Representation and image theories
A.A. 2021/2022
Obiettivi formativi
The course aims to provide the students with an in-depth knowledge of the main representation and image theories. The proposed historical-critical path will address the fundamental questions and authors of this specific disciplinary field, which belongs to the wider domain of the aesthetic discipline (intended both as a theory of sensibility and as a theory of art), also taking into consideration its interdisciplinary connections with other domains such as: semiotics, art history, history of literature, media history and theory, psychology, anthropology, cognitive neurosciences.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
Knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to master and discuss the main representation and image theories developed within the Western cultural tradition, with a particular emphasis on the contemporary debate. Along this path, the students will learn to hold a critical confrontation with the fundamental authors and concepts of this disciplinary domain, understanding its methods and being able to use its specific terminology.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The students will acquire the skills necessary to apply the conceptual framework of the main representation and image theories to situations pertaining to the strategies of representation in the widest sense of the term and to the experience of the image (both artistic and non-artistic), having recourse to an adequate specific lexicon. They will be able to critically discuss the main theoretical models and to orient themselves in the corresponding literature. They will apply the acquired competences to the reading and critical comment of fundamental texts in representation and image theory. They will be encouraged to propose autonomous and original solutions to problems arising from the common discussion.
At the end of the course, the students will be able to master and discuss the main representation and image theories developed within the Western cultural tradition, with a particular emphasis on the contemporary debate. Along this path, the students will learn to hold a critical confrontation with the fundamental authors and concepts of this disciplinary domain, understanding its methods and being able to use its specific terminology.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The students will acquire the skills necessary to apply the conceptual framework of the main representation and image theories to situations pertaining to the strategies of representation in the widest sense of the term and to the experience of the image (both artistic and non-artistic), having recourse to an adequate specific lexicon. They will be able to critically discuss the main theoretical models and to orient themselves in the corresponding literature. They will apply the acquired competences to the reading and critical comment of fundamental texts in representation and image theory. They will be encouraged to propose autonomous and original solutions to problems arising from the common discussion.
Periodo: Secondo semestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento non può essere seguito come corso singolo. Puoi trovare gli insegnamenti disponibili consultando il catalogo corsi singoli.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Secondo semestre
During the ongoing covid emergency, the course syllabus will be maintained the same as originally designed for face-to-face teaching.
The lessons will be held in dual mode. The face-to-face lessons will allow the participation of students connected with MSTeams as well as students in the classroom.
The recordings of the lessons will remain available for the entire academic year
Online environments used:
Teams (keycode: bif2o22)
Students wishing to participate in face-to-face lessons must refer to the following University provisions:
Students wishing to participate in MSTeams lessons must refer to the following technical guides:
To participate in the exam sessions, students must refer to the following provisions:
The lessons will be held in dual mode. The face-to-face lessons will allow the participation of students connected with MSTeams as well as students in the classroom.
The recordings of the lessons will remain available for the entire academic year
Online environments used:
Teams (keycode: bif2o22)
Students wishing to participate in face-to-face lessons must refer to the following University provisions:
Students wishing to participate in MSTeams lessons must refer to the following technical guides:
To participate in the exam sessions, students must refer to the following provisions:
The course is divided into three teaching units. The first unit, entitled "Theories of the image", will present the main methodological paradigms developed in the Western cultural tradition to conceptualize our image experience. The second unit, entitled "Ontologies/rethinking the photographic", will deal with the nature of the technical image from the theory of the photographic to the theory of the digital. The third unit, entitled "What images do (to us). From animation to premediation", will focus on the life and animation of images as part of the renewal of animistic paradigm in anthropology and the humanities.
Metodi didattici
Lectures, discussions, reading texts, projections, watching and analyzing still and moving images.
Materiale di riferimento
Assignments for both 6 (UNITS A+B) and 9 ECTS (UNITS A+B+C) exams:
Unit A - Theories of the image
1. PLATO, On mimesis
2. CH. S. PEIRCE, What is a sign
3. E. HUSSERL, On image consciousness
4. A. WARBURG, H. WÖLFFLIN, On style
5. E. PANOFSKY, Iconography and iconology
6. D. KATZ, Laws of form
7. M. FOUCAULT-This is not a pipe
8. W.J.T. MITCHELL, Showing seeing
9. R. WOLLHEIM, Seeing-as, seeing-in, and pictorial representation
10. K. WALTON, Pictures and make-believe
1. S. SONTAG, On Photography
2. A. BAZIN, The Ontology of the Photographic Image
3. G. DIDI-HUBERMAN, Images in Spite of All: Four Photographs from Auschwitz
4. V. FLUSSER, Toward a Philosophy of Photography
5. L. MULVEY, Visual pleasure and narrative cinema
6. J. EVANS, Photography (in Feminist Visual Culture)
7. T. GUNNING, Tracing the Individual Body. Photography, Detectives and Early Cinema
8. H. FAROCKI, Phantom images
9. M. JABLONOWSKI, Beyond drone vision: the embodied telepresence of first-person-view drone flight
10. K. A. GATES, Our Biometric Future. Facial Recognition Technology and the Culture of Surveillance
Additional assignments for 9 ECTS exams only:
1. D. FREEDBERG, The Power of Images
2. M. MERLEAU-PONTY, Eye and Mind
3. H. STEYERL, In defence of the poor image
4. S. PAPAPETROS, Animation Victims
5. T. INGOLD, Rethinking the animate, re-animating thought
6. A.S. HOEL, Operative Images. Inroads to a New Paradigm of Media Theory
7. V. SOBCHACK, Animation and Automation, or, the Incredible Effortfulness of Being
8. J. BUTLER, Performative Acts and Gender Constitution
9. R. GRUSIN, Premediation
Additional assignments for NON ATTENDING students:
· 6 CFU: H. Bredekamp, Image Acts: a Systematic Approach to Visual Agency, De Gruyter, Boston, 2017, chapters: 2, 3, 4, 5.
· 9 CFU: H. Bredekamp, Image Acts: a Systematic Approach to Visual Agency, De Gruyter, Boston, 2017: the entire volume.
Slides and other digital resources will be available on Teams: bif2o22 (section FILE).
Unit A - Theories of the image
1. PLATO, On mimesis
2. CH. S. PEIRCE, What is a sign
3. E. HUSSERL, On image consciousness
4. A. WARBURG, H. WÖLFFLIN, On style
5. E. PANOFSKY, Iconography and iconology
6. D. KATZ, Laws of form
7. M. FOUCAULT-This is not a pipe
8. W.J.T. MITCHELL, Showing seeing
9. R. WOLLHEIM, Seeing-as, seeing-in, and pictorial representation
10. K. WALTON, Pictures and make-believe
1. S. SONTAG, On Photography
2. A. BAZIN, The Ontology of the Photographic Image
3. G. DIDI-HUBERMAN, Images in Spite of All: Four Photographs from Auschwitz
4. V. FLUSSER, Toward a Philosophy of Photography
5. L. MULVEY, Visual pleasure and narrative cinema
6. J. EVANS, Photography (in Feminist Visual Culture)
7. T. GUNNING, Tracing the Individual Body. Photography, Detectives and Early Cinema
8. H. FAROCKI, Phantom images
9. M. JABLONOWSKI, Beyond drone vision: the embodied telepresence of first-person-view drone flight
10. K. A. GATES, Our Biometric Future. Facial Recognition Technology and the Culture of Surveillance
Additional assignments for 9 ECTS exams only:
1. D. FREEDBERG, The Power of Images
2. M. MERLEAU-PONTY, Eye and Mind
3. H. STEYERL, In defence of the poor image
4. S. PAPAPETROS, Animation Victims
5. T. INGOLD, Rethinking the animate, re-animating thought
6. A.S. HOEL, Operative Images. Inroads to a New Paradigm of Media Theory
7. V. SOBCHACK, Animation and Automation, or, the Incredible Effortfulness of Being
8. J. BUTLER, Performative Acts and Gender Constitution
9. R. GRUSIN, Premediation
Additional assignments for NON ATTENDING students:
· 6 CFU: H. Bredekamp, Image Acts: a Systematic Approach to Visual Agency, De Gruyter, Boston, 2017, chapters: 2, 3, 4, 5.
· 9 CFU: H. Bredekamp, Image Acts: a Systematic Approach to Visual Agency, De Gruyter, Boston, 2017: the entire volume.
Slides and other digital resources will be available on Teams: bif2o22 (section FILE).
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
The final examination consists of a written test concerning the course topics and testing the knowledge and skills acquired by students, with a particular focus on concepts and examples. The test (In English) will consist in three open questions: 1) analysis of an image similar to those discussed during classes; 2) discussion of a theoretical problem related to the first teaching unit; 3) discussion of a theoretical problem related to the second/third teaching unit.
The grading system (based on a 0-30 scale, 18 being the lowest passing mark) will correspond to:
- knowledge level of the theoretical aspects;
- the ability to apply concepts to case studies;
- making judgments;
- ability to argue through a specific conceptual and linguistic property
The grading system (based on a 0-30 scale, 18 being the lowest passing mark) will correspond to:
- knowledge level of the theoretical aspects;
- the ability to apply concepts to case studies;
- making judgments;
- ability to argue through a specific conceptual and linguistic property
Moduli o unità didattiche
Unita' didattica A
Lezioni: 20 ore
Pinotti Andrea
Unita' didattica B
Lezioni: 20 ore
Grespi Barbara
Unita' didattica C
Lezioni: 20 ore
Dalmasso Anna Caterina
giovedì 16.000-18.00
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