Global firms and markets

A.A. 2022/2023
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
Obiettivi formativi
Il corso si propone di:
· Fornire agli studenti una conoscenza delle principali caratteristiche delle imprese nei paesi in via di sviluppo e delle più importanti determinanti della loro produttività.
· Aiutare gli studenti a cogliere le implicazioni dei risultati della ricerca accademica sulle politiche economiche di sostegno alle imprese.
· Sviluppare negli studenti la capacità di giudicare criticamente l'evidenza empirica, con particolare attenzione all'inferenza causale e alle metodologie di valutazione di impatto delle politiche economiche.
· Offrire occasioni di mettere in pratica tali capacità attraverso l'analisi di dati empirici, la discussione in gruppo, la scrittura di revisioni critiche della letteratura e di proposte di ricerca indipendente.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
Gli studenti acquisiranno una serie di strumenti che saranno utili per il loro futuro, sia all'interno che all'esterno dell'università:
· Conoscenza dei vincoli istituzionali, di mercato, infrastrutturali e sociali che gravano sulle imprese nei paesi in via di sviluppo, che sarà utile per comprendere il dibattito pubblico attuale sulle politiche per lo sviluppo, ma anche quello relativo alle riforme strutturali nei paesi sviluppati.
· Il focus del corso sugli aspetti metodologici permetterà agli studenti di acquisire l'abilità di valutare criticamente affermazioni relative a nessi di causalità tra fattori economici e sociali e l'impatto delle politiche economiche.
· La varietà di metodologie valutative aiuterà gli studenti a migliorare la loro abilità di lettura critica di articoli accademici, di analisi di dati empirici e di scrittura, capacità che saranno utili per il loro futuro lavoro di tesi, soprattutto grazie al focus su temi di interesse dello studente all'interno del programma del corso.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento non può essere seguito come corso singolo. Puoi trovare gli insegnamenti disponibili consultando il catalogo corsi singoli.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo trimestre

Students will find on the course Ariel website the detailed course calendar and the lecture slides, containing all the information on required readings for each lecture.
The course will cover the following topics:
Topic 1 - Intro, Development Accounting and Growth Models: We review key results of the development accounting literature and classic growth models. We examine barriers to growth in developing countries.
Topic 2 - Institutions: We discuss the role of institutions in determining investment and productivity. In particular, we will focus on property rights and contract enforcement; corruption and distortions; taxation and entry regulations. When looking at entry barriers and taxes, we will discuss the roots of informality.
Topic 3 - Entrepreneurship and Development: We discuss the basic features of firms in developing countries. We review the evidence on return to capital, ask how market imperfections may limit enterprise growth, and review the micro-level evidence on constraints for firm growth in developing countries.
Topic 4 - Credit Markets in Developing Countries: Financial markets play a crucial role in economic development by allowing those who have talent or skills but limited money to undertake investments. We review theories on how financial market frictions may affect choices and productivity of individuals and firms. We look at evidence on the importance of financial market frictions in developing countries.
Topic 5 - Microfinance: How does the standard microfinance model work, and how did microfinance make lending to the poor a viable and sustainable policy? What is the impact of microfinance on business development and poverty alleviation? How can we improve the access to financial services and increase savings among poor households? What is the role of complementary skills, social networks, cultural and psychological factors?
Topic 6 - Insurance: Risk plays a crucial role in the lives of the poor. We'll review evidence on the determinants of and constraints to insurance take up and the impact of insurance on firms.
Topic 7 - Infrastructure: Access to infrastructure, such as transport, energy and more recently internet, is an important determinant of firm productivity. Studies of developing country settings allow to evaluate and quantify the impact of infrastructure on firms.
Topic 8 - Management: What are the drivers of forms productivity in developing countries? What is the role of management? We review the recent literature on management practices and productivity. We then discuss the role of complementarity inputs, institutional quality and relational contracts in determining firms' productivity.
Topic 9 - Intra-household norms and behavioral issues: Given that much of production in developing countries occurs within the household, it is important to understand how intra-household decisions are made in order to explain firm productivity. Similarly, behavioral issues are particularly binding for the poor, and are another key determinant of entrepreneurs' behavior.
Topic 10 - Empirical methods: The impact evaluation problem and its solutions. Informal overview of empirical methods and their application to development economics papers on firms. This is a cross-cutting topic.
The program may undergo changes depending on students' interests and requests for specific topics relevant to development economics, such as conflict, environmental conservation, Covid-19, etc.
Propaedeutic exams: Optimization, Research Methods, Advanced Microeconomics.
Metodi didattici
Live lectures: lectures will consist of live presentations over slides, with the inclusion of pair or small group discussions; and online polls and quizzes. The lectures will take place in the classroom. Students will be informed of the time of the lectures through announcements on Ariel.
Recorded videos: it is possible that specific topics will be covered by short recorded videos.
Classes: classes for the course will be held by Federico Segato. The initial classes will review the basic usage of Stata. The remaining classes will be devoted to the critical discussion and replication of results from papers covered during the lectures. Finally, one class will be devoted to writing tips. The skills acquired and practiced during the classes - data analysis, critical review of academic paper and writing skills - will be useful for the course assignment: the Stata task will consist in conducting basic replication analysis using Stata, and the critical writing task will ask students to critically review a paper.
Materiale di riferimento
The main material for the course are the lecture slides, which will be regularly uploaded on the course Ariel website.
Students will also find on the course Ariel website the detailed course calendar and the lecture slides, containing all the information on required readings for each lecture.
In general, there is no required textbook for the course. The main study material are slides and academic papers. Three useful books are:
· Ray, D. Development Economics. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008.
· Banerjee, A. V. and E. Duflo. Poor Economics. New York: Public Affairs, 2011.
· Mullainathan, S. and E. Shafir. Scarcity. Henry Holt and Company, 2013.
· Banerjee, A. V. and E. Duflo. Good Economics for Hard Times. New York: Public Affairs, 2019.
In particular, the two books by Banerjee and Duflo are warmly suggested reads for any student to read, beyond their use within the course.
Selected chapters of these books will be assigned as recommended reading for the relevant week's topic.
In addition, articles from academic journals will be assigned as required or recommended reading and reviewed in the lectures and classes.
Students are strongly invited to review the material from the Advanced Computer Skills course before the start of the lectures. The material is available on the Ariel site of the course at
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Evaluation criteria
A combination of assignment methods is planned, in order to evaluate and reward:
· Knowledge of the learning material
· Participation and engagement (for attending students only)
· The ability to assess the empirical evidence critically and to draw policy implications from it
· Data analysis skills
· The ability to ask new questions starting from the learning material
Attending students
· Ongoing evaluation (50% of the final grade): part of the evaluation will involve quizzes on the live lectures, reading material or other teaching material, to be administered throughout the duration of the course. In particular, there will be 4 quizzes, and this component of the grade will be made by the sum of the 3 best scores. In other words, the worst quiz grade will not count for the final grade.
· Assignment (35% of final grade): there will be one group assignment, composed as follows
o Stata task: students will be required to replicate a piece of analysis (e.g., a regression table or a graph) from an academic paper discussed during the lectures and the Stata classes.
o Critical writing: students will be asked to comment critically an academic paper; and to identify potential directions for further research.
o The groups for this assignment will be formed by the instructor.
· Participation (7.5% of the final grade): participation will be monitored during the live lectures, in terms of participation to the group discussions and pertinent interventions (7.5%).
· Attendance (7.5% of the final grade): 70% attendance to the lectures and classes is required. Answers to the online polls will testify attendance to the lectures.
Non-attending students
Oral exam: the oral exam will include short-answer questions, similar to the ones featured in the quizzes for attending students, and more open, discussion-type questions. Some of the questions will cover the topics of the Stata classes, thus they will concern commands, data management and analysis using Stata.
Written exams may be adopted upon request of the totality of students enrolled to an exam session, at discretion of the instructor.
Final grade of the Global Firms and Markets (GFM) course
The GFM course is composed of two parts (taught by Professor Barba and Professor d'Adda). Each part weighs equally towards the final grade. In particular:
· In order to pass the overall course, students need to have passed both parts of the course
· For students who passed both parts of the course, the final grade is the average of the grades they got in each part
· Students do not need to take the two parts of the exam simultaneously (i.e., within the same exam session), but can take each part in a different session, if they so wish. Both parts of the exam must be passed by the November 2022 exam session: after that, students will have to refer to the following academic year syllabus and evaluation method.
Lezioni: 40 ore
Lunedì 12-13
stanza 216 via Livorno
Martedì 9:30-12:30. Si richiede agli studenti preferibilmente di fissare un appuntamento inviando una mail al docente, o di richiedere un appuntamento al momento via email o messaggio su Teams.
Stanza 219, Via Livorno