Plant disease and pest management
A.A. 2022/2023
Obiettivi formativi
The course is based on presentation and discussion of cases of study and scientific papers finalized to deepen the knowledge of biology, epidemiology and population dynamics of the most important pest and diseases of arable and fruit crops and forests. Regulations concerning the use of chemicals and biological control organisms will be used to propose sustainable pest and disease management strategies.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
The students will learn how to approach the problems related to the pest and diseases management of the most important arable and fruit crops and forest plants, both within the frame of integrated and organic agriculture. They will know the rules and regulatory restrictions related to the development and use of chemicals and biological control organisms for the management of known and alien pests and diseases.
Periodo: Secondo semestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento non può essere seguito come corso singolo. Puoi trovare gli insegnamenti disponibili consultando il catalogo corsi singoli.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Secondo semestre
{Modulo}: 'G58-189-A' - 'Unita' didattica 1: plant disease management': prof. Paolo Cortesi
Tipo: 'Unità didattica'.
Concept of plant disease management. European, State and Regional rules concerning: - quarantines and inspections, - use of pathogen free-propagating materials, - reduction of chemicals applied for plant diseases control. Principles of plant disease management in integrated and organic agriculture. Fungicides: mechanism and mode of action, formulation, toxicity, mode of use. Fungicide resistance, and resistance management. Regulation to register, to sell and to use chemical fungicides and biotechnical products. Presentation and discussion of plant disease management strategy for the most important arable and fruit crops and forests within the frame of integrated or organic farming.
{Modulo}: 'G58-189-B' - 'Unita' didattica 2: pest management': prof. Daniela Lupi
Tipo: 'Unità didattica'.
Case studies on the management of invasive pest insects will be detailed. The biology and dangerousness in relation to the environment of colonization will be detailed. Students will approach the different problems related to the management different invasive species both within the frame of integrated and organic control. Presentation and discussion of problems related to the consequences of uncorrect use of pesticides will be detailed (e.g. resistance to pesticides, trophobiosis, secondary effect on useful insects, colony collapse disorder).
Tipo: 'Unità didattica'.
Concept of plant disease management. European, State and Regional rules concerning: - quarantines and inspections, - use of pathogen free-propagating materials, - reduction of chemicals applied for plant diseases control. Principles of plant disease management in integrated and organic agriculture. Fungicides: mechanism and mode of action, formulation, toxicity, mode of use. Fungicide resistance, and resistance management. Regulation to register, to sell and to use chemical fungicides and biotechnical products. Presentation and discussion of plant disease management strategy for the most important arable and fruit crops and forests within the frame of integrated or organic farming.
{Modulo}: 'G58-189-B' - 'Unita' didattica 2: pest management': prof. Daniela Lupi
Tipo: 'Unità didattica'.
Case studies on the management of invasive pest insects will be detailed. The biology and dangerousness in relation to the environment of colonization will be detailed. Students will approach the different problems related to the management different invasive species both within the frame of integrated and organic control. Presentation and discussion of problems related to the consequences of uncorrect use of pesticides will be detailed (e.g. resistance to pesticides, trophobiosis, secondary effect on useful insects, colony collapse disorder).
Metodi didattici
Frontal lessons and specific seminars offered by known plant pathologists and entomologists expert of emerging or world wide known destructive plant diseases and pests.
Materiale di riferimento
Scientific papers and slides used by professors and, temporary, all recorded lessons, will be available for students in Ariel.
Recommended textbooks useful for consultation:
- Jones D.G.: The epidemiology of plant diseases. Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1998. - Boland J.G. and Kuykendall: Plant-microbe interactions and biological control. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1998.
- Kennedy G.G. and Sutton B.T.: Emerging technologies for integrated pest management. APS press., 1999.
- Gonthier P. and Nicolotti G.: Infectious forest diseases. CABI International 2013.
Recommended textbooks useful for consultation:
- Jones D.G.: The epidemiology of plant diseases. Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1998. - Boland J.G. and Kuykendall: Plant-microbe interactions and biological control. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1998.
- Kennedy G.G. and Sutton B.T.: Emerging technologies for integrated pest management. APS press., 1999.
- Gonthier P. and Nicolotti G.: Infectious forest diseases. CABI International 2013.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Students will be invited to propose a field crop or fruit crop or forest disease and pest of their interest. Once the two topics (1 plant disease and 1 pest) will be approved by teachers the students will prepare a seminar of about 30 minutes. The exame will consist of an oral presentation, slide assisted, of the seminar (about 30 minutes) and a final discussion with teachers (max 15 minutes). Professors will evaluate the completeness of the discussion, the property of language and the basic knowledge necessary to treat the case study analyzed.
The mark will be assigned in thirtieths.
The mark will be assigned in thirtieths.
Moduli o unità didattiche
Unita' didattica 1: plant disease management
Esercitazioni: 4 ore
Laboratori: 4 ore
Lezioni: 20 ore
Laboratori: 4 ore
Lezioni: 20 ore
Cortesi Paolo
Unita' didattica 2: pest management
Esercitazioni: 4 ore
Laboratori: 4 ore
Lezioni: 20 ore
Laboratori: 4 ore
Lezioni: 20 ore
Lupi Daniela
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