Physics (master programme)

Ragazza che fa un esperimento
Physics (master programme)
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
Master programme
LM-17 - Physics
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
Course location
General and specific learning objectives

The Master's degree programme in Physics aims to enable students to either continue their academic studies or proficiently start working in research or professional contexts, having learnt the experimental, theoretical and mathematical bases of physics, and how to use the scientific method.
The Master's degree programme will enable students to deepen their knowledge of classical, relativity and quantum physics with regard to its phenomenological and theoretical aspects, as well as their mathematical formulas.
Having acquired adequate mathematical and computer skills, Master's graduates will be able to design and use mathematical models and calculus techniques to solve physics problems.
Students may also further their studies in the frame of postgraduate programmes. The coursework offers a wide range of subject options and pathways, to enable Master's graduates to find employment in basic and/or applied research, or in work environments requiring experimental-applicative competencies, familiarity with innovative methods, and the ability to use complex equipment.
More specifically, the programme is designed with the following objectives:
- Provide a solid knowledge base regarding the experimental-applicative domain, the theory and fundamentals of physics, microphysics, structure of matter, astrophysics/geophysics/space science;
- Prepare graduates who are flexible and have a strong aptitude for problem-solving;
- Prepare graduates who are able to describe natural phenomena in a strictly scientific manner, with a mathematical and statistical approach, as well as to work with a high degree of autonomy, taking on responsibilities for projects, even in a managerial and directive capacity;
- Provide tools for scientific communication and dissemination at a high level;
- Provide graduates with a solid knowledge of the contents and methodologies required for teaching.
Professional Profile and Career Opportunities

Professional Profile

Career Opportunities
Graduates will typically work in industries and public and private institutions in facilities such as:

Research centers and laboratories
Hospitals and healthcare facilities that use techniques for diagnostics, therapy, and radiation protection
Astronomical observatories
Museums and other centers dedicated to scientific outreach
Banks and insurance companies
Facilities dedicated to the development of mathematical and statistical models of phenomena
Facilities dedicated to the use and development of complex systems and instruments
Institutions involved in the restoration of artistic assets and the preservation of environmental goods
Power plants (including nuclear power plants)
Facilities for data acquisition and processing
Graduates who have sufficient credits in specific groups of subjects may, as required by current legislation, participate in admission tests for training programs in secondary education.

Graduates interested in career opportunities that require further training will continue their studies in research doctorates or postgraduate schools.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The thesis work is often carried out in prestigious research centers like CERN or GSI, or important Universities worldwide, in the frame of international collaborations and research programs.
Attendance is compulsory and will be monitored in each class for laboratory courses.
Admission requirements:
Bachelor's graduates in Physics (degree class L-30 and corresponding class pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99) can access the Master's degree programme in Physics.
Those who have a Bachelor's degree in another class can also access the programme, provided they have earned
- 24 CFU, i.e. university credits, in the scientific-disciplinary sectors (SSD) FIS/01-08, of which at least 12 in FIS/02 and at least 6 in total in FIS/03, FIS/04, FIS/05;
- 20 CFU in the scientific-disciplinary sectors (SSD) MAT/01-09
Those who have obtained an equivalent qualification abroad can also access the programme, provided that they prove to meet skills requirements.

Admission assessment

Applicants must prove in-depth knowledge of classical physics and mathematical analysis, and basic knowledge of geometry, computer science, analytical mechanics, quantum mechanics, the structure of matter, nuclear and subnuclear physics, as well as laboratory work skills (data acquisition and processing).
All candidates will be assessed through an interview on subjects covered by the core courses of the aforementioned degree programme in Physics.
The interviewing board will include faculty members appointed by the Academic Board. The interview may also take place before graduation. However, the candidate must obtain their degree by 31 December 2024.

For the 2024/2025 academic year, interviews are scheduled on the following dates:

28 June 2024, 9.00 am
13 September 2024, 9.00 am
25 October 2024, 10:45 am
10 January 2025, 10:45 am

The interviews will take place online using the Zoom platform by connecting to the following link:

Candidates who fail the interview, whether graduates or upcoming graduates, may not enrol on the Master's degree programme for the current year.

Proficiency in English at a B1 level or higher under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required for admission.
The B1-level requirement will be ascertained by the University Language Centre (SLAM) upon admission as follows:
- Language certificate at or above B1, obtained no more than three years earlier. For the list of language certificates recognized by the University please review: The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application;
- English level achieved during a University of Milan degree programme and certified by the University Language Centre (SLAM) no more than four years before the date of admission application. In this case the process is automatic, the applicant does not have to attach any certificates to the application;
- Placement test administrated by the University Language Centre (SLAM) according to the calendar published on the website:
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate or do not meet the required proficiency level will be instructed during the admission procedure to take the placement test.
Applicants who do not take or pass the placement test will be required to obtain a language proficiency certificate recognized by the University (see: and deliver it to the SLAM via the InformaStudenti service by the deadline fixed for the master's programme (
Applicants who do not meet the requirement by said deadline will not be admitted to the master's degree programme and may not sit any further tests.


Application for admission: from 22/01/2024 to 30/09/2024

Application for matriculation: from 08/04/2024 to 15/01/2025

Admissions A.Y. 2025/2026

Admission applications for Academic Year 2025/2026 are now open. Non-EU students visa applicants are required to apply for admission no later than 30 April 2025.

Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Optional programme year

Compulsory activity
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Classical Electrodynamics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/01
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English Open sessions
Informatics Ability 3 0 Italian Open sessions
Final Exam 36 0 Italian Open sessions
Mandatory Training Internship 6 0 Italian Open sessions
- Courses of type "CARATTERIZZANTI" (42 credits)
The student must complete 42 credits of this type by choosing a minimum of 6 credits in each of the groups below. The Classical Electrodynamics course (6 credits) belongs to the "Experimental Application" group and therefore covers the minimum request for this group.
"Experimental Application"
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Data Structures and Algorithms of Physics of Data 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/01 FIS/07
Electronics 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/01
Electronics Laboratory 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/01
Environmental Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/07
Health Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/07
Imaging Techniques for Biomedical Applications 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/01 FIS/07
Optical Analysis for Cultural Heritages 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/07
Accelerator Physics 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/01
Dosimetry 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Electronics 2 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/01
Elements of Superconductivity and Physics of High Field Magnets 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/01
Modelling Applications for Environmental and Cultural Heritage Physics 6 57 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Radiobiology 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/07
- Theory and Fundamentals of Physics
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Many Body Theory 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Many Body Theory 2 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Mathematical Methods in Physics: Differential Equations 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Mathematical Methods in Physics: Geometry and Group Theory 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Mathematical Methods in Physics: Geometry and Group Theory 2 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Quantum Field Theory 2 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Statistical Mechanics 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Theory of Quantum Open Systems 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Gravity and Superstrings 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Quantum Field Theory 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Statistical Physics of Complex Systems 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Theory of Fundamental Interactions 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
- Microphysics and Structure of Matter Field
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Accelerator Physics Laboratory 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/04
Applied Superconductivity Laboratory 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/03
Astroparticle Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/04
Coherence and Control of Quantum System 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Electronic Structure 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Electroweak Interactions 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/04
Interaction and Detection of Nuclear Radiation 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/04
Machine Learning 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03 FIS/04
Magnetic Properties and Fine Analysis of Low Dimensional Matter 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Optics Laboratory and Application 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/03
Particle Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/04
Physics Protein 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Probability and Statistics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03 FIS/04
Quantum Optics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Quantum Optics Laboratory 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/03
Quantum Theory of Matter 2 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Semiconductor Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Advanced Statistical Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Laser Physics Laboratory 1 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Nanoscale Solid State Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Nuclear Electronics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/04
Nuclear Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/04
Nuclear Spectroscopy Laboratory 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/04
Optics 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Particle Detectors 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/04
Physics of Electronic Devices 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Physics of Solids 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Plasma Physics Laboratory 1 6 57 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Quantum Information Theory 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Radioactivity 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/04
Surface Physics 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
- Astrophysics, Geophysics and Space Science Field
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/05
General Astrophysics 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/05
Introduction to Continuum Physics 6 42 English First semester FIS/06
Physics of the Hydrosphere and the Cryosphere 6 42 English First semester GEO/12
Radio Astronomy 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/05
Atmospheric Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/06
Cosmology 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Dynamics of Galaxies 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Extragalactic Astrophysics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
General Astrophysics 2 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Laboratory of Data Modelling 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/05 FIS/06
Nuclear Relativistic Astrophysics 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Tectonophysics 6 42 English Second semester FIS/06 GEO/10
- The student must also complete 18 credits by choosing from the following courses of type "AFFINI E INTEGRATIVI"
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Gravitational Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02 FIS/05
Algebraic Topology 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/03
Atomic Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Biophysics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03 FIS/07
Cosmology 2 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/05
Differential Geometry 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/03
Digital Electronics 6 42 Italian First semester ING-INF/01
Foundations of Energy Production 6 42 Italian First semester ING-IND/10
History of Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/08
Instrumentation Applied to Medicine 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/07
Introduction to Astrophysics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/05
Introduction to General Relativity 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Methods of Data Analysis 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/01
Particle Physics Laboratory 1 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/01
Perturbation Theory of Hamiltonian Systems 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/07
Physics Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Physics 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/06 FIS/07
Preparation of Didactical Experiences 1 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/08
Quantum Computing 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Simulation of Condensed Matter and Biosystems 6 42 Italian First semester BIO/10 FIS/03
Theory of Fundamental Interactions 2 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Thin Film and Nanostructures Characterization 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/03
Computational Physics Laboratory 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory 2 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Data Analytics, Forward and Inverse Modeling: Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Dynamics 6 42 English Second semester GEO/12
Deep Learning with Applications 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Dynamical Systems 1 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/07
Earth Physics Laboratory 6 62 Italian Second semester GEO/12
Environmental Physics Laboratory 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Foundations in Electron Microscopy (EM) and Its Related Spectroscopies 6 47 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Foundations of Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02 FIS/03
Geometry 2 6 52 Italian Second semester MAT/03
Gravity and Superstrings 2 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Health Physics Laboratory 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Introduction to Health and Medical Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Laboratory of Space Instrumentation (1) 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Liquid-State and Soft-Matter Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Mathematical Analysis 4 6 47 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Nanoparticle Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Photonics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Tecniques: Physics Principles and Applications 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Numerical Simulation Laboratory 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/02 FIS/03
Numerical Tecniques for Photorealistic Image Generation 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/05 FIS/06
Particle Detectors Laboratory Instrumentation 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/01
Phenomenology of the Standard Model of Particle Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/04
Physics of Medical Imaging 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Preparation of Didactical Experiences 2 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/08
Quantum Walks 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Radiative Processes in Astrophysics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Radio Astronomy 2 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Stochastic Processes 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03 FIS/04
- The student must also complete another 12 credits freely choosing from all the courses activated by the University, provided that they are culturally coherent with his/her educational path and cannot be superimposed, in content, to the fundamental and optional teachings already used in the Study Plan. All the teachings shown in this "Manifesto" that meet these criteria may be included in the selection.
Optional programme year

Compulsory activity
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Classical Electrodynamics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/01
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English Open sessions
Informatics Ability 3 0 Italian Open sessions
Final Exam 36 0 Italian Open sessions
- Courses of type "CARATTERIZZANTI" (48 credits)
The student must complete 48 credits of this type by choosing 12 credits in each of the groups below. The Classical Electrodynamics course belongs to the "Experimental Application" group and therefore covers 6 credits for this group.
Experimental Application
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Electronics 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/01
Electronics Laboratory 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/01
Environmental Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/07
Health Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/07
Imaging Techniques for Biomedical Applications 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/01 FIS/07
Optical Analysis for Cultural Heritages 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/07
Accelerator Physics 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/01
Dosimetry 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Electronics 2 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/01
Elements of Superconductivity and Physics of High Field Magnets 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/01
Modelling Applications for Environmental and Cultural Heritage Physics 6 57 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Radiobiology 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/07
- Theory and Fundamentals of Physics
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
History of Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/08
Preparation of Didactical Experiences 1 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/08
Preparation of Didactical Experiences 2 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/08
- Microphysics and Structure of Matter
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Accelerator Physics Laboratory 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/04
Applied Superconductivity Laboratory 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/03
Astroparticle Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/04
Coherence and Control of Quantum System 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Electronic Structure 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Electroweak Interactions 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/04
Interaction and Detection of Nuclear Radiation 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/04
Magnetic Properties and Fine Analysis of Low Dimensional Matter 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Optics Laboratory and Application 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/03
Particle Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/04
Physics Protein 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Quantum Optics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Quantum Optics Laboratory 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/03
Quantum Theory of Matter 2 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Semiconductor Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Advanced Statistical Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Laser Physics Laboratory 1 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Nanoscale Solid State Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Nuclear Electronics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/04
Nuclear Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/04
Nuclear Spectroscopy Laboratory 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/04
Optics 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Particle Detectors 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/04
Physics of Electronic Devices 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Physics of Solids 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Plasma Physics Laboratory 1 6 57 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Quantum Information Theory 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Radioactivity 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/04
Surface Physics 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
- Astrophysics, Geophysics and Space Science
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/05
General Astrophysics 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/05
Introduction to Continuum Physics 6 42 English First semester FIS/06
Physics of the Hydrosphere and the Cryosphere 6 42 English First semester GEO/12
Radio Astronomy 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/05
Atmospheric Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/06
Cosmology 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Dynamics of Galaxies 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Extragalactic Astrophysics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
General Astrophysics 2 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Nuclear Relativistic Astrophysics 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Tectonophysics 6 42 English Second semester FIS/06 GEO/10
- The student must also complete 12 credits by choosing from the following courses of type "AFFINI E INTEGRATIVI".
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Gravitational Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02 FIS/05
Algebraic Topology 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/03
Atomic Physics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Biophysics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03 FIS/07
Cosmology 2 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/05
Data Structures and Algorithms of Physics of Data 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/01 FIS/07
Differential Geometry 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/03
Digital Electronics 6 42 Italian First semester ING-INF/01
Foundations of Energy Production 6 42 Italian First semester ING-IND/10
Instrumentation Applied to Medicine 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/07
Introduction to Astrophysics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/05
Introduction to General Relativity 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Machine Learning 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03 FIS/04
Many Body Theory 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Many Body Theory 2 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Mathematical Methods in Physics: Differential Equations 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Mathematical Methods in Physics: Geometry and Group Theory 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Mathematical Methods in Physics: Geometry and Group Theory 2 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Methods of Data Analysis 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/01
Particle Physics Laboratory 1 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/01
Perturbation Theory of Hamiltonian Systems 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/07
Physics Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Physics 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/06 FIS/07
Probability and Statistics 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03 FIS/04
Quantum Computing 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/03
Quantum Field Theory 2 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Simulation of Condensed Matter and Biosystems 6 42 Italian First semester BIO/10 FIS/03
Statistical Mechanics 1 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Theory of Fundamental Interactions 2 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Theory of Quantum Open Systems 6 42 Italian First semester FIS/02
Thin Film and Nanostructures Characterization 6 62 Italian First semester FIS/03
Computational Physics Laboratory 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory 2 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Data Analytics, Forward and Inverse Modeling: Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Dynamics 6 42 English Second semester GEO/12
Deep Learning with Applications 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Dynamical Systems 1 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/07
Earth Physics Laboratory 6 62 Italian Second semester GEO/12
Environmental Physics Laboratory 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Foundations in Electron Microscopy (EM) and Its Related Spectroscopies 6 47 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Foundations of Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02 FIS/03
Geometry 2 6 52 Italian Second semester MAT/03
Gravity and Superstrings 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Gravity and Superstrings 2 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Health Physics Laboratory 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Introduction to Health and Medical Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Laboratory of Data Modelling 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/05 FIS/06
Laboratory of Space Instrumentation (1) 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Liquid-State and Soft-Matter Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Mathematical Analysis 4 6 47 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Nanoparticle Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Photonics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Tecniques: Physics Principles and Applications 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Numerical Simulation Laboratory 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/02 FIS/03
Numerical Tecniques for Photorealistic Image Generation 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/05 FIS/06
Particle Detectors Laboratory Instrumentation 6 62 Italian Second semester FIS/01
Phenomenology of the Standard Model of Particle Physics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/04
Physics of Medical Imaging 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/07
Quantum Field Theory 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Quantum Walks 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03
Radiative Processes in Astrophysics 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Radio Astronomy 2 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/05
Statistical Physics of Complex Systems 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
Stochastic Processes 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/03 FIS/04
Theory of Fundamental Interactions 1 6 42 Italian Second semester FIS/02
- The student must also complete another 18 credits freely choosing from all the courses activated by the University, provided that they are culturally coherent with his/her educational path and cannot be superimposed, in content, to the fundamental and optional teachings already used in the Study Plan. The insertion of courses in the anthropo-psycho-pedagogical area is strongly recommended as required, based on current legislation, for access to public competitions for teaching.
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Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Seminar and workshop tutor
University and programme transfer tutor
Quality Assurance Delegate
Reference structures

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more