Developing soft skills in science: case-studies from microbial biotechnology
A.A. 2023/2024
Obiettivi formativi
The goals of this course are:
i) to provide knowledge on the microbial ecology of different environments and the biotechnological potential of the inhabiting microorganisms.
ii) familiarization of the students with the so-called 'soft skills' by hands-on exercises based on the analysis of different case studies from the scientific literature on microbial biotechnology, and by the interaction with professionals in the biotech and scientific dissemination fields.
iii) to provide principles about writing a scientific project proposal by lectures and classroom exercises that will be focused on the topic of environmental microbial biotechnology.
i) to provide knowledge on the microbial ecology of different environments and the biotechnological potential of the inhabiting microorganisms.
ii) familiarization of the students with the so-called 'soft skills' by hands-on exercises based on the analysis of different case studies from the scientific literature on microbial biotechnology, and by the interaction with professionals in the biotech and scientific dissemination fields.
iii) to provide principles about writing a scientific project proposal by lectures and classroom exercises that will be focused on the topic of environmental microbial biotechnology.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the end of the course the student will be able to perform the activities described below.
- Discuss critically the assigned scientific articles related to the ecology and biotechnological exploitation of microorganisms.
- Present the scientific results and/or concepts of research and review papers after a teamwork based on bibliographic research and slide preparation.
- Elaborate opinions on the received information about different topics of relevance in the context of project proposal writing, such as responsible research and innovation (RRI), open science and scientific dissemination.
- Prepare a written scientific project proposal focused on environmental microbial biotechnology applied to bioeconomy and circular economy.
- Discuss critically the assigned scientific articles related to the ecology and biotechnological exploitation of microorganisms.
- Present the scientific results and/or concepts of research and review papers after a teamwork based on bibliographic research and slide preparation.
- Elaborate opinions on the received information about different topics of relevance in the context of project proposal writing, such as responsible research and innovation (RRI), open science and scientific dissemination.
- Prepare a written scientific project proposal focused on environmental microbial biotechnology applied to bioeconomy and circular economy.
Periodo: Primo semestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento non può essere seguito come corso singolo. Puoi trovare gli insegnamenti disponibili consultando il catalogo corsi singoli.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Primo semestre
- Course roadmap, teaching methods. Teacher and students' introduction to the class.
- Links between microbial ecology and the biotechnological potential of microorganisms (focus sessions on specific topics will be adopted and the topics could vary in different academic years)
- How to conduct a bibliographic research. Tips and suggestions to create an effective presentation. Creation of the working teams. Distribution of scientific articles for the Journal Club.
- Journal Club sessions
- How to write a scientific project - part I
- How to write a scientific project - part II
- Classroom activities on scientific project writing (examples and working group)
- Scientific Communication and Social Media
- An introduction to Open Science
- An outlook on Responsible Research and Innovation
- Open Innovation, Technology Transfer & Startup
- How soft skills can impact your approach to microbiome research
- Links between microbial ecology and the biotechnological potential of microorganisms (focus sessions on specific topics will be adopted and the topics could vary in different academic years)
- How to conduct a bibliographic research. Tips and suggestions to create an effective presentation. Creation of the working teams. Distribution of scientific articles for the Journal Club.
- Journal Club sessions
- How to write a scientific project - part I
- How to write a scientific project - part II
- Classroom activities on scientific project writing (examples and working group)
- Scientific Communication and Social Media
- An introduction to Open Science
- An outlook on Responsible Research and Innovation
- Open Innovation, Technology Transfer & Startup
- How soft skills can impact your approach to microbiome research
General knowledge on environmental microbiology and biotechnology are essential to attend this course. The core of the course's program will be performed as classroom exercise (e.g. Journal Club, lecture on scientific project writing) on topics related to environmental microbiology and biotechnology, circular economy, bioeconomy. All students enrolled in the 'Biotechnology for the Bioeconomy' Master Degree will be accepted for the course. The selection of additional students will be made according to the knowledge on the field of environmental microbiology and biotechnology: I invite all the interested students to join the first lecture of the course. Approximately, the maximum number of students foreseen for this course is 20 persons.
Metodi didattici
The course includes lectures (5 CFU) and classroom exercise (1 CFU). One didactic visit to a biotech company should be also organized during the course. Given the didactic approach used in this course and the importance of interplays between teacher, experts and students, the course attendance is considered compulsory. Exceptions must be motivated and authorized by the lecturer. Moreover, please remember that the performance of the student during the classroom exercises will contribute to his/her final evaluation.
Materiale di riferimento
Powerpoint/pdf presentation of each lecture will be uploaded on the Moodle (MyAriel) platform during the course. Slides of the seminars held by invited expert will be also provided to students. Additional materials include scientific papers, example of project proposal and web links.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Course final examination foresees a written and an oral part. Moreover, the performance of the student during each classroom exercise (e.g. Journal Club) will also contribute to his/her final evaluation.
The written examination consists of a project proposal preparation on topics such as environmental microbiology and biotechnology in the frame of bioeconomy. The student will prepare a proposal autonomously and he/she will consign the project proposal to the professor meeting the established deadline. After the project revision, the professor will meet the student for an interview on the proposed project. To sum up, the final score will take into account: classroom exercises (20%), project proposal (50%) and its discussion (30%).
Specific procedures for students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities (DSA) will be applied. Here the complete information:
In case you need specific procedures, please inform the teacher by e-mail at least 10 days before the exam, including in copy to the communication also: [email protected] or [email protected]
The written examination consists of a project proposal preparation on topics such as environmental microbiology and biotechnology in the frame of bioeconomy. The student will prepare a proposal autonomously and he/she will consign the project proposal to the professor meeting the established deadline. After the project revision, the professor will meet the student for an interview on the proposed project. To sum up, the final score will take into account: classroom exercises (20%), project proposal (50%) and its discussion (30%).
Specific procedures for students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities (DSA) will be applied. Here the complete information:
In case you need specific procedures, please inform the teacher by e-mail at least 10 days before the exam, including in copy to the communication also: [email protected] or [email protected]
Esercitazioni: 16 ore
Lezioni: 40 ore
Lezioni: 40 ore
Mapelli Francesca
Siti didattici
tutti i giorni previo appuntamento
DeFENS, via Mangiagalli 25, Milano - stanza 3011