Green procurement

A.A. 2021/2022
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
Obiettivi formativi
The course aims at providing the students with a specific knowledge of public procurement as a tool to create social and environmental value and as a policy of implementation of sustainable development policies.

Purpose of the course is to let the students understandthe legal grounds and techniques that make a public procurement actually "green", through concrete examples and the discussion of documents of European and national relevance.

Learning objectives of the course include acquiring confidence with the juridical mechanism of green public procurement, with the juridical complexities embedded in their application and with some actual examples.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
By the end of the course, the student will have to be able to: 1) demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge on the functioning and legal structure of green public procurement; 2) apply the acquired concepts in specific sectors, such as transport, energy, urban development; 3) make reasoned judgement on legal documents on GPP and on public tender procedures, with specific regard to their ability to deliver social and environmental value; 4) express in linear and organized legal reasoning on GPP as a tool to achieve sustainable development; 5) understand the pivotal role of administrative authorities in governing by contract.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento non può essere seguito come corso singolo. Puoi trovare gli insegnamenti disponibili consultando il catalogo corsi singoli.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo semestre
More specific information on the delivery models of training activities for academic year 2021/22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation

The course will elaborate a thorough reasoning on the actual functioning of the mechanisms of green public procurement and on the possible normative and administrative improvements towards the principle of sustainable development.
The strategic sense of the regulation of the public procurement market will be proposed as a general framework of the analysis. Subsequently, the main principles of public procurement will be discussed, in light of the macro-principle of sustainable development.
It will then be possible to discuss the techniques that awarding authorities actually use to implement green values in the public tender. Particular attention will be devoted to the use of minimum environmental criteria at a national and European level.
Lastly, the shift from green to social public procurement will be described as a new perspective of the normative on public contracts.
During the course, concrete examples of public tenders will be provided and documents of European and national relevance will be discussed in order to let the juridical complexities embedded in their application emerge.
No preliminary competences are required to attend this course
Metodi didattici
Regular attendance is highly recommended. Concrete cases and relevant materials will be discussed and commented in class
Materiale di riferimento
S.Valaguzza, Governing by contract, 2021, Chapters: 1,2, 4, 5, par. 1.1, 1.2.

S. Valaguzza, Sustainable development in public contracts, 2016, Chapter: 2, 3 and 4.

Further materials will be distributed in class to the attending students
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Oral exam. The organization of group presentations will be evaluated, depending on the number of attendees
Lezioni: 48 ore
Docente: Valaguzza Sara
Riceve su appuntamento. Scrivere a [email protected]
Via Festa del Perdono, 7