
Ampolla in laboratorio
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
Master programme
LM-54 - Chemistry
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
Course location
Department of Chemistry - Via Golgi, 19 - 20133 MILAN (Città Studi District)
Italian, English
International title
Double Degree
The master's degree course in Chemical Sciences falls within the European reference standards for Chemical Sciences, aiming to provide specific skills with particular attention to chemical disciplines and their applications.
The graduate's training will aim to provide:
- complete autonomy in the workplace, which allows you to hold positions of high responsibility in the implementation of projects and structures;
- the ability to apply innovative methods and techniques and to use complex equipment;
- a good command in the spectroscopic and structural characterization of chemical compounds, including materials used in cultural heritage;
- the ability to use fluently, in written and oral form, at least one European Union language other than Italian;
- the ability to adapt to the continuous evolution of chemical disciplines and to interact with culturally related professionals.

The objective is to train chemists capable of:
- develop the skills and knowledge suitable for carrying out professional activities in the field of chemical research (even as a freelancer), personally managing activities such as the application of chemical procedures and protocols, the development and characterization of new products and materials, experimentation with new technologies;
- operate in the creative, organizational and operational phases of research in the chemical and chemical-pharmaceutical fields in public and private laboratories, European and non-European, present in universities, hospitals, research centers, local and state bodies, research and development companies ;
- participate in the theoretical and practical development of new technologies in the chemical field;
- manage with responsible tasks the organization of work in public and private analysis laboratories;
- operate both in industries and public institutions, in order to manage personnel and equipment, and to respond to research/development, quality control needs within the framework of legislative regulations or production processes;
- adequately transfer research results and acquired knowledge to end users.

The master's degree in Chemical Sciences also provides an adequate cultural and experimental basis for a possible continuation of advanced training in the research doctorate*.

The degree course in Chemical Sciences of the University of Milan is among the first in Italy to have received the EuroMaster Label in September 2010. EuroMaster accreditation is assigned by a special commission designated by the European Thematic Association, which brings together European universities and chemical companies.
The EuroMaster Label qualifies the qualification provided by the master's degree in Chemical Sciences as a degree recognized by other European university institutions and gives the right of access to post-graduate chemical courses in Europe.
The reference professional profiles are the following

- Function in a work context -
This master's graduate conducts research, experiments and qualitative and quantitative analyzes on natural or synthetic substances, identifies their composition and chemical and energetic variations, identifies and applies investigation methods, formulates theories and laws based on observations; improves the synthesis of known substances and synthesizes new ones. Graduates with a master's degree in Chemical Sciences can practice the profession of chemist independently and independently
profession with registration in "Section A" of the Professional Register of Chemists (after passing the State Exam). It can carry out activities for the promotion and development of scientific and technological innovation, as well as the management and design of technologies and the exercise of functions of high responsibility in the sectors of industry, environment, healthcare, cultural heritage and public administration. .
- Skills associated with the function -
Graduates in Chemical Sciences have in-depth knowledge in chemical sciences and therefore in the sectors of synthesis and characterization of new products and new materials, health, nutrition and cosmetics. He is able to follow the synthesis and characterization of complex compounds, using innovative procedures and cutting-edge instrumentation. He knows how to evaluate the best methodology for solving analytical problems and determining structures
complex molecules, applying chromatographic, thermal, electrochemical and electrophoretic analysis techniques and the most advanced forms of spectroscopy such as magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS). He knows how to interpret and rationalize the scientific data obtained in an organic way.
- Employment opportunities -
Graduates with a master's degree in Chemical Sciences can access research bodies, public administrations, professional companies and national or international consultancy firms, companies, industries and laboratories for research, analysis, quality control and certification and work environments that require high qualification.

*Quality Assurance Manager*
- Function in a work context -
The Quality Assurance Manager is a particularly significant professional figure in the chemical-pharmaceutical industries as good manufacturing standards and good laboratory practices require the holder of an authorization to manufacture medicines to have a quality assurance system. The Quality Assurance Manager is the corporate figure called upon to coordinate the Services and Departments involved in manufacturing, to ensure that the quality assurance system is efficient, controlled and documented. He must ensure that inspections are carried out periodically and correctly to evaluate the effectiveness and applicability of the quality assurance system.
- Skills associated with the function -
This professional figure coordinates and collaborates with the infrastructures and services involved in production, from this it is clear that the skills necessary for the role are the ability to analyze and synthesize, coordinate and manage human resources, work in a group, as well as knowing how to move transversally in various business areas.
- Employment opportunities -
This professional figure finds employment opportunities in companies, chemical and chemical-pharmaceutical industries and analysis, quality control and certification laboratories and in all those working environments that require high qualification.

*Head/director of chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories*
- Function in a work context -
The Laboratory Manager/Director defines the development themes and research programs, in line with company strategies; of integrated and joint assistance in the research and production sectors. She assigns the necessary technical resources to the various projects, proposing investments in research and formulating budgets. This professional designs and synthesizes new products, mainly in the pharmaceutical sector, and deals with the certifications, storage and transport of these products. His tasks in particular are: setting up the research plan, carrying out the necessary tests and experiments, choosing methods, means and times; study of problems relating to the implementation of research projects.
- Skills associated with the function -
This graduate has high professional skills of a technical-scientific and specialist nature in the chemical and chemical-pharmaceutical fields. He knows how to carry out research projects within predefined times and costs and is able to process, interpret and evaluate the experimental results obtained. He also has design, planning, management and motivation skills for the work groups he manages. He also has the ability to analyze, summarize and manage financial resources.
- Employment opportunities -
This professional figure can access research bodies, industries and research and analysis laboratories, and work environments that require high qualification.

*Informant and scientific communicator*
- Function in a work context -
This graduate increases scientific knowledge in the subject, uses and transfers this knowledge in industry, medicine, pharmacology and other production sectors. He introduces operators in the industrial field to the characteristics and properties of his company's products. The function of the scientific informant and communicator is to propose the adoption of specific products, develop scientific information activities at interested companies
to ensure correct use.
- Skills associated with the function -
The skills necessary for the Scientific Representative in carrying out his work consist not only of scientific knowledge, but also of commercial skills. In particular, he must have excellent knowledge of chemistry, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food products and their correct use. Knowledge of technical English and IT, possession of a driving license, willingness to travel, ability to communicate and resourcefulness complete this professional profile.
- Employment opportunities -
The scientific representative works for cosmetic, pharmaceutical, food, plastic, dye, detergent, glue or environmental companies, in general for all companies in the chemical sector and/or for specialist magazines.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
As part of the study plan, students can participate in the projects of the Erasmus program activated for the Degree Programme.
In particular, under the Erasmus+ programme, students can choose from 20 associated European universities. At these locations, students can earn credits by following courses and passing the relevant exams, or through the performance of part of the experimental thesis. The acquisition of the credits is subject to the approval by the Didactic College of a specific study plan (the Learning Agreement) and the passing of exams at the foreign office.

Some courses of the Degree Programme are currently taught in English. In addition, available to students within the 12 CFU free choice, there are also the many courses of the Master in
Industrial Chemistry and other Master Degree Programmes delivered in English, in order to increase students' familiarity with the common language in the scientific world and to facilitate their mobility to European locations. In many of the Erasmus Partner Universities, in fact, Master's Degree programmes are provided exclusively in English.
Students can also participate in numerous seminar meetings with foreign teachers.

The degree program also includes integrated courses of study with the issuance of the double degree (
Attendance is mandatory for laboratory activities, and strongly recommended in all other cases.
Requirements and knowledge required for access

Candidates for the Master's degree program in Chemical Sciences must hold a Bachelor's degree in the L-27 Science and Chemical Technology class or the corresponding class according to DM 509/99, with full recognition of the required curriculum to undertake graduate studies. Graduates from other classes and those with foreign degrees, deemed eligible and demonstrating the necessary competencies for successful studies, may also apply.

Curricular requirements for admission to the Master's degree program in Chemical Sciences are those specified for graduates in the L-27 class. Specifically, the following are required:
==> At least 20 CFU (University Credits) in mathematical, computer science, and physical disciplines.
==> At least 70 CFU in scientific-disciplinary sectors within the areas characterizing the L27 class Table:
- Analytical and environmental chemical disciplines (CHIM/01 and CHIM/12)
- Physical and inorganic chemical disciplines (CHIM/02 and CHIM/03)
- Industrial and technological chemical disciplines (CHIM/04, CHIM/05, ING-IND/21, ING-IND/22, and ING-IND/25)
- Organic and biochemical chemical disciplines (CHIM/06, BIO/10, BIO/11, and BIO/12).

The possible presence of CFU in scientific-disciplinary sectors not included in the list will be evaluated by the Admission Committee.

Italian and foreign students with an academic qualification obtained in Italy must submit an application for admission online without delay by 25 August 2024, according to the methods indicated on the website where it is also possible to find all the updated information on the admission procedure.
Non-EU visa applicants must submit their application for admission by 30 April 2024.
Applicants who plan to graduate by December 31, 2024, can also submit an admission application.

Verification of Knowledge and Personal Preparation

Admission requires meeting the aforementioned curricular requirements and having adequate personal preparation, assessed by a Committee of at least three professors from the CdS, appointed by the Didactic College of Chemical Science and Technology. The examination of the adequacy of candidates' preparation is selective even if the above-mentioned curricular requirements are met.
In particular, the verification of knowledge and personal preparation will be assessed through an interview with the Admission Committee, focusing on topics related to the fundamental courses of the Bachelor's degrees in the L-27 class. A negative outcome in the interview results in the exclusion from the Master's degree program for the current year. The interview will take place in June, July, September, and December and can be conducted even before obtaining the degree, subject to the possession of the specified curricular requirements.
Graduates who successfully pass the admission interview can enroll five working days after the interview date, within the specified terms available on the
For non-EU students, who may encounter visa and/or residence permit issues, an interview will also be scheduled in May, possibly conducted remotely using a video conferencing platform. These students are strongly advised to take advantage of this opportunity to avoid potential delays in obtaining all the necessary documentation for enrollment.


Application for admission: from 22/01/2024 to 25/08/2024

Application for matriculation: from 08/04/2024 to 15/01/2025

Admissions A.Y. 2025/2026

Admission applications for Academic Year 2025/2026 are now open. Non-EU students visa applicants are required to apply for admission no later than 30 April 2025.

Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Analytical Chemistry 9 96 Italian CHIM/01
Inorganic Chemistry A 9 96 Italian CHIM/03
Mathematical Methods Applied to Chemistry 6 56 Italian MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04 MAT/05 MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
Organic Chemistry A 9 96 Italian CHIM/06
Patents and Management of Innovation 6 48 English SECS-P/07
Physical Chemistry A 9 96 Italian CHIM/02
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
(bio)nanotechnology 6 48 English FIS/03
Chemical Safety 6 48 English IUS/07
Chemometrics 6 48 English CHIM/01 SECS-S/01
Inorganic Chemistry B 9 96 Italian CHIM/03
Medicinal Chemistry 6 48 English CHIM/08
Organic Chemistry B 9 88 Italian CHIM/06
Physical Chemistry B 9 96 Italian CHIM/02
Programming C 6 56 English INF/01
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - _________________________________________________________________________________________
The articulation of the courses in the semesters is described in the section "articulation of the courses".



2 - The student must choose 2 from the following courses
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Analytical Chemistry 9 96 Italian First semester CHIM/01
Inorganic Chemistry A 9 96 Italian First semester CHIM/03
Inorganic Chemistry B 9 96 Italian Second semester CHIM/03
Organic Chemistry A 9 96 Italian First semester CHIM/06
Organic Chemistry B 9 88 Italian Second semester CHIM/06
Physical Chemistry A 9 96 Italian First semester CHIM/02
Physical Chemistry B 9 96 Italian Second semester CHIM/02
3 - Student must earn 12 CFU by selecting 2 of the following items following teachings related and integrative.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
(bio)nanotechnology 6 48 English Second semester FIS/03
Chemical Safety 6 48 English Second semester IUS/07
Chemometrics 6 48 English Second semester CHIM/01 SECS-S/01
Mathematical Methods Applied to Chemistry 6 56 Italian First semester MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04 MAT/05 MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
Medicinal Chemistry 6 48 English Second semester CHIM/08
Patents and Management of Innovation 6 48 English First semester SECS-P/07
Programming C 6 56 English Second semester INF/01
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Thesis Work and Final Dissertation 39 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Methods in Organic Synthesis 6 48 English CHIM/06
Optional activities and study plan rules
5 - The student must earn 12 credits by choosing freely between all the teachings activated, offered by the University, provided they consistency with the educational project, even if they are held in Italian.
However, it is strongly recommended to use distinctive or, as appropriate, elective or integrative courses of the Related and Integrative courses of of the Chemical Master's Degrees consistent with the educational project.
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Electroanalytical Chemistry 6 56 Italian CHIM/01
Advanced Physics Methods in Organic Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/06
Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry 6 48 English CHIM/02
Catalysis: Fundamentals and Applications for the Environment and the Economy 6 48 Italian CHIM/02
Catalytic Methodologies in Organic Synthesis 6 48 English CHIM/06
Chemistry of Natural Products 6 48 Italian CHIM/06
Crystal Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/02
Environmental Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/12
Environmental Elettrochemistry 6 48 English CHIM/02
Fundamentals of Chemical Education 6 56 Italian CHIM/03
Methods in Chemical Biology 6 48 English CHIM/06
Organometallic Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/03
Quantum Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/02
Special Synthesis Techniques in Organic Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/06
Synthesis and Applications of Inorganic Materials 6 48 Italian CHIM/03
Technology-Driven Organic Synthesis 6 48 English CHIM/06
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Bioinorganic Chemistry: Enzyme Systems and Methods of Investigation 6 48 Italian CHIM/03
Bioorganic Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/06
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds 6 48 Italian CHIM/06
Databases and Cheminformatics Fundamentals 6 48 Italian CHIM/06
Electrochemistry 6 56 Italian CHIM/02
Formulation Science and Technology 6 48 English CHIM/02
History of Chemistry and Elements of Didactics 6 56 Italian CHIM/03
Homogeneous Catalysis 6 48 English CHIM/03
Molecular Spectroscopy 6 48 Italian CHIM/02
Nanoparticles: Chemistry and Applications 6 48 Italian CHIM/06
Photochemistry 6 56 Italian CHIM/02
Photoluminescence and Magnetic Resonance: Applications in Organometallic and Inorganic Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/01
Physical Chemistry of Materials 6 48 Italian CHIM/02
Physical Chemistry of the Solid State 6 48 Italian CHIM/02
Simulation Modeling of Biomolecules 6 48 English CHIM/02
Solid State Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/03
Structural Biology and Enzymology 6 48 English BIO/10
Structural Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/03
Supramolecular Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/03
Theoretical Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/02
Optional activities and study plan rules
4 - TABLE 2
In the first and second year, the student must choose from the following table, observing the indications given in the paragraph "structure of the course", courses for a total of 36 credits so that
- at least 6 credits belong to the chemical-analytical and environmental disciplines: CHIM/01 and CHIM/12
- at least 6 credits belong to the chemical-organic disciplines: CHIM/06
- at least 12 credits belong to the chemical-inorganic and chemical-physical disciplines: CHIM/03 and CHIM/02
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Electroanalytical Chemistry 6 56 Italian First semester CHIM/01
Advanced Methods in Organic Synthesis 6 48 English First semester CHIM/06
Advanced Physics Methods in Organic Chemistry 6 48 Italian First semester CHIM/06
Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry 6 48 English First semester CHIM/02
Bioinorganic Chemistry: Enzyme Systems and Methods of Investigation 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/03
Bioorganic Chemistry 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/06
Catalysis: Fundamentals and Applications for the Environment and the Economy 6 48 Italian First semester CHIM/02
Catalytic Methodologies in Organic Synthesis 6 48 English First semester CHIM/06
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/06
Chemistry of Natural Products 6 48 Italian First semester CHIM/06
Crystal Chemistry 6 48 Italian First semester CHIM/02
Databases and Cheminformatics Fundamentals 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/06
Electrochemistry 6 56 Italian Second semester CHIM/02
Environmental Chemistry 6 48 Italian First semester CHIM/12
Environmental Elettrochemistry 6 48 English First semester CHIM/02
Formulation Science and Technology 6 48 English Second semester CHIM/02
Fundamentals of Chemical Education 6 56 Italian First semester CHIM/03
History of Chemistry and Elements of Didactics 6 56 Italian Second semester CHIM/03
Homogeneous Catalysis 6 48 English Second semester CHIM/03
Methods in Chemical Biology 6 48 English First semester CHIM/06
Molecular Spectroscopy 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/02
Nanoparticles: Chemistry and Applications 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/06
Organometallic Chemistry 6 48 Italian First semester CHIM/03
Photochemistry 6 56 Italian Second semester CHIM/02
Photoluminescence and Magnetic Resonance: Applications in Organometallic and Inorganic Chemistry 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/01
Physical Chemistry of Materials 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/02
Physical Chemistry of the Solid State 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/02
Quantum Chemistry 6 48 Italian First semester CHIM/02
Simulation Modeling of Biomolecules 6 48 English Second semester CHIM/02
Solid State Chemistry 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/03
Special Synthesis Techniques in Organic Chemistry 6 48 Italian First semester CHIM/06
Structural Biology and Enzymology 6 48 English Second semester BIO/10
Structural Chemistry 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/03
Supramolecular Chemistry 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/03
Synthesis and Applications of Inorganic Materials 6 48 Italian First semester CHIM/03
Technology-Driven Organic Synthesis 6 48 English First semester CHIM/06
Theoretical Chemistry 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/02
7 -  


- Gli studenti che provengono dalle Lauree Triennali in Chimica Applicata ed Ambientale delle classi 21 e L-27 possono scegliere come insegnamenti Caratterizzanti sia da 6 che 9 CFU anche insegnamenti attivati per la Laurea Magistrale in Industrial Chemistry, sempre previa approvazione della Commissione Piani di studio.
Learn more
Department of Chemistry - Via Golgi, 19 - 20133 MILAN (Città Studi District)
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Study plan tutor
Internship tutor
Dissertation tutor
University and programme transfer tutor
Master's degree admission tutor
Credit recognition tutor
Quality Assurance Delegate
Reference structures

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more