frontal lectures.
Materiale di riferimento
Probst, Grevers, Iro. Basic Otorhinolaryngology: a Step by Step Learning Guide (Thieme 2018)
Odontostomatological diseases
Dentistry: Inspection of oral health issues of interest for the physician. Clinical approach to the patient with oral potentially malignant disorders and with oral cancer, oral-facial chronic pain, hypo-salivation and hyper-salivation, oral mucosal diseases
Maxillo-facial surgery: Clinical Examination and anthropometry of the face: facial and craniofacial malformation; facial and craniofacial trauma, facial/cervical masses, oral nerve lesions are an emerging pathology.
Metodi didattici
Practical activities will be used, through simulation or in the ward, to consolidate technical and soft knowledge and skills developed during frontal lectures.
Materiale di riferimento
Peter Lockart Oral Medicine and Medically Complex Patients, 6th Ed, Wiley and Blackwell, 2013
Essentials of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - K Kahnberg, L Andersson, M Pogrel. Wiley-Blackwell 2014.
Ophtalmological diseases
Ophthalmology: Clinical approach to emergency. Surgical approaches for ocular diseases.
Clinical approach to orbital pathology, impaired vision, partial or complete blindness, diplopia and abnormal eye movements, red eye, painful eye, age-related conditions involving the eye, the visual system in the child
Metodi didattici
Practical activities will be used, through simulation or in the ward, to consolidate technical and soft knowledge and skills developed during frontal lectures.
Materiale di riferimento
Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology, 8th Ed 2016 (Elsevier)
Moduli o unità didattiche
Odontostomatological diseases
Clerkship (att.prof.): 25 ore

Ophtalmological diseases
Clerkship (att.prof.): 25 ore

Otorhinolaryngological diseases
Clerkship (att.prof.): 25 ore

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